Journey's End

If nothing else, credit given where credit is due, and for originality Primordial is credit due. Now originality can be a dengerous path to tread, for it might lead you into places that had better be left alone, but Primordial albeit doubtfully at their journey's end, still are fairly unscathed by their wanderings, and one can be thankful for them wishing to travel this path, as the result has been quite interesting. There aren't many things I'd consider complaining about with this album but ok, "Dark Song" an acustic peice with some percussion work and some clear vocals it is ok, and does quite fit in the album as a whole, but with "Solitary Mourner" added to it, which is the absolute low point of this otherwise brilliant album, a 2.50 long peice of ambient keyboards (not in the sense of ambient the "music" but rather but rather in the sense of background sound) and spoken vocals, it just becomes to much, this one track is what detracts from the brilliance of it all. I would say had they ommitted this track, or replaced it by a different track more in line with the other songs, this would have been dangerously close to perfection.

© 2000 sharund