The Graven Sign

This is the first full-length from Urgrund, an Australian band playing old-school Black Metal.

Most of the songs on "The Graven Sign" are mid-paced. The guitars are well played, mostly thrashing with a few solos. The drums are equally good, especially the use of cymbals which creates a very triumphant mood. Vocals are snarled, though they're quite understandable. This is a strong point of the album, especially when paired with the excellent lyrics. The songwriting in general is great - each song is unique and memorable, and nothing sounds overdone or cliche. This is the rare kind of album that you can listen to again and again.

This is a top-notch album, easily one of the best I've heard in the last few years. The lyrics are metal genius, and the music is pure old-school Australian madness. Any fan of Destroyer 666 or Gospel of the Horns should get this immediately.

Standout tracks: "Scourge (of God)", "War Elite", "Oskereien/Wildes Hunt"

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