Arch Enemy
Burning Bridges
[Century Media]

After the generic, "so-so" Stigmata, this album could come as quite a surprise for those who are new to the sound of the Ammott bros. and company.

The band has upped the melody (actually a good thing in this album's case), Johan Livva has perfected a new, more frantic, vocal attack, and the songs no longer move at a snail's pace. Quite the opposite actually.

Some could accuse this album of being too catchy, or accuse the Ammotts of showing off, but to the more open minded listener, this album is truly excellent.

Standout tracks: The Immortal, Silverwing, Angelclaw (the band goes a tad black metal on this track)

Grade for those too lazy or illiterate to read the review: A-

© 2000 raagoonshinnaah