
This is an aussie trio delivering some rather odd sounding non melodic black/ death type thing, with some strong gothic metal like influences. But still it isn't melodic despite the gothic influences, which is rather fascinating since that is the direction most black and death metal bands undertake when when venturing into gothic territory, but here one does not find that. The album is at times splendid at other times utterly dull, but still even at the time where it is most dull, it has a dark atmosphere, an omnipresent atmosphere throughout the entire disc, that functions rather well. This allows this album to function, even though it at times does find itself in the boring end. The album seems a bit split, as the first couple of songs are mostly more straight black/death type things, where the last couple of songs are more experimental, and although experimental music isn't much to my preference, it does work extraordinarily well for Netherworld. These last few tracks presents the highlight of the album for me, really dark and misanthropic, like in a dream or a nightmare, these tracks can function as a musical form of insanity lurking under a calm surface. As a summery, as a whole the album might be substandard, but a few tracks raises themselves so high above that, it is still to be considered a worthwhile album in my book...

© 1999 sharund