Killing Technology

The bite of 'RRROOOAAARRR' was harsher and on first impression, 'Killing Technology' may have lead the listener to believe Voivod were losing it but this is hardly the case. When this album came out, I didn't immediately take to it but it grew on me. It wasn't as easily accessible to the close minded hardcore metalhead which I was. Not as pounding as it's predecessor but it still had much of it's speed aspect intact. More thought also went into it's lyrical content and the rhythms became more complex. Voivod were always evolving and this was the first really noticeable sign of it. They were more than just bash and went on to prove it. From here on in, listening to Voivod needed a keener ear and broader mind but all that was for the better. Man, us metalheads really didn't know how good we had back then with the days of Venom, early Metallica, Hellhammer/Celtic Frost and Voivod.

© 1999 malphas