Occult Roots of Literature in Metal

We know there is broad cynicism toward religion here; after all the Abrahamic (Islam, Christianity, Judaism) religions seem awfully simple and emotional. However, there is a whole world of spiritual belief out there which is not metaphysical dualism, neoplatonism, or universalism.

As a genre that is both passionate and logical, metal stands suspended forever between primitive pagan mysticism and modern scientific knowledge, sort of like Advaita Vedanta and other forms of philosophical religion. It can never participate in the illusion, but it seeks a truth beyond the visible.

If it has literary prophets, two of its most important are the Romantics who joined ancient occultism with modern science fiction to make a type of new mythology. The first of these, H.P. Lovecraft, created “cosmic horror” that was both atheistic and platonist:

Though Lovecraft separately re-imagined these two streams of elite and popular magic, he achieved his unique vision of the occult in part by promiscuously commingling them. In “The Dunwich Horror,” for example, Wilber Whateley and his isolated rural family are declared to be of degenerate stock, and practice strange rituals on the sinister Sentinel Hill, topped by an altar-like stone and featuring caches of ancient, possibly Indian bones. At the same time, Whateley needs to get the words of one his invocations exactly right, so he travels to Miskatonic University in order to compare their Latin edition of the Necronomicon to the fragmented Dee version he possesses. In Lovecraft’s world, learned magic unleashes atavistic and prehistoric powers rather than hierarchies of angels or devils; as such, he is able to depict an ancient but vital left hand path that is free of Satanism or Christian demonology. On the other side of the coin, Lovecraft’s primitive cults, including the sort of exotic tribes that haunt the anthropological imaginary, are characterized by their ongoing relationship with the ultimate forces of the cosmos.

Later entering popular culture as Erich von Daniken’s “ancient astronaut” theory, Lovecraft’s atavistic science-fictional cosmology allowed his fictions to undermine the progressive Enlightenment view of religious history popularized by Tylor and Frazer while still upholding the scientific course of civilization. The savage mysteries that animate the most primitive human cults are no longer the result of ignorant and neurosis but instead encode actual truths about the cosmos, including powerful extraterrestrial entities and dimensions of reality—like Einsteinean space-time and the non-Euclidean geometry used to describe it—that early 20th century astrophysics is only beginning to understand.

Lovecraft visualized the emergence of ancient creatures who existed in a state beyond death or life arising much like nature does: from the formless chaos. This contrasted the Abrahamic view of another perfect world but fit in more with the pagan outlook.

It turns out that J.R.R. Tolkien also had occult influences:

In the years since I first encountered The Notion Club Papers (NCPs) I have read much about some of the groupings that constituted White (Christian) Magic in England – and the various societies in a tradition that goes back to the Golden Dawn at the turn of the 19th-20th century, through Dion Fortune in the early-mid 20th century, and to Gareth Knight in the late 20th century and his death only a few years ago.

There are many indications that – even if not self-consciously so – the Notion Club, which seems to have begun as a literary club, has come to function, more and more, as a Magical Society – as its members develop methods for attaining the altered states of consciousness by which they become aware of, and influenced by, the society and events of a remote and indeed mythical past.

Since the magical techniques are described from a distinctly positive perspective, and in pursuit of aims of which Tolkien approved; it seems that Tolkien was implicitly (although he tended publicly to deny this) far more positive concerning the nature and possibilities of “magic” in the modern world, than might otherwise have been suspected.

His pagan leanings may have come in through the branch of Catholicism that favored philosophical and not theological Christianity, as filtered through the Golden Dawn and similar occult groups:

The Golden Dawn aspired to be not merely a complete academy of occult knowledge (as indeed the Theosophical Society had claimed to be) but also a forum for Mystico-Magical practise — which Magic was seen as being like that of Eliphas Levi. In the words of Stephan Hoeller, Magic in this sense is “an umbrella term for the growth or expansion of consciousness by way of symbolic modalities.” To impart both knowledge and practise, an elaborate system of grades was established; as the student ascended these grades, he or she learned ever more esoteric skills.

