Christian Masquerade
[Eternal Devils]

Normally, Polish black metal (to me at least) is quite successful at producing excellent/well-meaning music. Alas, I have been proven wrong by Kohort (sob), and have heard my first Polish band that I don't quite enjoy (weep). Kohort are a member of the Polish Nazi black metal mafia (or something like that) along with other members such as Graveland, Veles, Pernuwit, and up until a while ago Infernum (Infernum are no longer supported by the Polish scene for some interesting reasons...Darken has made that clear in letters). To my dismay, unlike the before mentioned bands, Kohort are less successful at their music than they are at spewing forth their political image (i.e.. as soon as a person opens the CD case they are shown a lovely photo of a star of David crossed out) and because of that get a BIG thumbs down from me (why can't they mix both like such killer bands as Graveland or Veles?). The music here is quite old-style in nature...no this band has nothing to do with the neo-thrash movement, rather they produce some very Bathory U.T.S.o.t.B.M era black metal. Vocals, guitars (minus solos and other technical parts) and drums are all fairly similar. Unlike Bathory though, Kohort are VERY non-technical...that is they rank right up there with such bands as Ildjarn and mid-era Darkthrone in relation to having trouble playing their instruments. Unlike Ildjarn and Darkthrone though, I don't think these guys are playing badly on purpose...it seem that they just don't know how to play their instruments. Most of the songs sound much the same also, the same never changing rasped vocals, the exact same repetitive one beat fast drumming, and the never ending boring high pitched bar chord riffs are churned out over and over and over...you get the idea. What more should be said...black metal packaging ala Darkthrone, linear notes pay tribute to Graveland, the skinhead's who own Eternal Devils and various other white power groups....other than that this CD is nothing more than 35 (another negative aspect) minutes of utter boredom. Oh, and listen to track two "Angel Without Wings" and then listen to Nifelheim's "The Devastation"...the main riffs are EXACTLY the same. Bah :(

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