Rest In Peace, Lars-Goran Petrov (1972-2021)

Entombed A.D., the continuation of Nihilist which carried on under another name after the rights to the Entombed name went to guitarist Alex Hellid, issued the following statement:

Our brother, leader, vocalist, our Chief Rebel Angel went on another ride last night. It’s with the deepest sadness that we have to announce that Lars-Göran Petrov has left us. He was (is!!!) an incredible friend, and a person that has touched so many people. He has changed so many lives with his voice, his music, his character and his unique personality. LG’s smile is something that we will carry forever in our hearts. When asked in an interview what he would like to have written on his grave and what about his legacy, he said: ​“I will never die, it will never die.” And you didn’t. You will live forever in our hearts. ⁣⁣⁣⁣

R.I.P. LG Petrov.

Petrov — of Swedish and Macedonian heritage — had been diagnosed with bile duct cancer some time last year that was judged to be “inoperable,” and so this event was not unexpected, just sudden. We hope that life means more than matter reshaping itself and he is somewhere, haunting the living and the dead alike.

Don’t want to live in a decaying shell
But why should I go to heaven
And who’s to say I’ll enter hell

Dead – Deceased, but life goes on
I will be the one who won
My charred body will decay
But my soul will be floating anyway

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58 thoughts on “Rest In Peace, Lars-Goran Petrov (1972-2021)”

  1. Heavy Metal Speed Metal says:


  2. Herman Lundborg says:

    Petrov — of Swedish and Macedonian heritage

    Makes you wonder about the heritage of the aforementioned lead guitarist Lofo Twangaka Kalle Alexander Hellid…

    1. Spaniard says:

      Lofo is clearly a person of color. Bård Guldvik “Faust” Eithun is married to a Brazilian and his children are mischling. The European race as we have come to know it is finished. Small pockets may survive but the Anglo-American/Israeli globohomo agenda is a cultural wrecking ball that has already destroyed Northern and Western Europe. The Visegrad Group as well as some Balkan nations show promise, but I don’t have high hopes for them in the long run. After unleashing sterilizing feminism on their own nation which has rendered the female population a lot of bitter, hostile enemy combatants, the Anglo-American is now trolling Eastern Europe as well as Asia to find real women. These nations are poor and while they have a surfeit of dignity, in the global economy, dignity alone is not sufficient for survival. In conclusion, the special autists who find Swedish and Macedonian to be an unpalatable mix should STRONGLY consider suicide. The future is going to be excruciatingly unbearable for those with their affliction. R.I.P. LG Petrov

      1. Big meanie says:

        Faust never seemed like the most intelligent of fellows. Almost seems like he’s mimicking the so called scandinavian royalty. Also whats with black metal twinks growing up to be thugs?

        1. Spaniard says:

          “Also whats with black metal twinks growing up to be thugs?”

          Dunno. The same phenomenon occurs with thrash metal guys. It’s interesting that black metal contains thrash in its dna. Coincidence…maybe. Death metal, on the contrary, is remarkably resistant to the thug fuckery.

          1. It all got outsourced into Uyghur deathcore.

            1. Big meanie says:

              Pignoise music has an aura of thuggery on the surface, but its all hollow on the inside.

              1. All of metal does. I think more of these guys would be violent if they saw a point, meaning that if they could achieve something by it, they would do it. They do not do violence for its own sake or violence for a lifestyle, like criminals. I have never seen a genre with more tea-drinkers and nature walkers than metal, and it’s part of why it fits for me.

                1. Spaniard says:

                  “I have never seen a genre with more tea-drinkers and nature walkers than metal, and it’s part of why it fits for me.”

                  Perhaps one of the most delightful pleasures I enjoy is a proper cuppa of fresh brewed, UNSWEETENED, loose leaf black tea. It is truly the nectar of the Gods. May the Portuguese reign in the heavens for introducing this miraculous libation to Europe:

                  PS Green tea is ONLY acceptable to drink when one is under the weather. Imbibing it any other time is to indulge in pure faggotry. Unless you’re East Asian of course.

                  1. Virgil Cocksmith says:

                    Green Tea is actually a great hangover killer!

        2. They weren’t thugs, but nerds, and many of them were so bored and frustrated by modern society that they acted out a bit. I wouldn’t say Faust is unintelligent at all.

          1. Big meanie says:

            What about Jon Nödtveidt, or the pretend-thug Euronymous, both who are coincidentally dead? Faust would most likely be a deer herder if he didn’t drum.

