Sometimes Drama Is Just Drama

Living in a dying age presents us with lugubrious entertainment that always boils down to a struggle for power. When everyone is equal, everyone also becomes an attention whore because the goal then is to rise above equality through utilitarianism (also called demotism) which rewards whoever gets the greatest number of votes, purchases, attaboys or “likes” on Faceplant.

If you have one source of power — say, some aristocrats — there is no constant struggle for power. Instead, you have a struggle to apply power. The West lost that with the rise of competing powers like the church, the middle class, and the prole revolts of the middle ages. For that reason, we are all struggling for wealth, power, and social prestige, which convert roughly to “power.”

This means that everyone out there has an incentive to grab his or her “fifteen minutes of fame” by doing something distinctive, unusual, quirky, “different,” ironic, oddball, or weird. That includes acts of self-degradation such as admitting victimhood or calling attention to lack of confidence or personality defects. Americans in particular have made this a science.

As a result, we have to be cynical about whatever is going on out there, since almost all of it is fake (I elaborate on this concept in this article elsewhere). And so, when the headlines scream, we have to put on our thinking caps and see what is actually occurring.

Witness the statements of former Absu guitarist Melissa Moore (née Vis Crom) regarding her trauma over politics:

I am a transgender woman. If you live in the USA I ask all true heavy metal brothers and sisters to NOT VOTE FOR REPUBLICAN SCUM on Nov 6. They are initiating a literal inquisition against trans people. I hate politics and never post but this is real and desperate. This is not politics, this is an attempt to exterminate. Word on the street is trans aggressively are being viciously attacked physically and denied documents (like passport renewals) to even flee this dystopia.

She also apparently commented on Absu:

The band is broken up and I am still at a loss on how to handle it. It is ONLY because I am trans.

She is referring to this political drama:

The Trump administration is considering narrowly defining gender as a biological, immutable condition determined by genitalia at birth, the most drastic move yet in a governmentwide effort to roll back recognition and protections of transgender people under federal civil rights law.

…The agency’s proposed definition would define sex as either male or female, unchangeable, and determined by the genitals that a person is born with, according to a draft reviewed by The Times. Any dispute about one’s sex would have to be clarified using genetic testing.

…The new definition would essentially eradicate federal recognition of the estimated 1.4 million Americans who have opted to recognize themselves — surgically or otherwise — as a gender other than the one they were born into.

Now we see the basic facts: Trumpelstiltskin Grinder wants to define your sex as what you were born with. If you have a sex change, you are still that original sex, in the eyes of the law. Transgenders find this terrifying because if you transition from man to woman, you no longer gain Civil Rights protections as a woman.

However, it did not does not do any of the things that Ms. Moore claimed that it did, nor has it even come to pass. There is no inquisition, nor an attempt to exterminate, nor did the change initiate vicious attacks or passport denials. That is simply drama to make you feel more sympathetic to her.

In fact, this proposal validates the very idea of transgenderism itself: you have changed from your original sex, and so are forever known as someone who changed to the other sex. That cannot be bad unless someone has something to hide, and will not provoke discrimination except from those who are going to discriminate against you anyway for whatever reason.

As far as rules for bathrooms go, we were doing better when those were left up to local business and institutions, but once the transgender definition was made official under Obama, these groups clamored for legal protection in case something went wrong, like an insincere transgender doing something pervy in a bathroom.

In other words, this whole thing is drama and nothing but.

For those of us who grew up on the anarchist-cum-Nietzschean fringe of underground metal, the issue seems best resolved by local choice. If I run a business, I can determine the bathroom policy, if I care; in my business, the policy would be “whatever you can get away with,” or in other words if you look like a woman you use the ladies restroom and if you look like a man, the mens.

In return, society would take this issue out of politics and return crimes to simple crimes. If someone commits a sexual crime, including whatever it is that perverts might do in these bathrooms, then their sex really does not matter; after all, we already have homosexuals convicted under these crimes, so whether people are same or opposite gender does not really matter.

