Christ Sodomized

According to some academics, who might have been reading from Hypocrisy and Havohej lyrics, Jesus Christ was sexually abused during his torture before crucifixion:

“It’s making quite clear that if this happened today … it needs to be named as sexual abuse, as a very severe form of sexual humiliation.

“Very often the stripping is the first step towards other forms of sexual attack.”

Jesus is usually portrayed on the cross wearing a loincloth, but the Romans crucified people naked as part of the humiliation.

“It’s extraordinary that it is missing, but it’s missing in plain sight … typically people read it but don’t notice it … perhaps we have ideas about what is sacred that would clash with something like sexual violence,” Prof Tombs said.

The bigger point is that throughout human history, sodomy has been used to subjugate people and render them inferior to you. Whoever you can beat up enough that they cannot resist sodomy, you have conquered; it is humiliating for both sexes and designed to produce pain.

For this reason, those of us who hate the passive nature of Jesus — clever like a middle class merchant or minority politician, he simply accepted the abuse as a way of making his enemies look bad — the thought of him being mutilated, tortured, sodomized, scourged, stabbed, and sodomized is always gratifying.

The modern discovery of this obvious truth, namely that when prisoners get stripped naked before execution bad things usually happen, has been used to aid the many people who are raped daily by those who are empowered by our individualistic and permissive society based in passivity like Christ.

We hope that the choir boys who have had their anuses and rectums widened by Irish Catholic priests take comfort in the fact that Jesus, too, had to wait for the spurting of semen as he was raped. Maybe Western Civilization can feel better since in the Bible, being a loser is being a winner!

In the ancient interpretation, however, it implies the obvious: to give up on being the Roman is to consent to sodomy, and if you are not the son of God who gets bailed out and renewed in heaven, it will hurt twice as bad the next day.

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63 thoughts on “Christ Sodomized”

  1. Sweet and tender angelic voiced castrato says:

    Just remember, Jesus loves you!


  2. Depositing My Semen Into The Assholes Of Alt-Right "Trad" Catholic/Orthodox Permavirgin LARPers with Anime Avatars On Twitter says:

    Very cool!

  3. a says:

    Whoever wrote this deserves rape AIDS

  4. Chrised says:

    Happy Easter friends!!!

  5. What a cancerous article.

    1. People always whine. You might find this rebuttal interesting:

  6. A guy says:

    do u not get that the actually productive and healthy and wholesome ppl in the west are Christian and the edgelord internet-era psychologically damaged from childhood school shooter watchlist armchair philosphers whose incoherent hodgepodge of spiritual/philophical ideas cherry-picked from history have a wholly fallacious claim to tradition compared 2 xtianity?

    1. a devil rocker says:

      frick tradition and frick christ

      1. I am somewhere in the middle: I like tradition, which I defined as those time-honored behaviors which have produced the best results over the long-term; I like traditionalism, which is the knowledge that ideas/patterns are causes and real-world events effects, so we must discipline our minds to shape the world; I like the continuity of tradition from the Yamnaya through the Indo-Europeans through the ancient Nordic Greeks through Christianity (which is essentially a more interesting and clear retelling of Greek philosophy by some intelligent and talented Jewish writers) and into some of our modern ideas.

        I detest the herd, and the herd ruined Christianity like it trashes anything it touches. A herd is two things: a mass of undermen, or a group of smart people who get together and decide to compromise. If you see a herd, whip it into a frenzy and corral it into a wood chipper. Herds are toxins, cancers, infectious delusions, fetishes, febrile addictions, and the root of control.

        1. shaggy says:

          Mycenaeans were actually less nordic than modern Greeks, unless you think population genetics is Jewish conspiracy or something.

          1. Interesting, but not particularly relevant. It was clear that Indo-European (Yamnaya) expansion was occurring across the European and Asian continent at that point.

        2. Robert says:

          What’s the difference between the herd and traditionalism. It takes a herd to create traditions that are celebrated by the herd. Your talk is confusing me.