            1. one look at Euronymous, legendary black metal innovator, with his diminutive effeminate figure, tiny hands, rat whisker mustache, and stringy hair and I immediately lost respect for the entire black metal genre.

              1. Birkenhain says:

                Euronymous‘ mustache made him look like a mongolian straight out of some shitty medieval painting lmao I guess that’s the sami heritage

      2. I think it’s a great separation. Some are mixing, and are going to end up moving to the third world. Who worries about a Norwegian moving to Brazil to have children there? Nationalism is rising everywhere, democracy is falling, “diversity is our strength” has become a punchline, and no one trusts the (Leftist, corporatist) Establishment anymore. Communism and Capitalism merged in Late Stage Democracy to become the same ruin, and people are defecting across the board. Not everyone will make it; oh well. Send ’em to Venezuela.

        1. Spaniard says:

          “Who worries about a Norwegian moving to Brazil to have children there?”

          The problem is he didn’t move to Brazil; he’s living in Norway with his Brazilian squeeze and half breed brood. I also think you’re grossly overestimating the rise of nationalism as a mitigator. Peruse this channel at your leisure and write back to me afterwards: For someone with your particular sensibility, it will be difficult because there are also people living in Norway who are not native Norwegians, but rather Europeans from other parts of Europe. Make sure to watch the video on how Norwegians feel about their racial brethren the Danes. I think you will find it edifying. There was some Scandinavian pussy that use to post on Amerika that I btfo’d awhile back when I still posted there. I don’t know where he was from exactly, but you can ask him to verify the veracity of my words. Your optimism is admirable although somewhat Pollyannish.

          1. I have found that most of humanity thinks in negative terms and loves negativity. That is, a “give up now” style argument. In my view, life is more nuanced, and it makes sense to avoid such thinking and instead pay attention to the cycles of history. Europe has again learned the diversity lesson, and already we see that the smart/hip/wise segment of society is not preaching against it, but has abandoned the “diversity is our strength” notion.

            1. Spaniard says:

              “I have found that most of humanity thinks in negative terms and loves negativity. That is, a “give up now” style argument.”

              Agreed. However, there is a distinction between negativity and objectivity. As I stated earlier, “The European race as we have come to know it is finished.” This does not mean that Europeans will become extinct; it means that what you KNEW as European will no longer exist. This is perfectly in line with your cycles of history comment. Take the English for instance: their DNA is a blend of Anglo, Iberian, Norman, Saxon, Scandinavian and depending on where you are in England, Saracen as well as Indian. This the reality of who the English CURRENTLY are. The same can be said for France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain and virtually every other European nation. I get where you’re coming from; there is a tendency on the Right to mythologize the past as something it never was. The real Left (not the delusional SJW post Frankfurt School/Civil Rights Kosher variety) had a more accurate, honest understanding of history. While the austere materialist aspect of leftist historiography can be dry and grating, history is not meant to be a feel good fairy tale. For that, we have the Brothers Grimm.

              1. In my view, the English are remarkably consistent: a steady tendency toward the Nordic-Germanic. Others show up, but they are finding it hard to integrate, for obvious reasons.

                1. Spaniard says:

                  “Others show up, but they are finding it hard to integrate, for obvious reasons.”

                  Your optimism is charming, but unrealistic. For your edification: In 2019 70.5% of all babies were born to UK-born mothers while 29.5% were born to foreign-born mothers of which 10.8% came from the EU and 18.7% from non-EU countries.

                  Of the UK born mothers, how many of them were born to foreign born parents? Do you consider Tony Iommi an authentic Englishman? Where do you stand on the Celts? Finding it hard to integrate? Lady Di had Indian DNA! It’s in the royal bloodline. Take a gander at the 2011 UK census and get back to me. Also keep in mind that it’s from TEN years ago. The next one is coming up in four days.

                  You’ll find all the links provided within the Wiki link I posted. This will be my last post on the matter. Nietzsche was right about this: “Man needs his delusions.”

                  1. Populations are not uniform. There will always be some randoms floating around England, but as long as the core of the population remains, that will be the genetics of the English. It seems to me that the immigrants will come and go, as they have in the past, once the easy days of opulent living (i.e. entitlements) go away.