Most of us simply do not care if you are a transgender, as long as your drama does not cause other damage. Change your sex; you ought to tell anyone you date or have sex with that this is the case, just like you should disclose if you are sterile for other reasons. Have a blast. Go do whatever trannies do, which is probably about the same stuff that everyone else does.

However, once politicized, an issue becomes a case for drawing attention to oneself, and this hysterical post from poor addled Ms. Moore is simply a member of that genre. The world is not ending because the Trumpelstiltskin Grinder is making some rule changes. We are all still people who (basically) ignore each other unless a clash occurs.

As far as Absu goes, we have not heard from the band what their side of the story is, which makes it improper and illogical to rush to judgment. Among other things, they may have noticed that having a transgender guitarist might be incompatible with their image as occult black metal, and they would be right in that determination. Oh well — not everyone belongs everywhere.

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33 thoughts on “Sometimes Drama Is Just Drama”

  1. Satania says:

    Oy vey! Bungald Blumpf is going to holocaust all of the trannies!

    But in all seriousness, you ever notice how transsexuals cause a disproportionate amount of drama despite being only 0.3% of the general population?

    1. When there’s no unity in a society, everyone has to have a special interest group, whether sexual/gender, race, religion, ethnicity, special victim status, class, etc.

      Drumpf just called them all out on it by saying that if everyone’s going to have identity politics, the majority gets to do so too.

    2. Dirty Blonde Hair Blue Eyes Negro Son Probably Not Mine In All Honesty But I Cannot Afford Paternity Testing says:

      The majority always gives into the minority when doing so costs less than the alternatives. The majority is flexible and often the minority is rigid. Making bathrooms genderless is cheaper than constructing a third bathroom and it is cheaper than losing business opposing change. Opposition to trannies will not become significant unless the numbers grow.

      1. The majority is flexible and often the minority is rigid.

        This is why minority groups always overthrow majorities: they have singularity of purpose.

        1. Dirty Blonde Hair Blue Eyes Negro Son Probably Not Mine In All Honesty But I Cannot Afford Paternity Testing says:

          They just need to be intolerant. This is also why state nationalism is a bad idea. If you want tribalism it needs to be done small, decentralized, local. Otherwise the Aryan Reich will either succumb to Judaism via the minority intolerance or immolate itself in trying to expunge them. If it’s not the Jews however it will be say the bavarians or Austrians against the Prussian majority, etc.

          1. This is also why state nationalism is a bad idea.

            In my view, that is because the State is a bad idea. It will ruin anything, even nationalism (Hi Hitler! Hi Mussolini!).

            If you want tribalism it needs to be done small, decentralized, local.

            I disagree here because culture takes that role. It is not the size of a country that dooms it, but its population balance. Too many shitheads = doom. Good decisions, paradoxically, make it easier for shitheads, genetic defects, deleterious mutations, etc. to survive.

            Otherwise the Aryan Reich will either succumb to Judaism via the minority intolerance or immolate itself in trying to expunge them.

            Relocation and benevolent xenophobia toward all Other groups solves this problem.

            1. Dirty Blonde Hair Blue Eyes Negro Son Probably Not Mine In All Honesty But I Cannot Afford Paternity Testing says:

              A state is essentially putting different Germanic peoples under the same roof instead of being neighbors with strong fences. Every nationalist I’ve ever met wants these people living under the same roof instead of just on the same block. With good fences. Don’t let other men fool you size matters, just ask your mother.

              1. A state is essentially putting different Germanic peoples under the same roof instead of being neighbors with strong fences.

                You mean a nation-state, as opposed to a nation. I suggest looking at the nature of the state itself. You will need some kind of leadership, especially when threats are nearby; this is a consequence of growth of Europe and humanity in general. However, a state is the worst possible form.

                The Mongols created the modern nation state because they proved that even invading brigands could easily defeat the disunified. A king can unite provinces with their own dukes and lords. A state however insists on making them into equal conformist ideological products. Never trust the state.