          1. Read Evola says:

            Tradition comes from the top down. Herd values comes from the bottom up.

          2. In my view, traditions are created when excellent men do great things and other excellent men recognize them, so that method of achievement becomes adopted over others; tradition in the singular means an outlook on the universe where logic, pattern, and connectivity come before material and tangible sides.

        3. David Rosales says:

          Nietzsche identified the merchant and decadent in Judaism.
          He also correctly identified the core of SLAVE SPIRIT in Christianity.
          I have come to believe that you simply like to give a huge benefit of the doubt to anything Jewish.

          1. Nietzsche had some interesting ideas on Judaism, no doubt. He pointed out the neurotic nature of a character, aware that it is racially mixed, attempting to stamp down anything that is not its will by using subversion, but in the process becoming ensnared in its own uncertainty about belief and direction. This is the crisis not just of the racially-mixed, and of minority groups in a diaspora multiculture, but also that of high intelligence groups in general. Jews and Italians are similar; Chinese merchants behave the same way, and I think we will shortly find out that the Chinese government was the manipulator behind the scenes that we feared the Jews might be. Troublesome Asiatics all around!

            While Nietzsche makes good points about Christianity, there were no Christians or Jews in Athens. Instead, there was the eternal human tendency to “do right” by addressing individuals, and this individualism blossomed as it always does into egalitarianism, and from that it was a short step to Socrates drinking hemlock. That was even a light dose of egalitarianism, and it was still massively destructive. The Bible just retells this story, but in the symbolic-mystical method of the Semites, and this causes a great deal of confusion. Big point is: this tendency toward the herd and individualist — they are one and the same — exists inherently in humanity. The West arose in part because it was able to beat back this natural neurotic insanity with hierarchy, aristocracy, and an unshakeable faith in the sanity of the world which was quasi-atheistic, despite having clear supernatural belief, but it avoided the human projection of a morally correct God, himself a proxy for the ego and its desire that nature obey its intentions rather than the other way around. That is your merchant, decadent, middle class, slave spirit, and slaves and masters nature of modernity, found in Judaism in a more pronounced fashion perhaps because they reached a modern state before the rest of us (there is no award for that).

            1. David Rosales says:

              And Athens had nothing to do with the rise of Christianity. No matter how many leaps of faith theologians do to make it seem like that.

              Plato was not proto-Christian.

              While Plato was expounding on THE REPUBLIC, Judaism was appropriating from Babylon, and creating the basis for its (anti-)racial racism going on proto-Communism.

              1. Plato was not proto-Christian.

                No, but Christianity is mostly a ripoff of Plato.

                The Bible follows the same rough thematic outline as The Republic, albeit using some different symbols.

                Judaism operates like a shopkeeper: sees the best out there, combines them all, then improves upon it.

                Christianity produced a simpler, clearer, and more interesting work than the Greeks; that turned out to be an error, since that means that the crowd hijacks what you produce faster.

                1. Smite says:

                  PLEASE do explain how the Bible shows the same thematic outline as THE REPUBLIC.

                  I am aware that you are far more intimate with THE REPUBLIC than most of us. But I also know that you have a weakness for perenialist notions that reduce everything as necessary to accomodate that doctrine.

                  So, please tell me how the Genesis stolen from ancient cultures through the desert story stolen from another culture (likely the Gobi civilization), the stories Jews stole from the Habiru, and then the racist and bloody Babylonian episodes by the Jews, ending in a Greek-inspired universalist religion of renunciation of life, is the same as THE REPUBLIC? Furthermore, the Bible ends not with the example of Jesus, but with the perversions of the Jew Paul, and all the major apostles were Jewish manipulators or cucks.

                  How is that GREEK in essence? The Spartan stand of Leonidas against Asiatic hordes was GREEK. The Marathon run was GREEK. The amoral embodiment of gods in the Iliad, where actions have consequences and suffering follows some of those actions, is GREEK. But books perverted by Jews, piled with books on Jewish merchant, anthropocentric laws, followed by books for Gentiles on how to surrender to your enemies, is NOT GREEK.

