War 88
White Aryan Resistance
Style: Heavily distorted black metal with elements of grindcore. NSBM.
I'm going to explain my thoughts on National Socialism here as this is the most obviously NS band I have reviewed, or will review. While reading please remember that metal is partially about open-mindedness.
Those who don't care can skip down to the review.
National Socialism (or Nazism) in the simplest terms, is a completely irrelevant and out-of-date ideology. It never really was a good idea in the first place, and I don't think it has much to do with black metal. Black metal is about misanthrope, or, the total hatred and distrust of all of mankind, not just "non-Aryan" people. The whole concept of a completely "Aryan" person is now extinct as well. Nazism seems far too Christian to me. It was started by a very intelligent, influential, and manipulative group of people who wanted to get a large group of stupid people to do what they wanted. Sound familiar? NS bands/people also like to pretend that Nazism is misunderstood, which is a complete fallacy. Nazism is very will understood. Anyone who remembers World War II knows that Nazism is not misunderstood. Nazism is also far too trendy within black metal nowadays. As far as the underground black metal scene goes, saying you are against Nazism is a lot more radical then being for it. Don't get the wrong idea; I am against Political Correctness as much as I am Nazism. The fact that Hendrik Moebus was arrested simply for being a Neo-Nazi is tantamount to Thought Crime, and I can not agree with that. I will also shamelessly laugh at/make a racist joke. I also dislike the fact that simply using words like "kike" or "nigger" can seriously upset people, when the words themselves are completely neutral.
But enough about that, on with the review:
Poland's War 88 started out as Lord of Evil (I guess that wasn't NS enough) and this limited/hand-numbered cassette is their first release under their new moniker. This is fucking awesome in any metalhead's standards. Sick and indecipherable black metal vocals, distorted to hell guitars, and wicked fast-paced drumming. Most songs are short, groovy, and absolutely killer. I was really impressed by this band, and I will probably buy anything they put out after hearing this. Get a copy of this as soon as you can, thrash around your house, and bash your head against the wall.
So what if there are two NS symbols on the front (one being a swastika)? Who gives a shit if the album is called "White Aryan Resistance"? This is one of the best black metal releases in a while.
Grade: B+
© 2001 raagoonshinnaah