Half a mind

We live in a world that preaches dumbing down: be equal, be safe and mediocre, pander to others by making everything very, very simple and similar to the other stuff they like.

If you can imagine a long line of sheep, chasing each other through the night, and as the night goes on and starlight flickers across them, you see in their faces the features of wolves…

But one thing that cracks me up: the notion of quality.

Most people, dumbed down by this society and perhaps by their genetic code, can understand quality of tangible substance. For example, a jazzy beat. Good guitar tone. High speed chaotic songs. Really sick vocals.

They can even identify that it’s harder to play than average, or that it has “different parts,” like a melodic slow part and then an acoustic part, then some high-speed guitar, etc.

What they can’t do is string any of this together.

To them, a band like Necrophagist that plays fast riffs in a random order, and whose songs literally signify nothing, is just as good as a band like Camel who carefully string together melodies to tell a tale — and make sure it’s a tale that draws us in, has emotional and intellectual substance, as well as a good rippin’ gut-hitting theme, like the battle for independence or to find a holy grail of some sort or another.

These people literally cannot tell the difference between random riffs bands (Cradle of Filth, Cannibal Corpse) and well-architected, sensible patterns that tell a story (Massacra, Atheist, Incantation). To them it’s all the same, because the parts are the same.

It’s as if I build two structures out of plywood:

  1. A reproduction of the Palace at Versailles
  2. A standard suburban home

These people will walk up to them and say something like, “Well, that first one’s bigger, but they’re both made out of plywood. Over here, I’ve got a house I made from sugarcubes. That’s totally unique, dude!”

When we talk about modernity as a time of shallow thinkers…

0 thoughts on “Half a mind”

  1. ANUS writing staff says:

    Today I woke up and saw a dead horse next to me in my bed. I beat the shit out of it and it was still dead.

  2. You have got to be fucking kidding me. says:

    “These people literally cannot tell the difference between random riffs bands (Cradle of Filth, Cannibal Corpse) and well-architected, sensible patterns that tell a story (Massacra, Atheist, Incantation).”

    >random riff bands
    >Cradle of Filth, Cannibal Corpse

    >well-architected, sensible patterns that tell a story
    >Massacra, Atheist, Incantation


    Please be a fucking troll. It must be opposite day HARD there in your Houston assment. Incantation is the quintessential definition of a random riff band, Onward to Golgotha is a bunch of random number generated tremolo riffs stuck together with scotch tape. And to imply that Cradle of Filth or Cannibal Corpse don’t have songs that tell a story or aren’t well architected… you’re a fucking moron. Period.

  3. Metal Sucks says:

    Metal is for mentally unbalanced and confused teenagers. Nobody gives a fuck about metal ‘telling a story’ – usually about how god sucks and how satan is so awesome, _maaan!_ Or how Burzum (the product of a spoilt teenage druggie brat) is , like, _totally transcendent dude_.

  4. You have got to be fucking kidding me. says:

    Please excuse me, I made the above statement after listening to Onward to Golgotha with black penises plugging my ears.

  5. Urinal Hammer says:

    Individual songs off of Onward to Golgotha don’t sound random at all. The riffs are all either a long stream of tremelo picked notes meant to sound menacing and dissonant (tension), or more open, sludgy riffs which convey a sense of melodrama and space (epic largeness, ‘evil’).

    So we have an album that has total aesthetic unity and conveys violence, tension, speed, a sense of imminent, apocalyptic disaster. Do you actually fail to hear this, or are you just being dishonest because you’re defective in some other way?

  6. loling @ u says:

    “So we have an album that has total aesthetic unity and conveys violence, tension, speed, a sense of imminent, apocalyptic disaster. Do you actually fail to hear this”

    No, I’m just not 12 years old and impressed by trite shit like that anymore.

  7. banging a hot slut tonight says:

    And yes, Incantation’s riffs don’t make any tonal sense, they are random riff generator riffs. I’m pretty sure the band members are tone deaf. Just listen to their horrible rendition of Scream Bloody Gore, totally offkey. Fun fact: John McEntee used to work at a porno store, enjoy your anus idols, you fucking losers.

  8. Radik Ultra says:

    R A D I K U L T !

  9. Onward to Radikult says:

    yeah, InCUNTation aren’t the best example of “well-architected, sensible patterns” bla-bla, but are undoubtfully BETTER that Canniballet Cops


  10. Well-architected Radikult Mysticism says:

    disregard that, back to VENOM, BATHORY, HELLHAMMER, BULLDOZER (Italy), POISON (Germany) and CUM OOZING ANAL HOLES.

  11. Cargast says:

    Dusk and Her Embrace. For the most part, phenomenally well composed, especially in terms of structure and relationship between sections.

  12. Troll over Beethoven says:

    O friends, not these sounds!
    Let us strike up something more
    pleasant, full of gladness.

    All Mankind become brothers


  13. FAQ says:

    Is BRETT just an anagram of BETT(E)R?

    Are the people running this site some kind of racist elitists?

    Is Incantation better than Cannibal Corpse?

    Do we all dream of black cocks dressed as Immortal band members?

    Do the face-fucked girls at facialabuse.com wear the SAME corpsepaint as Gaahl from Gorgoroth?

    Am I so fuckin’ more [b]radikult[/]than thou?

    Will Gaddafi fall?

    Is bin Laden really killed?