                  Maybe my memory fails me, but where does Plato advocate tenderness and turning the other cheek? Where does he advocate crucifying yourself?

                  Might you have read too many Neoplatonist Church Fathers?
                  Might you have read too much (((BARUCH Spinoza))), translations of Nietzsche by (((KAUFMANN)))?

                  1. How did Socrates die?

                    How are the ring and the apple similar?

                    Which, impulsion or compulsion, forms the basis for renewal of the ancient?

        4. a devil rocker says:

          Nordic Greeks? No such thing boy-o. But yeah yeah crowds suck I got you hun but sometimes I wonder do you like anyone?

          1. Nordic Greeks? No such thing boy-o.

            No longer, but clearly the people who founded Athens and Sparta were of Nordic extraction (or what we would today call Nordic, originating in the Yamnaya expansion).

            1. Hand of the Kang says:

              No they were not we have the genetic evidence of this. You can’t go by language to determine race it’s flat out wrong. The Spartans and Athenians were brown meds with a common Anatolian ancestry NOT nordic.

              1. IDIOTS EVERYWHERE says:

                No, they were not brown, you imbecile.
                Unless you think anyone who does not look like a NORD to be brown.

                They were likely not Nords in the sense of Vikings, but they were most probably a higher stock of Europeans.

                They certainly were not Middle Easterners.

                You do not have any genetic proof of the contrary, the only thing you have is genetic proof that most of today’s Greeks are not descendants of today’s Nords.

                PS. many of today’s Greeks do not look “Brown”, though many of them do.

                1. a devil rocker says:

                  > they were most probably a higher stock of Europeans.

                  Based on what?

                  > Unless you think anyone who does not look like a NORD to be brown

                  I do so what? They looked like modern meds.

                2. Agreed. Many of today’s Greeks are Turk-infused. Generally the higher caste ones are less so.

    2. “do u not get that the actually productive people in the west are Christian”

      Yes. Hence why they are the problem.


      In my extensive personal experience, I have seen nothing to suggest that Christians are any more psychologically healthy than the (already very low standards of) the average person in the West. (If anything quite the contrary).

      They do, however, have a general tendency to be exceptionally good at lying to themselves, and pretending that external real-world issues both in their personal life and society at large do not exist by escaping into a delusional fluffy-dovey “god loves ME and EVERYONE” fantasy world.


      i.e. The omnipresent hypersexuality of late Modernity and it’s contrast with the effeminate impotent chastity of the circumcised perma-virgin Rabbi Yeshua bar-Yosef and sexually deranged North African Church Fathers makes Christians afraid and uncomfortable, and consequently they do everything they can to repress the sexuality of their young men and raise them think it’s weird and wrong to have sexual desires for the opposite sex in order to protect them from “the ways of The World”.

      On the other side of their “wholesomeness”, Christian are also highly disapproving towards “inappropriate” and “offensive” language, and “mean” or “violent” attitudes or imagery (such as what you would find in, say, METAL). This is because they believe that every human being on this planet is equal and beloved children in the eyes of “god”, and since we are all naturally “flawed” and “guilty” in this worldview, this means that none of us are better than the other and we must always “love” and take care of everyone in the world, and the worst thing you can be in this “love, light, and meekness for all” worldview is to be “mean”, or rather, HATEFUL.

      Accordingly these same Christians, in keeping with their “wholesomeness”, generally tend to be fully on-board with say pro-refugee and “inclusiveness” policies, and support all the general “compassionate” social attitudes promoted in the school system and society at large (with the only exception of those yucky areas of sexuality and aggression/”meanness” – i.e. MASCULINITY).

