The Honor Of My Blood/Autumnal Depression
[Glory To Hatred]

G.T.H has thus far impressed me with every release they have produced, the first being the Eisenwinter "Reichswinter" demo MC. Ohtar includes a member from Fullmoon, and their material is not unlike the U.A.E demo that we heard back in the mid nintees; flat, but extremely interesting and technically gifted guitar lines played over simple, but again, well executed drumming. Necro is a gifted drummer, and it is certainly nice to hear some of the NS bands using organic percussion, as opposed to the dour and lifeless galloping of the machine. The three songs are all quite long, and each is unique in it's own right. Ohtar, like Kataxu, is very much so a linear band, based on unrepetative (linear) progressions of music. Consequently, the music stays interesting even after several listens. Great ep.

Moontower is also from Poland, and somewhat akin to Ohtar in all honesty. Both have organic drums, which makes the split all the more enjoyable. Furthermore, the vocals of Belial Wolf SS are absolutely incredible. The whole album is dark and labyrinthian. The tracks here are later found on their A.M.T demo MC released sometime later.

Definitely give this MC a shot.

© 2002 orodruin