Ithell Colquhoun, a relative of Golden Dawn co-founder MacGregor Mathers, opines that “The Lord o f the Rings has a tinge of the Golden Dawn though this may be filtered through E.R. Eddison rather than Williams, since passages near the beginning of The Worm Ouroboros (1922) are so pervaded by the Golden Dawn atmosphere as to make one speculate on its author’s esoteric background” (Colquhoun,
1975, p. 234). But the well-known suspicion J.R.R. Tolkien had for Williams’ ideas in this area leads one to suspect a rather different source for the “tinge” Colquhoun detects.

Tolkien was a cultural Catholic, deeply read in both folk-lore and in pre-Reformation literature. These were themselves suffused, albeit more or less unconsciously, with the magical or Hermetic world-view, of which, after all, the Golden Dawn was only one exponent. (353-54)

In fact, his ideal dovetails with platonism and rejects neoplatonism, much as the monist pagans did:

Socrates’ pupil, Plato, developed the idea of the types or universals — such as “Man”, “Horse”, “King”, and so on — of which their concrete representations which we experience (and we ourselves) are mere shadows. These realities reside in some supernatural realm from whence they cast their shadows upon the Earth. While this theory could lend itself to a real dualism, its effect on philosophers whose psychology was influenced by Pre-Socratic attitudes often led such to consider reality as an interconnecting web of coherences and correspondences, the seen operating upon the unseen, and vice versa. Obviously, such an intellectual context lent itself to any number of religious and mystical beliefs; the obscurest maxims of the Hellenistic Mystery Schools could be considered expressions of wisdom by the most rigorous thinkers of antiquity.

The dualism implicit in Neoplatonism, which provided its main distinction from Hermeticism, was lacking in the Christian Neoplatonism of the Church Fathers. For them, as for later Christian philosophers, the Universals did not exist independently, but in the mind of God. This concept gave philosophical comprehensibility to various difficult doctrines. The Fall of Man, for instance, could be seen in terms of the falling of the whole Universal “Man”, in the persons of its then only two extant concrete representatives — Adam and Eve. This point of view, which saw the Universals as real and as the pattern from whence come all perceived physical things, is called “Ultra-Realism”. Under its influence were composed the Catholic and Orthodox liturgies, most pre-13th Century theological works, and the writings of Mystics of the same period. It is a mark of Ultra-Realism, in fact, that Mysticism (with its concomitant physical phenomena, bilocation, the stigmata, etc.,) and Theology — that is, the practise and the study of unity with God — were then considered inseparable.

What these philosophical developments meant concretely was the progressive separation of Christian Theology from Philosophy. (346-47)

This makes it unclear if Tolkien was even much of a Christian, so much as a generalized believer in the occult who found Christianity as his voice. It seems this duality lives on in metal, especially black metal, which is extremely realistic but also open to mysticism.

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77 thoughts on “Occult Roots of Literature in Metal”

  1. Patrick Pearse says:

    “….through the branch of Catholicism that favored philosophical and not theological Christianity….”


    1. Read the second link. It goes in detail into the schism and how the Reformation ended a lot of it.

      1. Patrick Pearse says:

        I clicked the second link and was pleasantly surprised to see that the author was Charles Coloumbe. I have read a few of his books, and listened to many talks given by him so thank you for digging up this nugget.

        I think after reading this article and linked text I am confused on how this all makes it appear unclear how Christian Tolkien was. Can you elaborate and make it clearer for me?


        1. The first clue is the Anglo-Saxon religious tradition, where they taught the Arthurian legends and Odyssey on par with the Bible. Synergy was expected, as was a search for parallels, creating an early kind of perennialism. This was the normal way of doing things.

          Next we have to look at Tolkien’s connection to Catholicism, which was mostly through inspirational people in his life. This makes it likely to be the shell, vocabulary, and framing he will use but not necessary the core of his beliefs.

          Then we look at how much Anglo-Saxon, Nordic, and Finnish mythology he absorbed…

          Like the best thinkers, he had his ideas and put them into the form most likely to make sense with his memories and cultural conventions.