      TLDR: Christians (especially, but no means solely limited to, evangelicals and catholics) have THE EXACT SAME ATTITUDE AND WORLDVIEW AS SO-CALLED “SJWs” WITH THE ONLY DIFFERENCE BEING THEY ARE AFRAID OF SEX

      Anybody who contests or is unfamiliar with the reality described in the above paragraphs was not actually raised in a Christian household, and most likely adopted x-tianity relatively recently into adulthood as an “identity” (i.e. LARPers) because it’s currently trendy with the crypto-neocon *chan/twitter/reddit/MAGA/MGTOW world of thought, and/or because they want to feel a “spiritual meaning, purpose, and belonging” that had been previously missing in their worthless mundane lifestyle but are too lazy, mediocre and/or intellectually dishonest to actually honestly research history, philosophy, esotericism – or even more importantly – look into themselves.

      “edgelord internet-era psychologically damaged from childhood school shooter watchlist armchair philosphers”

      I’m sure it never occurred to you that many of these individuals (low-key including some of the most formative musicians in Extreme Metal) are “psychologically damaged from childhood” precisely because they were reared in an environment thoroughly infected by Nazarene ideology (and/or any of it’s myriad derivatives including modern Leftism.)

      “wholly fallacious claim to tradition compared 2 xtianity”

      And what tradition does “xtianity” lay claim to? An internally incoherent blending of confused mis-interpretations of Judaism with the most cucked world-renouncing aspects of later Hellenic Mysticism (neither of which the “Church” ever actually understood in their own right).


      1. To add to this:

        The problem with conservatives and Christians is that they are trying to preserve an infected society.

        We must make war on the infection, cut out the infected tissue (send Leftists to Venezuela), remove the foreign objects, and then restart.

        The people who think our task is as simple as “GTKRWN” or “bring everyone to Jesus” or even “make everyone capitalist” have missed the point.

        In the meantime:

        Rip the sacred flesh
        Sodomize the holy asshole
        Drink the red blood of the mother of earth
        Masturbation on the dead body of christ
        The king of Jews is dead
        and so are the lies
        Vomit on the host of Heaven
        Masturbate on the throne of God
        Break the seals of angels
        Drink the sweet blood of Christ
        Taste the flesh of the priest
        Sodomize holy nuns
        The king of Jews is a liar
        The Heavens will burn
        Dethrone the son of God
        God is dead
        Holiness is gone
        Purity is gone
        Prayers are burned
        Covered in black shit
        Rape the holy ghost
        Unclean birth of Jesus Christ
        Heaven will fall
        Fuck the church
        Fuck Christ
        Fuck the Virgin
        Fuck the gods of Heaven
        Fuck the name of Jesus


    3. fuck you says:

      retard try being raised uber christian before you talk about how great it is

      1. The bell curve applies in all groups.

        90% of Christians are robot zombie Eloi brats, 9% have some clue but need guidance, and 1% understand reality, their own faith, and what must be done.

        Listen to the 1%, make the 9% follow them, and ignore the 90% except to tell them when to harvest your turnips.

        Most people are spiritual/intellectual/moral nïggëren (undermen, untermenschen, proles) and must be enslaved. Sort of like how we contain the bacteria in our intestines: we rely on these bacteria, but if they get out of the intestines in any sizable number, we die.

    4. Gaylord says:

      Burn more historic catholic churches and sodomize these trad fags!

      1. S.T.W.

        Far away from the city
        Far away from civilization
        A secret farm full of obscure persons
        And full of weak cattle exists
        Every morning the farm father
        Satisfied himself with the cattle
        Sodomize the weak creatures
        Fatigo, it’s an ever flowing plague
        No escape from the penis of dead
        No hope for all the dead chicks
        Crucio, the same procedure everyday
        The same thing the whole night
        Sometimes, when travelers enter the farm
        They won’t return from those pervert people
        Get strangulated by the evil farmers
        Get buried somewhere in the desert around

  7. Fekal Inebriation says:

    Brett when are you going to finally reveal your dildo collection? Do some sex toy reviews.

    1. If you will model, I’ll do it tomorrow. Hint: anything’s a dildo if you are brave enough.

  8. Thatguy says:

    Nihilistic and edgy attitudes always result in the same thing: staring into one’s or another’s asshole.

