Explore alternative religion: Hail Satan


One of our readers sent this in, and in the interest of exposing our readers to alternative religions and expanding all of our horizons and being open-minded, we present this manifesto:

Bathed in the Black Sun – An Initiation

Welcome to the gateway of The Grotto of the Ibex Glade, a group of Satanists that celebrate the entropic gift of life for its own reason alone. Here we have a conglomerate of positive humanistic convictions that we assert, but in respect of the individual reserve for suggested option to our members. Our primary goal is distinctively humanistic, in that we support the isolate, psyche-centric convictions and growth that covers all domains of the individual. Such love for freedom has been damned by religious organization, within and without, for too long of a time. Though our philosophical meta-theology may cover a portion of needs, the way of Satan will always boil down to the elemental responsibility of yourself to yourself.
I would refer to our specific branch of Satanism as “Atavistic Satanism,” in that we oftentimes revert to our ancestral roots of the Black Arts. We launch from a paradigm that is paleo-Pagan in approach, since Satan is far older than the Christianity and Judaism that we all know so well. Throughout the ages of man, the adversary has been the nucleus of all mythic tales that revolve around the will of man breaking the bonds of tyranny. Since reflexively we can judge that the organized structures of man are counter-stratified, rewarding the least merited with wealth and hierarchy, we can view the adversary, and its effect on man in a purified, atavistic sense within the context of these tales- the maxim of elevated mythic study has always viewed the trickster as the culture hero. A full etymology would be inappropriate in this introduction, therefore we will reserve that for a separate piece of writing.
The world was born from the primal soup of the chaotic void, and before the orphic cosmogenesis of the cross-cultural creation, it was this power, this Dark and Balancing Force of Chaos that is Nature that called itself into order- and for what purpose? Satanism is concerned with life. Life itself can loosely be defined as movement, going against the grain and flux. The heart pumps the blood, and the neurons fire in the brain – we can observe life. Satan is life, and Satan is death. Satan is the Dark and Balancing Force in Nature. Therefore, we as Atavistic Satanists actively work to destroy all useless and programmed philosophic binaries, including light/dark, good/evil, life/death. We all must share in the experience, since death is a process in life – it is unavoidable, and therefore not separate.
The Grotto of the Ibex Glade relies heavily on the writings of Anton LaVey, specifically with The Satanic Bible being our primary doctrine. The reason we are not affiliated with The Church of Satan is because the atmosphere and scene in the Church of Satan has changed with nearly every decade, in that its original purpose seems too far different from its current approach. We however do not discourage membership in the Church of Satan. We are highly appreciative of its historical function, and recognize many figures in its priesthood, including its current High Priest, as highly intelligent, influential key-players in the culture of Satanism. We do not restrict dual-membership with any other group, inside or outside of The Grotto of the Ibex Glade. This is a cabal of like-minded elites that are courageous enough to view life as the great adventure- which is the self-identified function of the trans-folkish culture hero- Satan.
We refuse to subject our members to masonic degrees of recognition. A simple, uncomplicated admission of nature and man’s cooperative office is all that is necessary to view Satan within a favorable light, cogniscent or not of its symbolism. We offer a Left-Hand Path oriented program of a heavy occult praxis, in active and passive currents. Though our system is influenced by Kabbalah, the Thelema of Aleister Crowley and the Witch Cult of Western Europe, we are uniquely and unabashedly Satanic above all other adjectives in magical expression, regardless of how hermetic and pagan our theology goes.
Our teachings come free, and at no cost other than your own willingness to dedicate yourself to the Left-Hand Path. By following the Left-Hand Path you are by proxy serving yourself and mankind as a whole. If you’d like further information of how to get involved, contact the Satanist who has been assigned for public relations in your geographic area listed below.

In nomine Dei nostri Satanas Luciferi excelsi!

Contact: SigLaufeyJarson@gmail.com

In his spare time, Sig Laufey Jarson composes for Bacchanal:


9 thoughts on “Explore alternative religion: Hail Satan”

  1. TheWaters says:

    blah blah blah blah, im opressed, me me me

  2. OBJECTION says:

    You should know better than to promote this kind of garbage, Mr Stevens.

    Anyone with a modicum of reading comprehension and critical thinking ability will realize the absurdity of this miniature manifesto.

    Satanism and humanism are in direct conflict by definition. These jokers are not Satanists. Satanism describes that character which is cruel, evil, sly, mischievous, wicked, potentially or actually harmful. This description of character flies in the face of humanistic tendencies. Furthermore, any “philosophy” that places fulfillment of the self above all else is merely animal, childish. Satanism requires sacrifice of the immediate self. Satanism is hatred of humanity for its short-sighted greed and masturbatory egotism, which means that a Satanist will feel hatred of his human self for sharing these failings.