          1. Man of the West says:

            Whilst this is true, if you look at the nature of his creative works, the Christian themes are very dominant. Tolkien’s world is one in which there is a monotheistic creator who is essentially opposed by a fallen angel.
            It does seem he aimed to create a truly Anglo-Saxon folklore through a synthesis with Christianity.

            1. It does seem he aimed to create a truly Anglo-Saxon folklore through a synthesis with Christianity.

              Just like the Anglicans and Episcopalians did. How… Anglo-Saxon of him.

              1. Patrick Pearse says:

                I have to disagree here. The Catholic Church was always “baptizing” the pagan elements found in the pre-Catholic cultures the Church was evangelizing. I even think of things like “ember days” in the old Calendar. St. Paul states “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable— if anything is excellent or praiseworthy— think on these things”. Obviously the Catholic Church found much that is/was admirable in pagan cultures (Aristotle/Plato…even the norse sagas were preserved by Catholic monks). I think even Varg said he preferred the Catholic Church to the Protestant because of how much the Catholic Church preserved of the old pagan ways.
                Synthesis is not something exclusive to the Anglo-Saxon nature. Again, I just think that there is a lot of confusion regarding what Catholicism actually is. Brett, as an aside, you mentioned above that the Reformation ended the schism between theological and philosophical Christianity, do you regard this as a positive development?

                1. What some see as preservation, I see as an attempt to capture.

                  Catholic Europe is poorer for a reason. Less realistic.

                  Even more, people use the religion they grow up in as a template… then modify it as they learn.

            2. Patrick Pearse says:

              I have to agree. Even the creation myth in the Silmarilion is very Christian.

              He also described the LOTR as a religious and Catholic work.

              Leaf by Niggle is very Catholic as well.

              I know he also considered his mother to be a Catholic Martyr because she went against her families wishes in becoming Catholic, was disowned, fell into bad health due to the psychological stresses, and passed away as a result. Not to mention the fact that he attended Mass regularly.

              1. I know he also considered his mother to be a Catholic Martyr because she went against her families wishes in becoming Catholic, was disowned, fell into bad health due to the psychological stresses, and passed away as a result. Not to mention the fact that he attended Mass regularly.

                At this point, he has strong reasons to identify with Catholicism that are not related at all to the religion, but to his heartbreak.

          2. Patrick Pearse says:

            Thank you for the thoughtful response!

            1. Sub detector says:

              Why not take his dong up your ass while your at it? That would be thoughtful!

    2. Catholicism Sucks says:

      It’s a low rent religion for spics, micks, dagos, frogs, yids, and developing nation bugmen. It’s mystical and ritualistic like Judaism and doctrinaire like Islam. Your society has degenerated to fuck if the Papists walk among you.

      1. Religions are ethnic. Mixed-race societies invent mysticism, advanced civilizations have abstract gods and complex causality.

      2. Patrick Pearse says:

        I understand why a lot of people think that, but it was the Church that built Universities, Hospitals and beautiful Cathedrals in the middle ages. It also inspired alot fo beautiful art, poetry, and of course music. I find it hard to believe that a society is garbage when great composers like Bruckner are walking around in it (he was a devout Catholic) It was a priest who first posited the “Big Bang Theory”, Copernicus (before Galileo) dedicated a treatise to the Pope where he first posited that the earth revolved around the sun, and even the modern Genetics owes a debt to “Papists” (Mendel). Henry VIII was even titled “Defender of the Faith” before everything hit the fan. You may not like aspects of Catholicism but we should credit where it is due.

        1. Guiltiashell IV says:

          The church killed everyone they wanted and burned everything down, and then they “built back better”. catholic church is THE archetypical despotic totalitarian institution.
          My fav pope: the Metal Pope, Innocentius III. Kill them All!
          The catholic church RULES.

        2. Bruckner and Tolkien would have been equally happy as pagans. The proof is that their Catholicism was not chosen but was an artifact of their early lives, brainwashing in other words. They took it and made something great of it; the only great thing in Christianity ever has been Europeans, but it is time for us to leave this primitive Arabic religion behind.

          1. Salamander says:

            YES! Leave this horrible faith of the deserts behind! Embrace the lush and diverse nature of your true ancestors, the Hare Krishnas! Om Tat Sat!

