Converging Conspiracies
[Century Media]

Whatever you may think of Century Media, they do have a few shining moments. One such moment (well, actually 3 moments - 3 albums) is Comecon. Their original brand of death metal was and continues to be a breath of fresh air amongst cookie cutter bands. Finding their base in old school Swedish death metal, Comecon create riffs and hooks that defy anyone to call them clones, incorporating anything they wish - which may initially seem wacky, but if you've listened to Comecon, it fits. Martin Van Drunen (Pestilence, duh) provides vocals on this second release for their kooky lyrics (happy ever after in Deutschneyland!!) that run the gamut of silly to political to farms (see third release). Playing by everyone is precise and compositions are inspirational. Production is killer thanks to Tommy Skogsberg. Rock on Comecon.

© 2000 j. mcintyre