Under the Sign of Hell

1.Revelation of Doom
3.Funeral Possession
4.Projectens Apenbaring
6.Odeleggelse og Undergang
7.Blood Stains the Circle
8.The Rite of Infernal Invocation
9.The Devil is Calling

Total Time: 32min

Comments :
It is their third album. It simply kills. If is so intense, the vocals are very high, abrasive, and shouted with vehemence and hate, while the drumming attacks the listener with its infernal rhythms which reminds me the march of a funeral army, all of it accompanied by morbid and blood freezing melodies.

To be a bit more precise, I could describe this album easily : it IS black metal, in the old vein, somewhat influenced by Darkthrone and MayheM : very fast, cold, with a raw production.

Even if it very intense, "Under The Sign of Hell" is too short, only 30min, but fortunately all the songs are good (if not great), especially "The Rite of Infernal Invocation" and "Funeral Procession" - a very morbid song - on which we can hear some monks chants. The fourth hymn is more "viking", because it has some folkish vocals on it.

Conclusion :
It is one of my favourite albums, even if pretty short. That's exactly the kind of BM I want : brutal & fast, cold, hateful and at the same time melodic and blood freezing.

Rating / 5 : 4+1/2

© 1999 cythrawl