            2. Birkenhain says:

              With all the gloomy predictions about the future of Europe and Europeans, I‘m actually quite optimistic. Not unreasonably so: a dark future awaits us behind the corner, a future full of conflict and suffering. But if anyone has the capacity to rise once again, it’s the Europeans. We‘ve shown that time and time again through history. I personally would welcome a Hessian society with a proper eugenics program, to weed out the genetic dead ends brought to us by the comforts of modern society. Or just patiently await the next ice age

              1. I tend to take this perspective. I see a rising interest in Nordic-Germanic/Cro-Magnon heritage and the desire to send everyone else away. This coincides with a desire to preserve nature. Humanity overgrew, and now comes the correction.

              2. Spaniard says:

                I hope you’re correct. I wish for the best, but expect the worst.

                1. It’s probably somewhere in the middle. People are always speaking doom… I see a lot more people waking up, and when they do, they are going to want to escape the modern disaster entirely. I predict lots of boats back to the third world. If nothing else, trust this: democracy is broke and overpopulation has killed the food supply. Globalism is over. With it falling, so does the bullshit goodwill that the Left has used to argue for its nonsense. Xi/Biden stole an election because they knew their window was closing. I think it’s about to slam shut, and a lot of neurotics are going to wake up en route to somewhere different… but familiar.

  3. Joe Ramone says:

    What man creates man will destroy
    Bring to light that day of joy


  4. Billy Foss says:

    Fuck, I was just listening to Sentenced to Death this morning before I read the news. I will be listening to the demos and Left Hand Path over the next few days in his honor.

    Now she haunts me, day and night
    A haunting I can’t forget
    The deed was a coldblooded homicide
    A murder I regret

    But still she’s the same old hag
    And still my life has turned the same
    Isn’t there anything to set me free
    From this wicked pain?


  5. Jesus Christ ,why does every comment section have to turn into a big whiny ass, pussified, over intellectualized crybaby circle jerk over Europe? Because some really good death metal bands were from there like 30 years ago? Who gives a shit? You know what the problem with Europe is? Europeans. They’re a bunch of deluded, brainwashed, Chinese product buying, Xanax addled wiggers just like everyone else. I don’t care how cool you think their DNA is, it’s the truth. And for you dorks talking about eugenics, let me offer this: you’ll talk a big game until someone comes to euthanize your mom with the gammy eye or your technically obese girlfriend with a thicc fat ass and the autism gene somewhere down the wood pile. You want the world to be better? Don’t buy Nike, don’t buy Apple, don’t buy Coca Cola or Nestle. Read some books. All kinds of books. Plant a garden. Study the occult and the ancient mystery schools (Trey Azagthoth lol). Get involved in local politics once you’re sufficiently deprogrammed. Stay off of the NWN boards. Don’t buy anything from Earache. Don’t smoke crystal meth. Spend less time focusing on what you hate, and more time focusing on what you love. Limit how much you directly associate with people that make your rectum nauseous. Lead by example instead of crying about AHH THE FUCKING FATHERLAND. Black metal bands did enough of that shit and they did it better than you.
    [ps no disrespect brett love u man]

    1. Jesus Christ ,why does every comment section have to turn into a big whiny ass, pussified, over intellectualized crybaby circle jerk over Europe?

      …because every comment section is a big whiny ass, pussified, ghetto/trailer ‘lectual crybaby circle jerk because:

      1. There is no skin in the game; people are just typing on the internet.
      2. The internet selects for nerds, dropouts, and fanatics.
      3. It’s Late Stage Democracy and most people are neurotic cargo cult schleps.
      4. Most people are lower caste (90% thrall, 9% carl, 1% jarl) anyway.

      You know what the problem with Europe is? Europeans. They’re a bunch of deluded, brainwashed, Chinese product buying, Xanax addled wiggers just like everyone else.

      Some of them are; those sound like products of democracy. But all of them?

      That’s the key issue you, I, and Spaniard have been debating here. Sure, there are race-mixed, NPC, grey race, 56%, soyboy, boxwine thot, neurotic, etc., people among us, and no one disagrees that these are gummies (short for “gassable untermenschen”). In fact, as a Gen X, it has always been my knowledge that 95% of humanity — at least! — needs to go into the wood chipper. The rest are pretty cool and we are working to save them. They also tend to be:

      1. Cro-Magnon
      2. Upper half of middle class
      3. Above 120 IQ points
      4. Sensitives and introverts

      This is for my group; the description may vary elsewhere. I have no idea about Japan, for example, but I know there are good people there. The goal is to save the good people and to send everyone else to the compost heap. The Nazis were pussies who killed far too few people, and far too many of the wrong ones.