            1. I think we are closer to rediscovering the Proto-Indo-European Faith (PIEF) than you think.

              1. Patrick Pearse says:

                I think you should read “Orthodoxy” by G.K. Chesterton.

                1. While I enjoy G.K. and have read that, I was unconvinced. Plato was convincing. Christianity is the PIEF dressed up in Arabic drama.

          2. Guiltiashell IV says:

            Didn’t Tolkien make his own languages? Now here is an interesting angle: language as some kind of (racial, folk) instinct, its own logos, its own memory. As such a whole way of seeing, defining and forming reality. Any religion is just a superstructure on that. By the way, I also seem to remember that Tolkien was born in Bloemfontein, South Africa, of all places, and that, as a baby, he was “kidnapped” (taken, for a day, seemingly not harmed and safely returned) by natives. As well that, Tolkien’s son John was a pedophile catholic priest, also molested by one of his father’s colleagues. Shit happened.

            1. I agree that genetics is upstream of culture including religious instinct.

              1. Guiltiashell IV says:

                But what is Catholic Faith, christianity, other than a layered story superimposed on layered stories, all symbols and meaning taken from earlier religions anyway. Its defining character being that it is a emasculated effigy of a mystery religion, meant to disempower, which hijacks the personal connection with the divinities in favor of an intermediate priesthood and church, which then define reality for the believer. As someone said, an astrotheological inquisition. Meant to lead the flock astray. Was Tolkien a sedevacantist? He certainly did not agree with Vatican II.

                1. What we can actually derive about religion is probably limited to Phaedo. The rest is layers of cruft trying to either control people or impart wisdom, much of which is lost without context.

          3. Patrick Pearse says:

            Conjecture and you know it!! Come on……

            1. I doubt it. People have inherent religious feeling, and express it through what is familiar to them, sort of how we use metaphors from our world to describe life (“that thing squalled like a nutria with a sarcoma on its balls!”).

              1. Know-it-all says:

                That’s a simile.

          4. Patrick Pearse says:

            You don’t now much about Catholicism do you?

            1. Probably not, but I think it’s voodoo mysticism to assume that there is much to it.

  2. Flying Kites says:

    What is the Christian’s metaphysics if even he has begun to search for it? Or more concerning than that search is what naturally follows. How does the Christian even bear to have children? Theistic dualism is so perverted that it doesn’t seem that anybody can take it seriously who are just trying to live their lives by whatever values that make sense of themselves. The Greeks appeal to me, that rare individuals choose to be incarnated. I assume that reincarnation is not even a necessity and that what has never been incarnated also can choose incarnation. Here, a choice is more like the perfect union of knowledge and action, perhaps said in the terms of will and being. This world, the one of incarnation is the grounds to which we alive can offer a place to fulfill this most exacting of choices, regardless of other possibilities let us make ourselves appealing to actually be here and enjoying it and creating with one another. Let the gods make war with themselves.

    1. Patrick Pearse says:

      I think there is a lot of confusion regarding the definition of Christianity around. A lot of “Theistic Dualism” is actually the result of Protestant “theology”. Strict Theistic Dualism is not found in Catholicism or Orthodoxy.

      How can a Christian bear to have children? I assume the implication is that “Christians” see the physical world as a place of evil etc, compared to the “real world”, and thus it would absurd to even bring children into the world? If so, that’s actually a gnostic position that the Catholic Church fought against, even Crusaded against. Truth be told I think the position of the Catholic and Orthodox Church is a lot more nuanced that many folks around here would like to believe.

      I think most readers here would do well to put down their Nietzsche (who right criticized the Protestant tradition he group up in and saw around him) and begin looking at the writings of the “Church Fathers” etc. Lumping all Christians together is simply intellectually dishonest.

      1. Destroyallchristcucks says:

        Havahej another me born to serve
        To plague and moan
        So many years my seed condemned
        Now free to soar!!!

