Festering Sore
Chlorine for the Gene Pool
[Unsung Heroes]
When I read the note attached to my order 'Here's the new FS disc - 73 minutes of deathcore insanity! Enjoy!', caution set in. The first few spins nothing really impressed me except for the re-recorded songs off the split cd with Rampage.
A week goes by and in the mood for oldschool death metal...this is actually pretty fuckin' good. A solid release in the vein of Slaughter (Bloody Karnage/ Surrender or Die period) mixed with maybe D.O.G. (Death of Gods, another defunct Toronto band. Expect an album out soon on Goat Perversion Records).
Back in the day longahairs would get fucked up on everything from acid to beer to hash and weed, and with music also. If it was loud, abrasive and fast it didn't matter if it was Discharge, Slayer, GBH, Dayglo Abortions, Death or DRI they would be cranking in their smoke filled apartments and basements. Festering Sore have never lost that feeling of blurring borders. Satanic Death/doom/gore metal with a punky/ hardcore attitude.
Humourous too in the Slaughter vein. Check out "Barking Dogs". I couldn't stop laughing and thinking 'holy fuck! what's this supposed to be?!'
Released also for the holiday seasons with some song titles like "Satanic Priest" "The Entity" "Silent Night, Deadly Night" "Fuck a Dead Body" "Evil Dead" and two cool cover songs, VENOM's "Don't Burn the Witch" (played in a slightly stoner metal groove) and a really, really well done job of GORTICIAN's "Orgy With he Dead". Yep, it was worth my seven bucks.
© 2000 mlotek