      You want the world to be better? Don’t buy Nike, don’t buy Apple, don’t buy Coca Cola or Nestle. Read some books. All kinds of books. Plant a garden. Study the occult and the ancient mystery schools (Trey Azagthoth lol). Get involved in local politics once you’re sufficiently deprogrammed. Stay off of the NWN boards. Don’t buy anything from Earache. Don’t smoke crystal meth. Spend less time focusing on what you hate, and more time focusing on what you love.

      Terrible advice. The core of it is good, but you’ve created a psychological pattern for a bunch of people living in city apartments and doing inept kettlebell exercises while tending to their four-plant spice gardens ($19.95 this week on Amazon).

      The point is to get civilization oriented back on course, and that requires not something lesser like total militarization, but total spiritual and mental devotion.

      1. Slayer Player says:

        Man, Stevens, this is the clearest testament to your philosophy I’ve yet read.

        Although there are more aspects to making the world better, you’re probably right about the part you cover. Which is unfortunate: who wouldn’t want to believe the comfortable, irresponsible (?) lifestyle of Western democracies is the right path? Cleaning up after the party always sucks.

        1. I keep compiling knowledge and winnowing it down to the core, at which point it becomes very simple. It’s important to remind people to “read The Republic.”

      2. Slayer Player says:

        Just one question:

        “4. Sensitives and introverts”

        Sensitives? I got the impression you’ve always been critical of neurotic tendencies.

        1. There’s a difference. Sensitives are just more perceptive. Neurotics are those who cannot link cause and effect.

          1. Slayer Player says:

            Hmm, yes, I have noticed very neurotic people to be so stressed out about things that they form very irrational ideas about everyday challenges. I have a feeling it’s a matter of degree to most psychologists, who would probably view sensitivity as a mild form of neuroticism (since we’re all on a spectrum), especially since it seems to overlap with introversion.

            1. Introversion means self-directed motivation, basically. Sensitivity is degree of perception. As you note, neuroticism is superstition: connecting symbol to effect, rather than effect to cause. It’s the oldest human problem, one where the cavemen sacrifice goats to the rain god instead of inventing irrigation. C’est la bete.

              1. Slayer Player says:

                Irrespective of our definitions, I agree on the symbol-worship being a huge problem, especially these days where we allow a system of clever con artists luring less clever con artists with fantasies of success. The economic bubbles just keep on bursting.

                1. I was hearing the other day about a condominium that had been “flipped” three times. The first renovation flooded it, the second nearly burned it down, and the third was ugly. Someone was trying to buy it cheap so they could do a cheap renovation and sell it high. This, Etsy, and OnlyFans seem to be the only remaining American industries.

    2. Spaniard says:

      “Jesus Christ ,why does every comment section have to turn into a big whiny ass, pussified, over intellectualized crybaby circle jerk over Europe?”

      At first I was going to go in on you about this, but you know what, you actually make a valid point. This will be my last post on this subject for a spell as I’ve come to the conclusion that nothing good comes of mixing business with pleasure. One invariably tarnishes the other; in this regard, it is similar to what occurs with miscegenation. I care about Europe in the abstract; meaning that I see the survival of Europe as a necessary condition for the continued existence of my people. It is for the same reason that I’m a green fag: no healthy environment, no healthy people. None of my positions are taken with the intent of being a dopey edgelord.

      I was BRIEFLY a fellow traveler of the Alt-Right/”Dissident” Right or whatever the current nomenclature is for the passel of inveterate charlatans/fuck-ups that composes its ranks. One look at its leadership tells you all you need to know about the “movement.” An affluent, effete momma’s boy hiding under mommy’s skirt up in Montana after throwing his followers under the bus to save his own wretched ass (yeah Dicky Spencer, I’m talking about you). A corpulent Xer who was doxxed as being married to a Jew that has formed a political party to topple the duopoly. A hairless Midwestern dwarf that trolled Southeast Asia for poontang and larped as a Nazi with his daddy bankrolling the escapade. After a sobering lawsuit, his new larp is that of your typical red-blooded, all-American, conservative boomer next door neighbor. An edgy programmer living somewhere in Eastern Europe who lo and behold, turns out to be part Jew and grew up with black step siblings. Another porker this time from Maryland who was nicknamed Ham sandwich that not only banged a Jew, but also boned his mother-in-law in the trailer park he was living in and ultimately became federal informant. They read like an ADL/SPLC approved Hollywood screenplay.

