This End Up
[Unsung Heroes]

What a chuckle I had seeing the cover art for this, a ripoff of the debut from Possessed 'Seven Churches'! Then the first song "Bloody Leg" convinced me Rampage were cool and sincere, reminding the underground of our roots. The guitars rip off your face (Face/Off was a great flick by the way, wasn't it?), and slice off yer tits and rub them into the cement. Ballsy distorted bass. Cool demo quality, sharp plugged into mixing board sound.

Old school inspired death/thrash/metal. I detect influences of early DEATH, SLAUGHTER, POSSSESSED, EXODUS, THE MENTORS, PILEDRIVER, and yes, even HELLWITCH from their demo days, maybe due to some of the heavy yet silly lyrics.

Good headbanging metal aplenty here on This End Up, if you don't buy Cummin Atcha LIVE, you have to get this (I seriously recommend both). Not one bad song, Lord Vic's vocals are usually deathy, but on track 7 "The Spectre" he reminds me old tough guy vocals by Paul Baloff (Exodus). Well, if I had to pick a "bad" track here...the Elvis cover while funny the first time, is something that should have been put on at the end, so I could turn off the CD, and not have to get up and skip to the cool rendition of one of the best Nasty Savage demo tracks "Witches Sabbath". I totally forgot about this gem, and Rampage do it faithfully to my recollection, wish I still had that tape! Fave tracks are: Bloody Leg, Satanic Death, Rampage, The Gates of the Abyss, and Witches Sabbath.

The tracks are:
Bloody Leg
Born In Hell
Ticket To Hell
Satanic Death
Heaven's Gate
The Spectre
The Gates Of The Abyss
Six Bells At Midnight
Eye Of The Hellstorm (good cover of defunct Atlanta band Disjecta Membra)

Secret Bonus tracks:
Jailhouse Rock'98 (The Emperor Mix) (orig.Elvis Presley)
Witches Sabbath (orig.Nasty Savage) (The vocals sound REALLY close to Nasty Ronnie's, plus near the end, it turns into 'XXX' for a bit!)

PS. I learned that in the future the secret tracks on Rampage releases will change.

This 1998 CD is 56 minutes long, you get your money's worth.

© 1999 mlotek