At The Heart Of Winter

To start things off, this album is about as good as the last ('Blizzard Beasts') and that is not a bad thing as I actually enjoyed that CD. I've heard many a negative word about 'Blizzard Beasts' but I feel that all the slagging is undeserved. Guess it was the heavy Morbid Angel influence that peeved the masses. First off there isn't any of that Morbid Angel influence on this disc. It is a very riffy CD. Totally and flawlessly Immortal to a 'T'. Lyrics are still winter based (Eternel winter anyone?) and lots of speed guitar along battle drums. The riffs have a triumphant 'metal' feel to 'em and totally upfront. The guitar being so upfront is probably the album's most noticeable aspect. Newest member Horgh is a mighty man behind the kit and does well in adding to the force of Abbath's guitar attack. The best track is probably the title track with it's untypical riff (at least for Immortal). A solid offering with it's only negative being the crappy cover art.

© 1999 malphas