Dark Funeral
The Secrets Of The Black Arts
[No Fashion]

Here’s another over-rated band who just seem to be another “play as fast as you can” band. As odd as it seems, DARK FUNERAL is one of the better bands in this style. I suppose MARDUK can be a comparison at times, although DF do manage to maintain their “own” sound due to some semi-melodic styled riffs. But the whole album gets horribly boring after about 2-3 songs. However, my biggest complaint about this album (other than the crystal-clear production) is the vocals. It makes no sense why some say Themgoroth is so good, as his vocals are monotone and it sounds like he’s BADLY struggling to put any power into his voice. Let me put it this way, I can sing more powerful than this with a terrible sore throat!! If they would’ve had Caligula on this release it would’ve been better tenfold. The album’s best track is the cover of VON’s classic “Satanic Blood”, which luckily Blackmoon takes over the vocals for this track (if Themgoroth would’ve sang on this song I might’ve broken the cd in half!!). Nothing else to say!!!

© 2003 bathym