    The attitudes of metal has never been lost on me but this article was crap, the professors assertions are being.a boomer edgelord. Given the current paradigm, an objective person would realize they need to decide which side they’re on. You can be some atheist, Odin worshipper, nihilist, whatever – at the end of the day you are on the side of the Jew and the destruction of the west.

    1. Killing Feeble Christians All In Master Satan's Name says:

      “You can be some atheist, Odin worshipper, nihilist, whatever – at the end of the day you are on the side of the Jew and the destruction of the west.”

      As opposed to following a religion of non-western origin that literally worships a Jewish man as the God of everything?

      1. No escape from the penis of dead!

    2. The West is already destroyed. We are deciding whether to rebuild. When you talk about The Jew,™ it sounds to me like the black guy who is sure that the only reason Wakanda has not manifested around him is that Whitey has been keeping a nigga down. Or the SJW who thinks that society would be an egalitarian paradise, except for The Rich™ who have somehow stolen everything and enslaved everyone (despite not needing them). Or even the Jew who thinks that the problem he faces is anti-Semitism™ when in fact it has always been the diaspora and the events that led up to it, reflecting the same division in the Jewish mind that Moses attempted to address.

      1. Thatguy says:

        The Jew sells and the goyim buy. Anyone who lays all the problems at the Jews feet is wrong. Metal itself has jewish execs pushing it. The rise in metal music directly correlates with the decline of militias in the US. Let’s be all pissed off and release energy at concerts and drink our lives away.

        Why anyone would harbor ideas that the west is lost is ridiculous. The diatribes of verbose word salad of people harboring the “FUCK IT” attitudes is pathetic. You aren’t going to accomplish anything facilitating the same shitty attitude you had when you first got into metal.

        When you post poorly written articles like this, you are doing yourself a disservice. I don’t care about your religion or lack thereof, this was to be a damn edgetard and it is embarrassing.

        1. Here’s your logical fallacy: you assume that the only effective action is targeting the Jew, and therefore that anyone who is not targeting the Jew is doing nothing or does not care.

          In fact, we simply disagree with you about the cause. Individualism, egalitarianism, utilitarianism, pacifism, collectivism, and pluralism spring from the same root, a human desire to be more powerful than his environment just by wishing it. This is described in the Garden of Eden, the Nibelungenlied, and the parable of the ring of the Lydian Gyges from Plato.

          You are offended that not everyone joins your quest, and so you come here to post nasty messages. I have spent enough time hanging around white nationalists to know that most are simply broken, asocial, and most of all, unrealistic people. They want a simple target, not a complex explanation. While I understand that, I am allied with the group of people who simply want to restore the West, and not to fixate on enemies.

          Hitler did some really stupid stuff, and some really cool stuff, but he is not the answer:

          The answer is that we fix Western Civilization by fixing it… we need to stop doing the stupid stuff that we started doing, clear out the rot and infection, then resume doing the stuff that made us great.

          White nationalism is not that answer. Neither is any form of Leftism (egalitarianism). Just by saying that I become more extreme than Nazis, Communists, Satanists, Anarchists, etc. Just say it: “No one is equal.” Welcome to the dark other side.

          1. Thatguy says:

            You missed my point entirely simply because I use the word Jew. I am not a white nationalist.

            I fail to understand how you would fix the west by railing against those who built it. The failure of the west is due to weak men. Being a nihilistic accelerationist isn’t going to fix anything. Doubly amused you consider my message nasty with your sexual references peppered throughout.

            1. The failure of the west is due to weak men.

              Oh good, this stupid meme again.

              The failure of the West was caused by its adoption of an alien and insane philosophy.

          2. David Rosales says:

            I do not think he assumed that naming/blaming the Jew is he only thing to do.

            Plenty of us are suspicious of Jews because historically they have earned that.

            IQ is not enough.

            It’s correct to say, let’s not blame all the Jews for what a group has done.
            That is only fair.

