A Hymn To The Ancient Souls/Umr At Tawil
No need to be long concerning this CD : the mexican band NASAV presents in my sense no interest at all,
sorry guys if you read this review but I have to admit I really can't stand the kind of Black Metal you play, it
is so common and the voice is quite ridiculous, it's like some early stuff from HECATE ENTHRONED !
So I will comment only the HIRILORN part. I have to admit this is one of my favourite French bands,
even if it is now defunct (R.I.P.). The HIRILORN songs are their 1997 demo "A hymn to the
ancient souls" ; they present some epic Black Metal with complex riffs (with a heavy metal touch ?),
exactly as on their "Legends..." CD. The music is epic, melancholic, powerful and sorrowful and the lyrics
are just incredible. The 3rd track could be the only reason for you to buy that CD, it is titled "The haunted castle of
rising solitude", and it has so good lyrics and is so powerful that I have only one regret : the band is
now dead and they will never again record such songs in the future !! I know the 2 remaining members, Shaxul and
Hasjarl, are now playing in DEATHSPELL OMEGA, but this new band is in my sense less interesting
that the great HIRILORN, certainly because the lead guitarist, Sinn, is not a member of this band...
So one more time, I will end my review by Shaxul's words :
"This CD is the very last HIRILORN record. Indeed the band is dead now, because Sinn and
Yohann [lead guit. and drummer - ed.] betrayed and humiliated HIRILORN by taking part on a
hardcore recording. But of course, Shaxul and Hasjarl continue their quest for the ultimate darkness
with a raw black metal band whose name is kept secret for the moment [DEATHSPELL OMEGA - ed.].
We fight against open-minded and tolerant people, we play Metal in the name of Satan, none shall
betray us, We say : Be metal or be dead, Humiliate, Mutilate, Exterminate !"
ratings :
HIRILORN part 9 / 10
NASAV : 2 / 10
© 2003 lord pesten