        Will is yours? So, creator
        No intent could shadow
        My disease… ever lusting pain

        World of sickness
        Blessed are we to taste
        This life of sin

        My touch is inhumane
        Nocturnal beast inside
        Is void of light
        And empty shall remain

        1. Deny resurrection, behead the nazarene son
          Foredoomed holy spirit, our war at last be won
          Legion crush jehovah, see through the faceless dog
          Untie our world from Satan
          You know it can’t be done

      2. Flying Kites says:

        Not apologizing for placing transcendental belief in the spawn that I summon into the world through my wife’s womb, and also a healthy appetite for suffering that sees the limiting of it as contrary to what we need to be focusing on.

        1. If there is to be metaphysical belief, it starts in transcendental appreciation. The Arabic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) tend to skip the transcendental step in order to use categorical logic to induce means-over-ends behavior, a hallmark of Control.

  3. Minorites suck rap sucks Jews suck I wanna rape a Jewish girl in the ass real badly.... says:

    I hate mixed race people

    And the following hybrids I wanna rape with a big spiked black cock in their mouths pussy and asshole and then keep them as my personal sex cum depositories hehe!!!

    Aubrey plaza
    Kate snow
    Hallie Jackson
    Zuleikha Robinson
    Vanessa hudgens
    Britney spears
    Christina Aguilera
    Alissa gluz
    Jill mchentee
    Jo bench
    Rachel true
    Natalie Portman
    Daisy ridley
    Sofia Vergara
    All girl mulatto bitches
    All funky white pussies

    Women have never done anything great ever…
    Traditize all women with sharia and put chastity belts on them

    My blackhawaiianpolishjewraprockzilla dyke characters will have the belt only to be
    Deflowered by a porn blondes tongue for my viewing pleasure
    Women are expendable hell I should kill Sabrina carpenter I’m thinking about it
    Kelly Clarkson is dumb but is not important to me anymore

    Women suck except for rest in peace queen Elizabeth now that is a friend hehe!!!

    Fuck icp korn slipknot suicide boyz Eminem Twista madball kid rock Necro I ll bill
    All rap metal is gay…

    Stop thinking I am…

    I’m ugly worthless stupid without actually getting to know me shit!!!

    Now where can I rape some bottomless hairy cunt having Jewish Hawaiian female police officer or cops huh?
    And it’s possible an arab part hawaiian existing somewhere right?

    Women please let me say that you’re overrated and you’re only around cuz you’re all hot…


    1. Charlie says:

      Aw man, this dull shit again

    2. ZebraCrossing says:

      Shitposting’s an art and you’re too much of a faggot to be any good at it. Go away.

      1. Charlie says:

        Is it art when it’s entirely predictable?

      2. Patrick Pearse says:

        no one shit posts on here because no one cares about this site except for me and a few other autists….I am literally 99 percent of the different people posting on here…just talking to myself….crying…….waiting………

        1. We appreciate your patronage. Metal is dead and if you do not go mainstream or funderground, there’s not much to keep your attention.

    3. Trve gentleman says:

      Man, leave Jo Bench out of this.

    4. Goofball says:

      I read a theory that, although men and women have the same average IQ, most women tend to be mediocre while men are generally bright or stupid. Supposedly that’s why there’s only one Mary Shelley for every ten Tolkiens.

      1. Plausible. Check out Smart and SeXY for a good discussion of biological differences between the sexes.

      2. Period cramps says:

        It will obviously seem like that if women were historically busy raising children at home, while men were out there trying new things out, either failing (“stupid”) or succeeding (“bright”).

        1. Guiltiashell IV says:

          I’ll trade you 5 schopenhauers for 10 tolkiens, and I’ll throw in schopenhauers maid for laughs

  4. Fearless Iranians From Hell says:

    Let’s face THE REAL directly –
    The Ring = Kapital
    Sauron (Invisible forces) = Jewish financial group (deep state)
    Eregion = The Federal Reserve
    Khazad-dûm (Gold ore) = Middle East (Oil)

    Then, the Kapitalist game begins –
    Sauron lured the Federal Reserve Chairman into continuously printing money, until it got out of control. Eregion chairman knew that rings will deprave people, but the wheel of plague has already begun to turn. The Nazgûl are Zelensky, Harris and others so-call democratic government, It’s a controlled government by Sauron (aka the Lord of the Rings). The Invisible forces have infiltrated the entire Western world.
    The chaebols are printing money, the grassroots right-wing is waging exclusivity wars (and then sacrifice), and Christians are playing democracy, pretending to be just. Good game, huh?

