Occupational Hazard

Unsane are not what you would call an overly progressing band. However, during the past decade or so that they've been going about their dirty, sinful business, they became really good at what they do. And relocating from New York to San Francisco didn't decrease their prowess and energy one bit.

Unsane's Relapse debut shows the band at the height of their powers. Again, there aren't any fundamental differences in their style of harmonic bashing compared to their previous work. It's more like the guys firmly keep perfecting their skills, becoming one of the finest guitar-noise bands around.

Following the footsteps of their previous album "Scattered, Smothered & Covered," the band continue to refine their sound, which became so much tighter, heavier and, should I say, fuller and more engrossing compared to their early works, but without giving up its abrasive distortion. I guess all the touring alongside Neurosis has really paid off as Unsane began to sound like a street smart, bastard son of Helmet and Today Is The Day.

The quality of the material is as good as before, although I'd say that "Smothered, Scattered & Covered" was more song-oriented. Needless to say, "Occupational Hazard" is mandatory for all Unsane fans. If you are not a fan, I will once again recommend this band to people who can appreciate various kinds of heavy music.

© 2000 boris