Ishtar is these "heard before" type of bands, sounding something like what Dimmu Burger was in "Stormblåst" era. Simple and easy-to-listen melodies basically played with synth and backed up with guitar and bass, so no guitar leads or anything. There are few very cool and catchy melodies, but not enough to keep the interest up, this comes boring after few songs. Drums vary enough, but there's too much slow-paced parts, and the faster parts are only of same speed as on Gorgoroth's "Pentagram" (musically no other comparisons!!!). Sounds are ok, little bit blurry maybe and bassdrum is a bit too loud.
One thing I have to point out is the "main" dudes look and name. He looks *exactly* like Abbath (Immortal) and his artist name is something like (don't remember fully) Ahldrathan.. reminds of Aldrahn? (dödheimsgard, when it still was dödheimsgard). That sucks big time. I mean the dude. (..and new-techno-dödheimsgard also).
Overall 3½ out of 10.
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