    How to Save America? How to MAGA? The country needs to regain the right to mint coins, from Sauron. Among the successive presidents of the United States, Kennedy attempted to do this, Subsequently, the Kennedy brothers were assassinated. Can Trump (aka The Evangelical Messiah) do this?
    The United States must support Israel today, no matter what the latter does. Sauron rules the Americans.

    Recently, the wages of blue collar workers in the United States have skyrocketed, It may seem like a good thing, but it’s not, cuz this means that mass unemployment is imminent, the domestic manufacturing industry will collapse. And then, The United States will become Argentina, and every fkin thingz will be sold at a low price.

    This is REAL SODOMY.

    The Middle Earth War already started, not about tanks, but the Rings.

  5. Gal Gadot is filthy Jewish whore and I still wanna rape female Jews...so says the says:

    Fuck icp korn slipknot suicide boyz Eminem Twista madball kid rock Necro I ll bill
    All rap metal is gay…

    Zebra huh my Oreo ass got you upset punk

    Charlie is a name of swollen freshly fucked asshole…

    Spics suck
    Jews suck
    Gays suck
    Rap sucks
    Rap rock sucks
    New music sucks
    Room shitty boards suck

    Hey Brett would u hate minorites if u lived with them u know u would…

    What’s taster Ferrari or Porsche huh?

    So says the The Eoplesiosaurus prime rap rockzilla Evil jewrape metal erketu police

    Lady Gaga gal Gadot Eminem Lisa Marie Presley Navi rawat

    Korn’s ugly wives

    Slipknot’s gay ugly ass…

    If trump loses blow this country up white man…

    And shove a big spiked cock up the following liberals hehehe

    Kamala Harris
    Hillary and her funky white moldy ass pussy stinking daughter Chelsea yuck
    Fuck scarjo
    Fuck inclusivity
    Fuck multicolored bullcrap
    Fuck Oprah fuck gal Gadot fuck coshitplay capeshit fuck that crap…
    Fuck nu metal

    The time is now…

    Fuck muds naggers rappers thugs


    Stop watching me little maggots gay ugly worthless piece of shits you are…

  6. Gen Erik says:

    Black metal isn’t realistic: it’s rather a bunch of hipster cosplayers shrieking like girls over shitty ambient music. Or is that the mysticism? I actually like girls, which is why I dislike BM.

  7. Minorites suck rap sucks Jews suck I wanna rape a Jewish girl in the ass real badly.... says:


    I wanna conquer the universe with the might of satan….

    Fuck you….

    The ichthyotitanzilla rap metal police have spoken….

    And fuck naggers and their mouths kidding dissing hahaha

    I want the last laugh…

    1. I wanna conquer the universe with the might of satan…


      1. Get your facts straight says:

        Through my research I’ll tell you people something you never heard before: Christianity we have today is a paganized/bastardized version of Judaism that gave birth to a lot fantasy, conspiracy and science fiction. The King James Version (which is the dominant cornerstore of modern translations) is basically a corrupted translation of the Koine Greek/Hebrew with insane fallacies inserted in there such as the immortality of the soul, “rapture” and puritan-gnosticized dualism (God and Satan are equal, and God is a tyrant expecting you to keep “The Law” or else, while the Devil is the great liberator leading you to forbidden pleasures). It all looks more like Norse and Greek Mythology mixed with modern day Satanism if anything.

        The real, Jewish Bible never intended man to go to heaven or hell, never intended man to be eternally tormented in some fictional torture chamber if he refused to repent, but man was supposed to remain on the earth where he belongs, and simply die there and that’s entirely it. If there’s a resurrection, it will again, be purely earth-bound. No one is flying either into space valhalla, nor in some botomless pit to be endlessly punished. (Hell is a mistranslation, it should simply read as “the grave”). The lake of fire is a mistranslation also that should read more like a metaphoric crucible/touchstone of refinement. There’s too many metaphorics in the bible that have been butchered and taken literally.