                Everything the State says is a lie, and everything it has it has stolen. — Friedrich Nietzsche (via Zarathustra)

                1. Dirty Blonde Hair Blue Eyes Negro Son Probably Not Mine In All Honesty But I Cannot Afford Paternity Testing says:

                  Nationalists do not know any difference in practice. Their actions are of Germany and Britain not prussians austrians scots anglos welsch etc

  2. Guys, I’m confused. Moore did an album with XXX Maniak called “Harvesting the Cunt Nectar”

    Should I be outraged at the mysogyny, or should I Hail it as a progressive hero of rights?

    I just want to know what to think. Please let me know. I need to be outraged at someone

  3. bombastus says:

    “Collaps is a state of mind”

  4. Guffaw says:

    This needs made into a Jack Chick tract!! HAW HAW!!!

  5. NWN War Metal Tranny Rapist says:

    Faggot! Go get raped and commit suicide after your AIDS diagnosis with the Winds Of Genocide tranny you stupid shemale! Rape the shemales! Sodomize the trannies! No tranny shall be spared.

    1. IrremeDIABLE says:

      “Hi, i’m an insecure neckbearded incel in his fourties who still lives with his parents, but hey! None of that matters now that i’m on the internet with a computer screen hiding my limp ass! Here in this safe space for altistic right virgins and Elliott Rodger-wannabes i can look like a fucking degenerate retard by inciting rape on transgender people without getting judged! Individualism? Spirituality? Cult of the self? Anarchy? Pleeease! Get that philosophical bullshit out of here! We all know Metal is all about swallowing and regurgitating the stuff your senile conservative grandpa who craps his diapers says while watching Fox News!”

      Fucking hell, this website is the Metal equivalent of Carlgon of Hacckad’s YouTube channel, complete with retarded fanboys drooling all over it

    2. IrremeDIABLE says:

      “Hi, i’m an insecure neckbearded incel in his fourties who still lives with his parents, but hey! None of that matters now that i’m on the internet with a computer screen hiding my limp ass! Here in this safe space for altistic right virgins and Elliott Rodger-wannabes i can look like a fucking degenerate retard by calling for rape on transgender people without getting judged! Individualism? Spirituality? Cult of the self? Anarchy? Pleeease! Get that philosophical bullshit out of here! We all know Metal is all about swallowing and regurgitating the stuff your senile conservative grandpa who craps his diapers says while watching Fox News!”

  6. chillfully thus far says:

    The NWN! thread about this is pathetic. Fat bearded 45 year old record collectors like thetruemithrandir desperately virtue-signalling by referring to the guitarist as “SHE” in capital letters. Lots of the usual “when did metal become for old republicans? it’s supposed to be about rebelling against mommy and daddy! hail satan and take it up the butt!” useful idiocy.

    Don’t most people malign that forum for ‘harboring nazis?’ It’s just as full of politically correct NPCs as m*tal-*rchives.

    I don’t believe in “mind your own business,” because we share space in the community and cultural moment we live in. It doesn’t help a schizophrenic to humor their delusions and agree with them when they tell you space lizards are gang-stalking them–it does the opposite, it further entrenches them in dangerous thinking. Just because your mental illness involves gender doesn’t mean I’m going to pretend the parameters of reality are different than how I perceive them out of politeness. trannies have no place in the women’s bathroom.

    1. I don’t believe in “mind your own business,” because we share space in the community and cultural moment we live in.

      I agree, but the flip side of this is that if they avoid causing damage to those things, they should be fine. So someone growing weed in his backyard for his own use, bachelors named Bruce and David who are living together in a pink house, and someone quietly either hating or believing in God, gods, or nature should be okay.

      For me, the cultural moment stretches to all time. We need to be continuous with the past, always improving on it, so that we maintain a sense of purpose besides money, power, and social prestige.

      1. Svmmoned says:

        I don’t like how you are referring to this sad fag as “she”. You want to be polite and diplomatic, but large part of leftists work always consisted of changing of meanings and associations of words in order to twist our view of reality in such way, that it will be reinforcing their agenda passively.

