De Totem

This is a cd that hasn't left my cd player very much since I got it earlier this year. The other cd I have of LUGUBRUM (called "Winterstones") is BORING "Norsecore"! But this album is KILLER!!! The music, production, and guitar sound is very identical to "Under A Funeral Moon". But LUGUBRUM has one very original aspect that appears in a few songs: they use a banjo! Sounds strange on the first listen, but it grows on you after that. There's a few riffs I didn't like, but most of the music is outstanding!! The vocals sound like a mixture between Nocturno Culto, Storm (MASTER'S HAMMER), and Count Grishnackh. A fucking great release recommended for raw black metal freaks (like myself). But it seems quite hard to find these days, most likely because Berzerker Records went under...

© 2001 bathym