Housebound (2014)


Combining comedy with horror takes a deft touch or the result rapidly veers into the leering variety show that Hollywood has adored since its earliest days but that strikes an audience with deep existential dread rooted in unacknowledged devastating boredom. A film can either be a horror film with a sense of humor, or a comedy wearing the mantle of horror, but few can do both.

Housebound reverses the direction in which even movies like Evil Dead (1981) venture, which is the “self-aware” movie in the postmodern style, or a movie which is ironically funny as part of its ineptitude or uncertainty about its primary mission. It might make more sense to refer to the 2014 movie as “suspense comedy” because it does not evoke horror so much as a sense of something large and important being wrong underneath the veneer of normalcy which we call “normal life” and as a species use to bury our doubts, fears and existential confusion. Housebound is a very funny movie, once the viewer gets accustomed to the method in which it delivers its humor, which is mostly situational and character-based but relies on a strong sense of the absurd and thus requires the viewer, like the protagonist in a horror film, to be a realist among the herd of denialist sheep.

The movie begins with plot-as-setting: a young woman, troubled in her relationship to drugs and crime, runs into a sadistic judge who assigns her not to jail but to a sentence back where the problem began, namely her childhood home. This in turn puts her into confrontation with her mother who exists in mental orbit most of the time, and a stepfather who seems to have no ability to change anything that happens in his life. While they live in uncertainty and loathing for each other, events that appear to be supernatural in origin begin to appear, and all react with skepticism until the pervasive intrusion within their lives can no longer be denied. At this point, the plot ramps up with a delicious lack of concern for human life and “feelings.” Like most good comedies, the characters are situationally accurate but take on a larger than life aspect in order to drive forward a plot that requires people to react like unstable chemical compounds. Sympathetic portrayals of even the pathetic give this movie somewhat of an extra grace, and while it is not always believable, its mockery of the head-in-the-sand of normal human existence makes it an enjoyable watch.

“Suspense comedy” might describe this film better than anything related to horror, since the aspect of horror that lives on is a pejorative realism toward human adaptive behaviors, and although there are moments of fear and terror the real drive of this film is satire of the wretched and absurd nature of human existence. As a result, it makes no sense to endorse this as a horror film, but more to say it is a comedy set in a horror backdrop which may win over its audience from the similar ways to horror films with which it treats humanity and its sacred cows. In addition, once it gains momentum (and the audience adapts to the New Zealand accent), Housebound provides a compelling character drama within an existence as nonsensical as actual reality, only more clearly revealed as such by the humorous events which it contains.

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5 thoughts on “Housebound (2014)”

  1. Concerned Citizen says:

    Check out Lucio Fulci’s Conquest. You can watch it on youtube. Pretty cool stuff. Here’s the link:

  2. Madhu says:

    Good review. I was pleased by this film’s ability to exhume progressively more ugly and perverse secrets without losing its light-hearted tone.

  3. No gwar says:

    Hey Brett you should review the Hobbit movies, I think they’re even worse than that Robocop crap you reviewed last time.

  4. Max Costner says:

    I usually do not watch comedy horror movies unless they have a foreign creation orientation. American movies seen to make fun of the horror such as a zombie instead of the people who encounter it. Foreign or independent movies that I enjoy most encompass more on character development.

    I also like Lucio Fulci’s movies and others classified as Italian Horror movies. I have encountered a debate online about who had the better looking zombies between him and George A. Romero. The movie Night of the Living Dead is still the scariest movie to me. The Walking Dead series the scariest series. This is based on the situation not viewing it on a television screen. I do not understand how anyone can actually encounter fear setting in front of a television screen.

    1. hypocrite says:

      I get scared when I’m fighting zombies too.

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