The Advent

Bizarre (to say the least) black metal from the Czech Republic, recorded in 1992, and sounding, well, very Czech - "The Advent" is quite the decent album actually. There's the Root and early Greek comparisons (especially Necromantia and Varathron), but the production on this CD is so very much above anything else from '92, in this style that is. Even with the undeniable (and probably unintentional) tongue in cheek feel of the CD, this will please all...

Vocals almost immediately reminded me of Varathron, and of course a person can't go wrong with vocals from the abyss such as this. But it's the music that catches one's ear - the gloomy ambience of "The Advent" NICELY sets up for the faster and more melodic "Squir Akys". With technical solos leaving tons of room for atmosphere (ala Necromantia), catchy riff assaults coming from all sides, and the band as a whole displaying their proficiency for blending as a group, "The Advent" is an album that needs to be tracked down! Especially with one track ("Attack of Black Bears") describing black bears taking part in a raging battle with "Dai" (how's that for originality?).

The CD itself consists of 15 songs, as well as two bonus "crazy songs". These "crazy songs" are titled in a fitting way - musically it's still Dai, but with a drunk wino screaming over them in Czech (yes, really! there's even pictures of the wino). Clearly I have no idea what he's saying, or why the band decided to add them, but it's hilarious nevertheless.

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