Kronet Til Konge

Many people say that this is a some kind of a cult recording, but not for me, I think this sucks. Guitars are 95% Darkthrone but because of the sounds and all other stuff they are not even near as effective and cant create same kind of atmosphere that Darkthrone can. Vocals are done by Aldrahn and I just hate them on this album, they doesn't fit this music, but at least it is original sounding. Drums are also the usual low and mid-paced stuff. I don't know what exactly makes this sucky as it is so Darkthrone sounding, songs are maybe a bit more varied, but for me this is just so damn boring.. I can listen four first songs but that's it. Production isn't in perfect balance, sometimes it sounds that drums are too loud, sometimes guitars blur the drums, sometimes vocals blur everything else.. could have sharper and cleaner sound, I believe that in this it might work.

Overall very boring and after a while Aldrahn's vocals started to get on my nerves. Score 5 out of 10.

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