Officium Triste
Ne Vivam
[Teutonic Excistance]
Invoking a very Winteresque feel, the band not the season, these Dutch blokes makes a fairly interesting offering of doom, but nothing quite groundbreaking or even of the stature that Winter has, for this album has been hit by what plagues many a doom album, namely the gothic disease, which makes what otherwise had a potential for being a deeply disturbing peice of dark suicidal depression, merely a to times generic sombre peice of whining, which even at times gets to be almost happy and positive sounding, which is somewhat unbecoming for doom. And while this album does have many shortcomings I shall not go as far as saying it's a peice of crap, but rather that they are far to soft for their own good, the album however remains audiable to some extent, and yes even as I stated to begin with fairly interesting. It is surely not an album to bring forth much emotion, but more the sort of album that often gets demoted to background music while doing other things, but then it does actually work decently as
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