  14. Urinal Hammer (ammerammerammerammer) says:

    "And yes, Incantation’s riffs don’t make any tonal sense, they are random riff generator riffs."

    It doesn’t matter if they make tonal sense. You don’t believe that only music that "makes tonal sense" is good music. What’s obvious, what everyone here understands, is that Incantation successfully conveys certain ideas through their music. People who love Onwards to Golgotha ALL hear the SAME THING and can successfully communicate about it. You can criticize the ideas conveyed by the music, but that’s not what you’re doing. Instead, you’re claiming that there is no order or purpose where it’s patently obvious to other people that there is. You’re obscuring the issue because you have some kind of emotional problem that is exacerbated by the existence of anus.com. It may be the case that you’re upset about being banned from the forums for excessive praise of Opeth or something like that.

    Just do something else with your time, smart guy. You’re dedicating way too much time to reading this post and getting fired up about it than is healthy.

  15. anti-Cargast faggotry says:


    This is a fuckin’ mess.
    Maybe not as bad as Funeral Mist, but still…

  16. Satanic Radikult Pig says:

    Kneel before me
    Suck my [big] dick
    For the cum in my balls
    The giant balls, dark and big
    Salty cumming, the cum streams

    Blood radikult

    Kneel before me
    Syck my [big] dick
    For thy ass awaits the feeling
    Penetration… yes
    Thy hole shall prolapse
    For I fist those that listen to Opeth

    Blood radikult

  17. Gay Azagthoth says:

    “These people literally cannot tell the difference between random riffs bands”
    Who cares if they can suck cocks either??

    or maybe you’d disregard that and enjoy sucking the black snakes by yourself, Mr. Future President??

    ANUS jihad in the name of cocks?

    I doubt…

  18. Kontinual needs visa for Trollistan says:

    GOJIRA rules! Fuck you DARK LEGIONS ARCHIVE, you racist non-tollerant bastards! Fuck you! Off!


  19. Cadavering Incubator for Radikult Penetrators says:

    I shit on the Palace at Versailles! Let’s all do gangbang in the Gaddafi’s tent!


  20. your cock and ball torture superior says:

    most people don’t know the difference between randomly mangling cocks and balls with a machete and architecturally orchestrating a superior cock and ball torture practice through macrocosmic structure. When will they learn?

  21. poopjokes says:

    I made half a poop today. I’m saving up the other half for tonight. I plan on shitting my pants in front of my TV while having a Lethal Weapon marathon so I’m eating lots of beans and fried food at the moment. Hail GOJIRA, democracy and freedom!

  22. Cryptic voices from Gaddafi's tent says:

    Amerika the cockful


  23. Half a mind, 30% nigger, 10% indie hipster, 10% of Pakistani descent says:

    rectumside journey under the funeral cocks

  24. penetrate.blogspot.CUM says:


  25. ANUS bans trolls in anal delight says:

    WIKIPEDO says equality is okay

    so why shouldn’t we buy all the Mastodon albums? Why this hate against Opeth? Why Peter (Pain, Hypocrisy) has turnedinto an underman?


  26. Hmm? says:

    I thought the chateau Versailles was made of stone and brick.

  27. Mikael Asskerplunkfeldtgoodthefirst time says:

    All of these violent sentiments divide us…

    When we bleed the same, and die, forgotten and alone, the same…

    We should unite in peaceful misery

  28. Athaulf says:

    “What’s obvious, what everyone here understands, is that Incantation successfully conveys certain ideas through their music. People who love Onwards to Golgotha ALL hear the SAME THING and can successfully communicate about it.”

    That’s fucking retarded. What’s the point of how “successfully” they communicate something when what they communicate is total dogshit? That’s like saying a movie is great because of how it was edited, without putting any thought into the meaning, motive or substance behind it. You completely fail at appreciating art. Hitler would have had you shot.

    Incantation’s music is a shitty, boring mess and I can’t imagine how many standard deviations below the norm your IQ would have to be to actually find it interesting or enjoyable.

  29. T.G. says:

    Meanwhile, in the real world, no one cares enough about their tastes in music to argue maniacally about in the streets, whether they agree or disagree with ANUSNYMOUS.

  30. T.G. says:

    You fucking dorks.

  31. Tireless Pragmatic Relativist and Gay Rights Activist says:

    @ T.G.
    When you speak of a “real world” I find that rather subjective.

  32. tollistani extremist for the abolishment of oversized penises in gay midget fecal pornos says:

    I don’t know about you, but every time an african american brother takes his turn of fornicating a shit-smeared homosexual midget I lose interest and my erection subsides. This is particularly annoying after I have spent hours building up to a cosmic orgasm of orgasms, watching that little fellow take cocks in all of his wholes and then some. I have come here to recruit fellow gay midget fecal porn connoisseurs and activists for the cause of abolishing oversize penises from our beloved pornography of choice. All who are interested must castrate themselves to prove true extremism and dedication to the cause.

  33. Adrian says:

    I plan on getting some incantation in the future…


  34. Krieg says Adrian McCocks should go back to listening to Hatebreed says:

    Adrian, nobody fucking cares. No matter how much you desperately try to convince everyone you’re part of the elitist metal community, the fact will always stay that you love Cradle of Filth, Cannibal Corpse, and black cocks.
    Go choke on some cum, faggot.

  35. C.R.A. says:

    These are the results of people taking themselves too seriously. The internet is full of pseudo-intellectual users like you, who believe that metal is not actually a part of popular music.

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