Apparitia - Sumptuous Spectre
[Full Moon]
Celestia have always struck me as being Black-Legions alternates, since they are
from the same scene, since Noktu released some of the more famous FBL discs, and
since the style of Celestia, while quite different from older Mutiilation or
Vlad Tepes, manages to contain some of the same melodic ideas and similar
atmosphere. After years of demo tapes and vinyl/mCD releases they've finally
put together a full-length CD, and it was well worth the wait. "Apparitia -
Sumptuous Spectre" is more coherent than some of their earlier releases, a bit
more technical, cleaner and not so raw, but still very much in the same style of
ethereal black metal. Fureiss's guitar work is noteworthy as always, and
Noktu's vocals are as great as ever, but the new drummer really adds a level of
polish that benefits this music well. Definitely recommended for fans of the
French style of black metal.
© 2003 lord vic