…From the Pagan Vastlands
[Nazgul's Eyrie]

I sold this and the earlier demo that they released on Pagan Records last year when I was trying to drum up some cash. The CD version was later offered to me at a good price, and since I remembered liking the demo, I picked it up. Everything is exactly the same here, from the band photos to the credits. If I'm not mistaken though, The Wild Rags version of the CD had different packaging/photos all together.

You really can't go wrong with old Behemoth. Everything up until 'Grom' is innovative, especially this release and the masterpiece of hateful metal "And the forests dream eternally". I'm not sure what happened to the band, but I assume they realized that some money could be made off of their talent, and as such moved in that direction.

Badly produced (yet fitting) keyboards, great guitar riffs, and the once impressive vocals of Nergal. At the very least this is an important reference in the history of modern black metal. How many bands were trying to be/sound 'pagan' and using acoustic guitars back then? Fans of early Graveland and the first Immortal LP will appreciate this no doubt - so give it a try.

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