        All the rules and sin stuff you see written in the Bible are purely written to the Jews, not pagan heathens. Whenever “gentiles” are mentioned the right translation should be more like “Hellenized Jews”. It’s a completely Jewish book that was written to a people that lived thousands of years ago, and perhaps also written to a group of people that will live thousands of years into the future, but still entirely Jewish. Even the book of Revelation it’s obviously aimed at the 12 tribes of Israel, whether past or future. Whatever the creator has planned for the non-Jews, I can assure you it is peaceful, and not psychotic like you’ve learned from “Christianity” for centuries.

        …and through your offspring all nations on earth will be *blessed*, because you have obeyed me. Gen 22:18

        Welcome to mythical fantasy shattered. Now metal can finally die out in peace or find another enemy to fight and draw inspiration from.

        1. Mystery machine says:

          Woah so ur saying that like this like book and associated belief system that’s been utilized by like countless individuals and institutions over the course of like millennia has undergone significant if not fundamental transformations? Like there’s like possibly an implication within your statement that this activity is in contrast with other artifacts and thoughtforms of such monolithic proportions but like I bet that if pressed you’d either maintain that such an implication is satirical or concede that the nature of human enterprise is unceasing change and a microcosm of life as we know it, the life of thought. Does thought live? I dunno man it’s starting to get a little far out for me grab me a Scooby snack man

          1. Get your facts gay says:

            Hey, those are difficult words. :(

            1. sky in the pie says:

              im freaking out man

          2. the nature of human enterprise is unceasing change

            I don’t think this word means what most people think it means (novelty). Instead it means adaptation, which is keeping course toward the same objective as the topography parallax shifts around us.

            1. Immanuel Cunt says:

              whatever the case may be, it doesnt matter what a religion looks like whether it was 2000 years ago or 20. it means absolutely nothing. all experience is mind experiencing itself.

              1. …yes, and that mind can deceive itself in individuals and groups.

        2. If there’s a resurrection, it will again, be purely earth-bound.

          In other words, the Greek ideal. However, understood in a non-dualist context, the ideas of the pagans make more sense… Valhalla and the river Styx are places within the same continuum as physical reality, but have mystical traits added to their regular ones. Like most third-world religions, Judaism operates on emotionally dramatic mysticism that fools a mixed-race or low-IQ audience.

          1. Get your facts straight says:

            My point is that people have been horrified by this “you’re going to hell” bullshit, and with a little empathy perhaps you can understand that I was trying relieve some tension, because the main criticism against Christianity has been the constant threats of eternal torment if “don’t follow my way” bogus. It’s cowardly and stupid, and whatever and whoever the kreator is, it’s not in his character to be like that.

            That’s all.

            1. I tend to agree, but even more, dualism is anti-realism, and this makes its followers weak. I think your important point is that the metaphysical forces of this world are not there to judge us on compliance to rules, but to accept us as we are and urge us to be better.

              1. And by “be better,” I include throwing Communists out of helicopters and culling the weak.

                1. Get your facts straight says:

                  Well thank you very much Brett, for once I want to compliment you that you and me are on the same boat, too bad we aren’t married, because of gender issues and other matters that seperate us from harsh reality, but regardless, I’m trying to bring peace here, nothing more less. Rock on.

                  1. We are all just trying to find some sanity in a world of human chaos. Fucking rodent-monkeys, this whole species, I fucking swear it.

          2. EARTH says:

            But let me get one last thing straight, Brett, Judaism is the closest to the truth, because unlike all other religions it recognizes (nevermind the Christopath polution), that man belongs to the earth, and always shall belong to the earth, I mean why do you think this place was created in the first place? For man to become his destiny on this soil.

            By the sweat of your face You shall eat bread, Until you return to the ground, Because from it you were taken; For you are dust, And to dust you shall return.”

            1. I think Schopenhauer would say that this place was created as an outpouring of Will.

          3. Patrick Pearse says:

            Care to elaborate? I don’t know much about Judaism……

            1. Judaism and Islam are very similar: mystical symbolic religions from dying cultures, attempting to keep those cultures together with carrot and stick, and therefore inventing these elaborate schemes which fall apart when examined. Christianity tries to make this more abstract and injects a lot of the Greeks but is caught in the same trap. I have sympathy for those writers but I think the way they chose leads not to success but a zombie horde.