      My main focus is the state I live in and to a far lesser extent, the USA at large. I take a ZERO growth approach and advocate installing armed statesmen at the border to mow down the carpetbagging scum relocating to my home. I also advocate giving long time residents ground surface to air missiles to blow the state wreckers out of the sky as well. It is my contention that the CSA was correct in their POV and we would have been much better off had they won the war of Northern aggression. Brett’s takes on metal are arguably the best I’ve seen on line; that is not hyperbole but rather a verifiable fact. However, Brett also showed me an egregious error in judgment as well as capitulating to his passions on Amerika that makes it impossible for me to take his positions seriously. Incoherence and inconsistency are not only incongruent with sound reasoning, they also elucidate an ambivalent soul. That being said, he is the among the most FAIR individuals I have met on this or any other side of the political spectrum. In conclusion, I’m an independent contractor; my thoughts and opinions are my own. The most apt description would be an Ibero-American rōnin with a predilection for states based, eco-conscious, zero immigration (from other countries or states), non-Abrahamic governance; but that’s really hard to fit on a button.

      1. Slayer Player says:

        What’s his egregious error in judgment, his incoherence and inconsistency?

        Don’t leave us hanging!

        1. Spaniard says:

          He delegated moderating authority to a Catholic swindler on Amerika. In the exchange I had with him, this shyster even went as far as admitting he didn’t believe in the immaculate conception, walking on water, or water to wine. This scumbag was just using Catholicism as a persuasion implement; nothing more, nothing less. Yet Brett let this confidence huckster control a post in which he proceeded to censor incoming posts that he deemed cutting to close to home. Considering Brett’s views on Christianity, I’d say this qualifies as being incoherent and inconsistent.

          On a separate post, a commenter wrote that most of the Italians he knew looked like Germans. Brett proceeded to reply that they could stay in ‘Murica while the rest had to be yeeted. If you have read his ethnic perspective, this is strike two for incoherent and inconsistent. This is just off the top of my head what I remember from my brief period posting on Amerika.

          Then there are the communications I have had with him off forums in which he has yet again displayed cognitive dissonance. I will not share that here as those are private correspondence that will remain private. Needless to say, outside of his views on metal and tobacco, I don’t have any use for his input. He’s not as bad as the aforementioned charlatans, but that’s not saying much.

          1. Slayer Player says:

            From an outside perspective like mine it doesn’t sound too bad, to be honest. A couple of mistakes don’t add up to an ambivalent soul in my book, even though I can understand that the behavior of that Catholic charlatan must’ve been frustrating.

            1. Spaniard says:

              It’s been more than a couple; but yes, in comparison to the rest of the “dissident” right, he’s not too bad. You seem fairly inquisitive and likely to figure things out in time. May the winds of good fortune propel you on your journey.


            2. Big Meanie says:

              Gotta cater to the largest target demographic. That’s “just bizz” 101.

              1. It’s also dumb. Better to have a large niche audience that has enduring interest than a transient larger audience, if you plot over decades.

      2. Big meania says:

        Never cared for the political grifters, but I quite liked that Ausustus Sol Invictus feller, he had spunk.

        1. Spaniard says:

          Outside of being married to a Latina, having castizo children, and some goofy religious dabblings, his pros outweigh his cons: First, he’s an unabashedly proud Southerner who doesn’t shy away from his roots. Second, he’s an accomplished professional that has used his influence to try to affect positive change for us. Third, he’s a man who has withstood bogus witch hunts to destroy him professionally as well as personally. Fourth, he has done pro bono work for political dissidents and I mean REAL political dissidents. Fifth, he’s not a cunt; unlike Rich the Bitch Spencer. All in all, Augustus Sol Invictus is a pretty solid dude; no argument from me there.

          1. I would echo this, except that I don’t think Richard Spencer is a bad guy. If anything, he’s struggling through a mauling divorce and laying a bit low while trolling in plain sight, which deserves some credit.

            Here’s our interview with him:


            Most of the “far-Right” thinks I’m a bit odd because I’m more 1788 than 1488, a green fanatic, and want to rebuild society for every human instead of beating up on certain races (although, as a nationalist: one ethnic group per nation). I find that a lot of the leaders face a frustrating situation where the rank-and-file wants to hear about the great race war, but most of them want to talk about rebuilding Western culture so that people can understand that we are in decline and that nationalist, traditionalist, and anti-ecocidal ideals are a path to the future.

            1. Spaniard says:

              “except that I don’t think Richard Spencer is a bad guy.”

