To Elishia
When I heard their first CD, I referred to them as Ophtha-lame-o and it was a
fitting name cause it was fucking dull. I gotta say though that the demo
versions (with various lineups) that appear on this disc are so much more
powerful and actually entertaining. Production or lack of it can make or
break a band. A rawer style definitely suits the songs. The Zamfir whistle
action is pretty sad though, should have lost that aspect. Also It seems to
have some fondness for Tony Iommi as there are similarities in the
preference of riffage used. Totally doomy but there is a black edge. Tries
to be grandiose at time, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Cool
nudie shots of a chick drenched in blood adorn the CD and case.
© 1999 malphas