    “The reason we are not affiliated with The Church of Satan is because the atmosphere and scene in the Church of Satan has changed with nearly every decade, in that its original purpose seems too far different from its current approach. We however do not discourage membership in the Church of Satan. We are highly appreciative of its historical function, and recognize many figures in its priesthood, including its current High Priest, as highly intelligent, influential key-players in the culture of Satanism.”

    The above quote from the article. Anyone who considers the borderline misanthropic hedonists from the CoS “intelligent”, or is willing to identify with them as fellow Satanists, is a clown and deserves to be publicly shamed and berated for such idiocy.

    In a word; fuck these “Ibex Glade” poseurs.

    1. Furthermore, any “philosophy” that places fulfillment of the self above all else is merely animal, childish.

      A philosophy that places fulfillment of the self above all else… where have I seen that before? Consumerism, democracy, popularity, mob mentality, selfishness — ah, we’re describing the Right Now!

      1. OBJECTION says:

        I appreciate you understanding where I’m coming from but I still emphasize the detrimental aspect of bringing attention to this attention-whoring absurdity. Satanism as a characteristic behaviour is totally incompatible with the characteristic behaviours you mentioned. Therefore these people are not Satanists and what they describe is not an “alternative religion” in any sense. They describe a mash-up of ghost stories and hipster rebellion.

        1. Satanism as a characteristic behaviour is totally incompatible with the characteristic behaviours you mentioned.

          I would imagine that the failing of any revolution in thought (or otherwise) would be a repetition of the dominant paradigm under new management or the appearance of the same.

          What is Satanism? As a non-expert, I’d imagine it follows the idea of Satan, or opposition to God. Or does it? Many believe evil is a necessary balance to good, much like the concept of “hot” is necessary to know “cold.”

          Perhaps the best guide — in my view — is Milton, who wrote rather favorably of Satan. In his view, Satan’s fall was precipitated by a disagreement over the appearance of God’s son, Jesus Christ. Satan battles for control, and then makes the memorable statement that it’s better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.

          At that point, we have a division: there’s good, evil and whatever contains them. (Although it’s a cheesy metaphor, the rather demonic girl in the movie The Craft refers to a mystical force by saying that if God and Satan played football, the mystical force would the stadium. Many would refer to this as Godhead or the origin of all including metaphysics.)

          Monists like myself see a balance. Satan may not be evil, per se, but the desire to break away from what is known as good. This doesn’t require doing the opposite of good, only not being guided by it. A nihilist might see in this a formidable third path, which is that which aims to choose by desired results of actions, rather than obedience of actions. This is comparable to metal’s distrust of anything established, in that once something is established, it becomes focused on defending what it has, rather than growing. Periodic renewal — like forest fires, plagues, and wars — refreshes that which has become static.

          In that sense, what might evil be? That which is willing to do what is not good by method, in order to achieve what is perceived as good in terms of goals or ideals. Satan is breaking away from the idea of control in order to achieve good toward the idea of interpreting good based on results in reality. But there is still the ugly implication that ego arose and Satan merely felt that he should serve in the place of Jesus.

          Others see Satan as simply a lack of mercy.

          As far as self-interest goes… this could form a parallel. Then again, it’s what most people by default do anyway. I like the rant at the beginning of that one Beherit track — which I think is LaVeyian — which affirms man’s place as an animal. Self-interest is not evil, in this view. Good might be misinterpreted and seek to bind us to others, where natural selection says that we should not support others who are incompetent, unwilling or unable to adapt to reality. In that case, Satan takes on the primal form as predator.

          Yet another interpretation is a rejection of externalization. People are fond of blaming their own evil deeds on an external force, Satan, who is parallel to the ancient Hebrew scapegoat. But evil really is a choice in the hearts of human beings. When Christians talk about forgiveness for repentance, it seems to me that to repent means to purge the evil selfish desires from one’s heart. But this needs to be balanced with what Plato suggested: “good to the good, bad to the bad.” Evil can take a covert and passive form when people become parasitic. Perhaps Satan is more of a libertarian who suggests we each do what is necessary for ourselves, and cast aside charity and notions of pity.

          Others simply see Satan as the darkness force that defines light. Death, doom and destruction serve a role, which is why Satan remains God’s angel. After all, if an omnipotent being allows evil to exist despite having superior power, evil must be essential.

          It’s an interesting question. Forgive my somewhat Hindu/Emersonian take on it.

          1. FF317 says:

            “Others simply see Satan as the darkness force that defines light. Death, doom and destrction serve a role, which is why Satan remains God’s angel. After all, if an omnipotent being allows evil to exist despite having superior power, evil must be essential”

            I can’t help but thinking of a scene in Das Rheingold. Here’s the context, Loge (Loki) has promised Freia (Here a collision of Freyja and Idunn) to Fasolt and Fafner, two giants who built the castle of Asgard. Wotan has allowed this to happen because Loge has provided the assurance that he will find something that they want other than Freia, but after scowering the world, he finds nothing that can compete with their originally established reinforcer.

            Here’s the part that resonates what you said. Fricka (Frigg), Donner (Thor), and Froh (Frey) all loose their shit on Loge. Wotan’s reaction to the senna that takes place is particularly interesting.