        1. I have no idea what pronoun to use, really. I can go with the old “she/he/it” which is probably most accurate, or use “he” which seems out of place somehow, or what I did, which is go along with how the person now thinks of themselves. It’s not an endorsement of any particular view; I am neither pro nor anti-tranny, just anti-Leftist.

          1. Satan Akbar says:

            why are you not anti tranny? because people will call you a bigot?

            1. I dislike the transgender trend, but the problem there is trends, and specifically, Leftist media-inspired trends. Transgenders themselves are a tiny group who without the political focus would continue to sterilize themselves and leave the gene pool, which is good for everyone. Apparently, something like 40% of them kill themselves anyway, suggesting that transgenderism is linked with mental health problems, and the last thing we want to do is save people like that from themselves.

              1. Satan Akbar says:

                ah i see thats makes sense

          2. Svmmoned says:

            “It’s not an endorsement of any particular view”

            Perhaps not intentional, but the whole issue is, as always, formulated in such way, that you can see how easily you ended up playing along the lines of something, which for the most part is or may be simply an insanity or whim.

            1. GG Allin and the Mentors live in Hell (all ages) says:

              I just assumed (ohm gee) zir was being ironic with the chosen pronoun, but then I remembered the existence of high-functioning autism.

            2. I take a middle path. If people want to become transgender and by doing so eliminate their ability to reproduce, that might be a good solution for everyone. I am not in the business of saving the world; we have a serious quality control problem in humanity, and so I encourage whatever will cut those genes out of the gene pool. It is why I also favor legal abortion despite thinking that it is murder.

              1. Svmmoned says:

                This is reasonable. But also escapistic. The problem is that with their current support, and the presence of liberal state, which we shouldn’t exclude from our considerations, they will reshape our culture and every day life, adding yet another layer of forced insanity to it. Your thought is correct, the result would be positive but only in healthy environment based on realistic principles. But here and now? It legitimizes negligence and encourages to retreat into this rich sphere of comforting thoughts.

                1. I agree, but my method here is to attack the root, which is Leftism. With egalitarianism losing favor across the world, these other details will fall into line. One way to show the good in anti-egalitarianism is to have a loose attitude of tolerance which can be summarized as “do whatever you want, but we can eject people we don’t like from our community.” This allows like to congregate with like in preparation for balkanization.

                  1. Satan Akbar says:

                    but when we say ”do whatever you want” isnt that still supporting individualism they are free to do what ever degenerate crap they want aslong as they dont do it here. so that means you are free to pollute just dont do it in my house until i walk outside my house and step into the shi

      2. Svmmoned says:

        Unfortunately, from my experience this is never the case. If only someone isn’t completely without initiative, he is always trying to influence his surroundings in some way, even if on a very small scale. And he is influencing it with what he holds dear and what he wants to grow strong. To do otherwise he must be either overwhelmed by intolerant majority or, in an improbably rare case, be humble enough to know that he is defective.

  7. T. Desecration says:

    L O L the tranny is the XXX Maniak guy.

    At 5:40 of this concert his old band gives hails to CP

    Why have the outlets not reported on THIS? If Inquisition or Manowar were trannies would they have gotten a pass from the media?!

  8. Flying Kites says:

    Trannies are really just homosexuals. Greeks of the cult of Venus would hold these girly men in high regard.

    The importance of moral choice is in knowing why a choice is made over the other. These choices are made from knowing the self and its place among the whole.

    1. Personally, I am glad to see the various genetic defectives outing themselves and self-destructing. This does not include just the trendy people who decided to be transgender now that it’s trendy, but all the people dying of drugs, AIDS, alcoholism, and taking peace trips to the Middle East. About 40% of white people are just genetic gunk and need to die really quickly, and most of the rest need to be enslaved. Other races have the same problem.

      1. Flying Kites says:

        It’s common sense. Billions born, billions dead. It can happen overnight.

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