In the early 1990s, once it seemed that death metal had fired off its initial salvo and lost momentum by late 1992, the record labels immediately turned to what they had next in line to keep the kids occupied, doom metal. This followed years of gradual increase in interest based on the sound that Saint Vitus and Candlemass carried on from Black Sabbath, and tried to jump over recent hardcore- and prog-rock-influenced history to return metal to its heavy rock roots.
3 CommentsTags: albert witchfinder, brett stevens, carmelo orlando, diego banchero, Doom Metal, eduardo vitolo, fabio bellan, greg chandler, joe hasselvander, jordy middelbosch, justin st vincent, kobi farhi, marco melzi, marco serrato gallardo, mario di donato, martin popoff, massimo gasperini, mauro berchi, mauro tollini, Nihilism, niko skorpio, paul groundwell, paul kurh, randy holden, regen graves, thomas chaste, urlo