            To consider
            with the utmost care
            how to release her
            that I promised.
            But that I could find
            what never existed
            and never could succeed,
            how could that ever be promised?

            (to Wotan)

            See what a treacherous
            knave you trusted!

            Your name is Loge,
            but I call you lair!


            Accursed fire,
            I’ll quench you!


            To cover their disgrace
            the fools revile me.


            Leave my friend in peace!
            You know not Loge’s wiles:
            his counsel is
            of richer weight
            when he delays in giving it.

  3. OVERRULED says:


    It doesn’t take a genius to realise that there are a bagillion forms of Satanism. There’s atheistic satanism, theistic satanism, o9a Satanism, Temple of Set, Typhoian OTO, Temple of Black Light, Dragon Rouge… shall we go on?

    None of them get along with eachother. The outrage you’re presenting seems more along the lines of the attention-seeking you’re professing these chaps to be doing.

    Quite hoenstly, this ia very typical of Satanism. There’s a disagreement, a collection of ideas are drawn together, and a group is formed. The CoS, ToS, o9a and so on all formed like that. This is nothing new.

    Your perception of what Satanism is, quite honestly is in a gross contrast of how Satanists at large profess their way to be characterized as. I think your fight isnt with this group, or deathmetal.org for its support, I think your real battle lies with the Satanic community.

    Interestingly enough, your begrudgement is the exact thing that’s started groups in the past. Why don’t you start your own form of humanity-hating satanism? You can be as brutal and unforgiving and deathcult like as you want. Just watch out, because at that level you’re steering very close to Judeo-Christianity, only an unveiled form of it.

    1. OBJECTION says:

      Here’s the most important point I’m going make: Just because there exist a “bagillion” forms or definitions of something does not mean they are all correct or even relevant.

      The definition of Satanism that I gave above is the only correct one. Arrogant am I, say you? Yes, my definition is in gross contrast to that of self-proclaimed Satanists at-large. I can explain, though. (I do hope you will rethink your accusation that my posting about this as merely attention-whoring. I can think of much more effective ways to bring attention to myself on the internet if that’s what I wanted to do. I’m posting anonymously in the comments section of a death metal forum; hardly a high-traffic page. Furthermore I have nothing to advertise or promote – merely some misinformation to correct.)

      The term Satan means adversary or enemy. (http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=satan, or dig in to some more research on your own time.) What does an enemy do? An enemy is someone who tries to destroy you. When facing an enemy, your responsibility is to defend yourself against and defeat them. If you fail to do this, your life is forfeit. Enemies are different than opponents, who mere struggle to outmatch you in some contest. An enemy is a threat to you existence. Satan is the ultimate enemy, the adversary to all humanity, and maybe even to existence and being itself, depending on how metaphysical you want to get. No wonder someone might be inclined to hold Satan in high regard; perhaps even worship him!

      Now for the confusing question: If Satan is your enemy, your adversary, a threat to your existence by definition, then is Satan a conscious entity acting out of spiteful or hateful will? Or is Satan a blind idiot force like gravity or entropy? This is where those who would potentially make a religion out of Satanism become entangled in their own need to categorize and quantify concepts. It is one of the great shortcomings of human intellect. The revolutionary solution that I’m offering you is this; it doesn’t matter. The sun rises and sets with or without Helios riding it. Reality continues whether or not we understand why or how. Perception can be utterly disconnected from the actual mechanical processes that make up the operations of the universe around us. This is the error of these professing Satanists (and most people, generally).

      Undeniably, we, as human creatures with intellect and the capacity to value life and creativity, observe loss, pain, death, suffering, failure, punishment, cruelty: Evil. These things come from Satan. Whether not Satan is an actual entity who inflicts these things on us or whether or not these effects are just artifacts of conscious perception is irrelevant. We, as human creatures with intellect and the capacity to value life and creativity, cannot know, and to argue will only confuse us more. Thus, the “bagillion” forms of ‘Satanism’, all of which (aside from, perhaps, one or two) are false (because they claim to describe that which defies isolated description and meaning) and not Satanic by any means.

      I don’t need to start a Satanist group. What a waste of time it would be, as you and I have proven! I’m not undertaking any battle, here or elsewhere. I’m not even a professing Satanist. If I did claim to be, then you really couldn’t trust a word from me (not that you are inclined to anyway, but for some mysteriously altruistic sake, I have not been misleading or intentionally confusing in any way [quite unlike how a Satanist would behave!]). I’m just some autistic faggot on the internet.

  4. Satanism basically means “do as thou wilt” with no morality. If you rise above the rest, and they starve and die, this is nature’s will. God would have you save them… blessed are the meek. Satan would have you trample them. God is human emotion, Satan is natural selection. There is no morality. You will not be judged when you die, even if there is an afterlife and I think there is. If there is a God, he is blind and impersonal and he doesn’t give a shit about you.

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