              Given his performance in the aftermath of Charlottesville, I’m baffled that you can think that. I know you’re of the same cohort (affluent and Texan), but give me a break; the guy is full blown AIDS with a side of colorectal cancer to boot. The broad taking him to the cleaners is Russian (I know how you feel about Slavs) and his kid is half Russki. After her, he started nailing some Irish-American feminist journalist (your feelings for the Irish are similar to the Slavs) and he made a spectacle of himself during the election because Miss Richard just LOVES the limelight. He’s a bad joke; not even fit for a bong water swilling, Doritos munching frat party.

              “Most of the “far-Right” thinks I’m a bit odd because I’m more 1788 than 1488, a green fanatic, and want to rebuild society for every human instead of beating up on certain races (although, as a nationalist: one ethnic group per nation).”

              I feel like I’m beating a dead horse here, so I’ll try to wrap this up as accurately and succinctly as possible. By nature I’m a pessimist, so I don’t expect much from my fellow man. I do not, I repeat, I do NOT have any ill will toward you. Based on our correspondence as well as what you have seen me post here and on Amerika, I think that’s relatively obvious. You drew first blood, not I. It’s nearly impossible to find a mutual accord with someone who wants to yeet me from not only my legacy, but what I deem to be my birthright. Nothing I have written about you in the above is disparaging; it is simply a tale of the tape. I will forward you the equivalent of $1,000 in the currency of your choice if you can prove me a liar in what I wrote. I may be a shitkicker that never learned how to wipe his feet, but no one can ever accuse me of disinformation. Honesty is my only excuse, you can try to rob me of it but it’s no use. As I’ve written before, you’re a gifted writer with unique perspectives and I enjoy participating in the DMU forum. From my end, I wish you and yours nothing but the best. You on the other hand, cannot say the same.

              1. I have to disagree on Spencer. Maybe mistakes were made — it is not my place to comment here — but that’s true of all of us.

                Thank you for the kind words. I have one vital thought to advance here: if my way turns out better for everyone, would you still oppose it?

                1. Spaniard says:

                  “I have one vital thought to advance here: if my way turns out better for everyone, would you still oppose it?”

                  I can’t believe you’re really asking me this question; no, of course not. It is precisely because I don’t think it’s better that I oppose it. I’m not a contrarian for the sake of being a contrarian and I’m also not on an ego trip. I wish for a sane, sustainable system that safeguards my own while minimally harming my neighbors. This is reasonable and attainable on a small scale.

                  1. Right, but we’re not talking on a small scale. That can’t be separated from the largest scale, whether global or metaphysical, anyway.

                    1. Spaniard says:

                      Whoa! Based on this reply, I’m starting to think maybe we’re communicating on different frequencies. Global scale? If your wish is some kind of Anglo-American global hegemony, we’re NEVER going to see eye to eye on how to achieve stasis. Sorry, but that’s been tried and it has failed.
                      On a smaller scale however, both of our desires could be realized. Honestly, you could be living your preference right now, in real time. If you move to Montana, the Dakotas, Idaho, or Wyoming, with the exception of a few things here and there, you essentially will have what you crave: 1) a homogenous, predominantly Northern European culture 2) Low populations 3) Wide open spaces and plenty of nature 4) Weather that is suited to your Nordic constitution 5) A political climate more conducive to your inclinations 6) Very little minority presence 7) Much more affordable real estate
                      To his credit, Spencer has put his money correction, mumsy and daddykins money where his mouth is and moved to Montana. Henrik and Lana from Red Ice have done the same with their recent move to Idaho. If you truly believe what you write, what’s stopping you from joining the ethnostate? You have the fiscal means and the ability to work remotely, so why aren’t you going for it?

                  2. Slayer Player says:

                    It’s a pretty valid question. IF it turns out better for everyone including you and yours. It’s a thought experiment one should ask anyone: If some god with all the right answers suddenly appeared and said, “Yo, the only system that would avoid the destruction of humanity and/or the entire planet, is National Socialism with Extra Evil on the side!”, would adhere to it? A bit too hypothetical perhaps, but it makes you ponder your motivations and how far you’re willing to go.

              2. Slayer Player says:

                Hang on… There’s a DMU forum?

          2. Big meanie says:

            This was supposed to be facetious, but fair enough. When LARP, might as well go all out.

  6. Joe Pesci says:

    Disgraceful what you wonks have done to a tribute thread.

    1. It’s part of the culture of this place.

      We live in a dying society where everything is lies, so most are shut in until something provokes enough emotion to make them “reach out again.”

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