Cum In The Mouth Of God
[Nuclear Death]

Lately, Joel has been getting lots of attention for his 'day job', Toxic Holocaust, with their recent 7" release, the "Critical Mass" CDR demo, and their upcoming Witches Brew album "Evil Never Dies". However, 'back in the day' (that is, a year or two ago...), Joel also kept the hellfires brewing with his black metal project HellVomit. Under the Hellvomit monicker he released the "Jesus Can FUCK OFF!!!" album, a split with Enbilulugugal, and then their gravestone, this demo - "Cum in the Mouth of God".

As with HellVomit's earlier releases, shades of Hellhammer, Beherit, and other disgusting noise-type black metal mix with some grindcoreish extremity, and this demo is no different. One thirteen-minute song comprises the entire demo's running time, and it's a trip through superfast hell, droning slowness, and vocals that will peel paint off your walls. It's vile, hideous, and perfectly black metal - a shame he called the project quits. Good luck getting this demo, as it was limited to 66 copies, but I'm sure the trading circuit can help you out with at least a dub...

© 2003 lord vic