Transilvanian Hunger

This album really needs no introduction - its RAW, PRIMITIVE, GRIM, & MORBID BLACK FUCKING METAL at a blinding speed, uncompromising, and absolutely essential! Peaceville has recently re-issued the 'vinyl' version of TH which makes it even more CULT! "Darkthrone Is For All The Evil In Man"! buy or D..... I..... E......!!!!!!

-Track List-
1. Transilvanian Hunger
2. Over Fjell Og Gjennom Torner
3. Skald Au Satans Sol
4. Slottet I Det Fjerne
5. Graven Takenheimens Saler
6. I En Hall Med Flesk Og Mjod
7. As Flittermice As Satans Spys
8. En As I Dype Skogen

© 2002 bloodstorm