  8. Minorites suck ass says:

    Metals enemy is….

    Gangster rap metal

    No think about it no…it is true…

    Dumb criminal minorites or trashy behavior hahahaha

    Tupac was a loser my drawings are a joke and Necro korn slipknot need to commit suicide

    So says the

    The prognathodonzilla rap metal police
    The rhamphoranchusvprime raggae rapmetalzilla police
    The dark dinoceplhalosauris prime mythicaldeathmetalgangstarapzillabpolice
    The libonectesbrap rockzilla liodon death metal livythan police
    The k9 kronosaurus prime rap rockzilla killer bee metal Krispy Kreme police
    The buttporn brontosaurus prime raprockzilla black metal blood drinker’s from hell
    The madcop mauisaurus prime rap rockzilla medieval metal murder hornets
    The bonebreakers
    The lodi leptocliedus prime rap rockzilla
    Lioplerodon nbdeath metal leedsitchys leprechaun police
    The t rex thalassomedonraprockzilla
    Tylosaurus prime metal
    Tholodus police

    The EMT elasmisaurusborimebraprockzilla
    Egyptian death metal
    Evil emu police

    The swedeath savannah sellers raprockzilla
    Spinosaurus prime metal
    Serial killer police

    So no I’m not fucking a black girl either

    The hainosaurus prime rap rockzilla
    Horror metal hiphop
    Hydrorion police

    Wanna fuck gooks with big asses like mia khalifa only!!!

    And Zuleikha Robinson too…

    Hahahaha plus tahitians too hahahaha…

    1. Metals enemy is…

      Solipsism and oversocialization.

      Country-metal and rap-rock are the latter.

  9. Flying Kites says:

    Heaven and Hell don’t exist, except maybe in some acausal dimension, right? If everything is always one thing without distinction, or any discrimination to judge differently, then things quickly start looking like a whole lot of nothing. So we all suffer in Hell for eternity, and who gives a shit that we might remember the blink of an eye when we could have seen anything else but suffering. When we’re all equal and able to indiscriminately fuck any human on the planet we’re as good as dead. Most people function solely from external stimulus. Everybody needs it, but very few are internally driven towards the discovery of rarer qualities of life and fitting it all together. Without humans it’s actually very simple to “fit in” with life.

    1. If everything is always one thing without distinction, or any discrimination to judge differently, then things quickly start looking like a whole lot of nothing.

      On the contrary, this rejects categorical logic and requires us to look at things as fundamentally different. Dualism makes us think souls are equal and fungible, monism shows us that people, places, times, and so on are all highly variable.

      Most people function solely from external stimulus.

      Yes, hence their addiction to emotional stimulus and tangible, categorical logic like the optics and dualism.

  10. Eat a cooch and be happy says:

    Fuck man

    Why do u care if I stick my dick in a mexijap jlo Australiodjap or any bitch huh?

    Mind y business shit…

    More Persian viking Hawaiian blackxican rap rockzilla bimbos…

    Hahahaha pusssssy…

  11. Cynical says:


    Woefully off-topic, and not really DMU approved (Russian composers never are!), but I’ve been loving this piece for the last several months, so now you’re listening to it too.

  12. Martha Stewart says:

    On that note, here’s a potentially fun conversation piece for the upcoming holidays: The younger brother of Alex Briley (of “The Village People”) is thought to have been “The Falling Man” from that iconic photograph taken on 9/11.

    Knowledge of Plan-B subjects like these can quickly put an end to toxic family functions, and might come in handy in the coming weeks.

    Otherwise there’s always Burroughs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLSveRGmpIE

  13. Hildegard von Binge-drinking says:

    The great composers and devotional creators of civilisational art have always dedicated their work to GOD and serene nature.
    So does ORGONE’s ultra-modern ‘Pleroma’, brimming with inspiring death metal/trauma-conscious postitivity, preter-naturally gifted virtuosity and uplifiting emotional knowledge – it got me off drugs!

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