It took about 3 seconds to confirm everything I had heard (and that you
probably have as well) about Otyg - this is complete and total Storm worship.
And I don't mean this sounds a *little* like Storm - we're talking the whole
nine yards - save for the inclusion of violin, mouth harp, and some sort of
flute like device (no skin jokes please), this is about as close to Storm as
anyone could get (any closer and you would just have to assume it was Satyr
and Fenriz adopting new handles to mask themselves). Reviewing this is
almost pointless : if you liked Storm, you'll like this, if you hated Storm,
you will hate this (and if you haven't heard Storm, you should have your
bowels prodded with a nine iron). Now that I've gone on about how
completely similar this is, I'll point out the very minimal differences : the
guitar sound is cleaned up quite a bit, but not to the point where it becomes
flaccid...female vocals are quite minimal (I can only recall 2 songs in which
I even noticed their presence), and the violins are sometimes on par with the
guitars in overall volume, making for a more atmospheric, but less intense
listening experience than the classic Nordavind CD (of course, the mouth
harp & flute also changed the atmosphere a bit, but not as much as the
violin)...and lastly, the overall production is quite a bit cleaner, but much
like the guitar sound, not to the point where it robs the music of it's
And that about wraps everything up - recommended for Storm fans...period. I
will say this though : almost everyone I have spoken to has said this was
superior to Storm - I don't know if this was based on anti-Satyr feelings, or
a genuine enthusiasm for this release, but *I* personally feel that the Storm
CD is a superior product - this CD IS more atmospheric, but personally, the
dirtier, more energetic Storm sound strikes more of a chord with myself...but
then again, to each their own...
© 1998 chorazaim