Morbid Angel

I first encountered this band shortly after the release of this album, although I had been hearing about them for a long time and pretty much always in a rather positive way, but somehow when finally hearing them with this album I don't know what happened... At first it just didn't click, after hearing so much about their skill and their ingenious music, and well my first impression of this was that it was talentless garbage, and I could not really understand how anyone who supposedly was so good musicians, could make such a messy piece of shit, but yet there was something there, something made me listen more thoroughly to this album. Was it me looking for an explanation for their reputation? Or if there was something in the music that drew me? But listen again I did, and again and again! The result being that I now find Morbid Angel to be everything that was me promised, and more. I personally hold this album to be their best work, as it is quite simply their most aggressive and most pissed off work, but also their least accessible one, due to the quite disturbing sound, which at first seems quite chaotic and messy, but actually is so extremely angry, so insanely sick and perverse, that the degenerate impurity surrounds you with that special appeal that lies in imperfection, in the foul and ugly, that which is so horrid and repulsive that you can't turn away... You just have to keep staring to see that special monstrous sickening beauty that lies hidden there, this album is for the few that can actually appreciate such a thing.

© 2000 sharund