The Senectous Entrance

This is really brilliant! seriously! I mean it! Please believe me! Ahhh crap guess even you idiots can't be fooled with this. I don't know, generic go nowhere boring riffs, blastbeating happily away, with some utterly silly sounding vocals. Fretboard goes up, fretboard goes down, la la la la real interesting music this here, bleh. Ohhh this is song number two playing... sounds just like song number one, or was song number one an intro or something? I've forgotten already, don't know don't care. This is really utterly boredom as it's best, and I just sit here listening to it how's that for boredom! Ohhhh mid range vocals, and an acustic guitar followed by an average old german thrash type solo, a highlight woohoo, yeah rock on beavis! Uhmmmm a new song... Sounds just like the one I just had, wait gotta check if I set it to repeat a single song, hmmm nope, this is actually a new song amazing. ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....... Huh? What? No I wasn't sleeping, hey fancy, a slow part with acustic guitar and a solo again, wow just like in the other song, just no midrange vocals this time, bleh, will this song never end? Ahhh there it does... WHAT THE FUCKING HELL??? This actually sounds good no, no, you moron, not the silence between the songs, although that wasn't half bad. This little intro peice they made for this song, it's heavy dark and sinister sounding, and some very fucked up clean like vocals, decent... Ahhhh no there they went and ruined it with those silly vocals, and then they also stop playing the riff, ohhh well, hmmmmm, again it just sounds like the other songs, ohhh well, just rest my eyes for a bit, I'll write on just in a secZZZZzZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...............................................Snort, urgh, bleh ,huh? What happened? Who stopped the CD? Ahhh screw it...

© 2000 sharund