
Somber came together in '96. Playing melodic atmospheric metal, the guitars are very good, mid-paced, overall death metal vocals throughout-I hate the melodic vocal parts, I believe Somber should leave the melodic vocal parts behind them and focus more on solos for their talented guitarists--Kevin Kitchel and Chad McMeeken.

"Love Song Gone Wrong", I don't know if anyone else thinks this but I personally think songs where guys whine about Love lost is completely annoying. Yeah, I understand your trying to mend your broken heart and all, but fuck right there should be the clue as to "Why?" (which is repeated numerous times at the end of the song) she left your ass in the dust. "Broken Dreams" the lyrics are once again expressing the lose of some love. I can only hope that your heart mends soon before you bore me to death with more of Love shit-Love fuckin sucks! The only certain in life is taxes and death, be happy in the fact that you did love once. "The Autumn of My Life" has nice layered vocals throughout-giving the song lots of texture. By far my favorite track on Somber's self-titled release.

Somber Site @:
Contact Somber @: Somber, P.O. Box 27263, Lansing, MI 48909-7263

© 2001 skullcrusher