Fu Manchu
Return To Earth 91-93
My least favourite by this California band of stoner rockers who seem
to probably have always had early Black Sabbath on the brain... Every
song has either great, good, or decent riffs...nothing so horrible you
have to skip tracks, however, for some reason I just can't get into
this as much as "Eatin' Dust" "The Action is Go" or "daredevil". Scott
Hill's singing is that clean, monotone-type deal, like if Ozzy grew up
on the west coast, man.
This 1997 release is a collection of songs from early EP's, with
tracks 1,2,4,6,7 & 8 being remixed. I've been arguing with ChorazaiM
that Fu Manchu used to be called Virulence, or had members from that
defunct band. To me, for the first song or two have that trademark
Virulence guitar tone, so can anyone clear this up?? (Maybe I should
stop being lazy and check their record companies' web sites, lol).
Not a bad release, but kind of goes nowhere. I understand now why some
folks don't like them. They sound lazy, really really lazy no good long
haired bums!
1. Don't Bother Knockin' (If This Van's Rockin')
2. Senioritis
3. Pick-Up Summer
4. El Don
5. Ojo Rojo
6. Simco
7. Space Sucker
8. Pinbuster
9. Vankhana (Rollin' Rooms)
© 1999 mlotek