            But do not try saying shit about the Irish while salvaging and excusing everything vile
            and treacherous ever done by the Jews.

            1. I do not think he assumed that naming/blaming the Jew is he only thing to do.

              This looks like sarcasm to me:

              The Jew sells and the goyim buy. Anyone who lays all the problems at the Jews feet is wrong. Metal itself has jewish execs pushing it. The rise in metal music directly correlates with the decline of militias in the US. Let’s be all pissed off and release energy at concerts and drink our lives away.

              Earlier that poster said:

              You can be some atheist, Odin worshipper, nihilist, whatever – at the end of the day you are on the side of the Jew and the destruction of the west.

              So I am going to say that you are not correct here.

              It’s correct to say, let’s not blame all the Jews for what a group has done.
              That is only fair.

              More importantly, as you said elsewhere, we have a list of screwups and bad groups, and what let them in was our embrace of individualism/egalitarianism.

              This means that the core quest is not “defeat the Jew” but “defeat egalitarianism.”

              But do not try saying shit about the Irish while salvaging and excusing everything vile
              and treacherous ever done by the Jews.

              I make fun of the Irish because:

              1. Diversity does not work, and the Irish are the most useful symbol of that
              2. To satirize anti-Semitism and anti-Whitism
              3. Because the Irish are indeed bunglers and need to GBH to Ireland
              4. Because the Irish have a good sense of humor and can admit all of the above

              Much as I point out that mixed-race nature of Eastern Europeans and Southern Europeans, I also point out the mixed-race roots of the kartoffelnïggëren and how their presence here in the US as ethnic diversity caused social breakdown and a drift to the Left.

              1. Flying Kites says:

                Ireland is in the same conditions when the Nordics kicked out the Musselmen-Arabs-Berbers-Phoenicians way back in the day. The Irish must gain the spirit for conquest when Ireland becomes a Caliphate.

                1. It helps if you make fun of them. They get grumpy and when they sober up and are out of potatoes, they get mad.

      2. David Rosales says:

        This is where you always get it wrong. Like when you say that the rise of Adolf Hitler and National Socialism was equivalent to the French Revolution. It is revealing, indeed astounding, that you imply that the Jews were the educated elite, the higher class among German plebs. This is by all accounts false, as Jews did not form an aristocracy in Germany, they were on the one hand a merchant class, and a self-segregated class of artisans on the one hand, but also criminals.

        Naming the Jew is more alike to naming the criminal who is trying to extort those he sees as beast. Please do take a look at translations and selections from the Talmud, even your precious Bible has Jehovah telling the “Hebrews” that the world is theirs while they remain his psychic slaves, and that the Gentile are better off dead if they do not bow down to them or somehow serve them.

        1. It is revealing, indeed astounding, that you imply that the Jews were the educated elite, the higher class among German plebs.

          No, that is not what I am implying. Jews were a foreign group; they have higher average IQ, but lack the native Nordic/Aryan tendencies toward embracing the infinite. Mixed-race groups like Jews never have that kind of consistency. They also seem to lean heavily toward verbal intelligence, which means that they are good with details and not big picture stuff. About what you would expect from Vaisya who caste-mixed both upward and downward.

          Naming the Jew is more alike to naming the criminal who is trying to extort those he sees as beast.

          You should probably just pass a reference to a list to that subroutine, instead of handing over a text string, if you know what I mean.

          Please do take a look at translations and selections from the Talmud, even your precious Bible has Jehovah telling the “Hebrews” that the world is theirs while they remain his psychic slaves, and that the Gentile are better off dead if they do not bow down to them or somehow serve them.

          I know. Every ethnic group thinks this way however.

          1. David Rosales says:

            Got it.
            You are awefully patient.
            We are all free but is this the best use for “the 11 days”?

          2. Svmmoned says:

            “I know. Every ethnic group thinks this way however.”

            Somehow, no. Do not confuse it with the fact that every nation can think of itself as unique. If you take into account various European messianisms and other ideas of this kind, sadly you will find only compassion and good will. Even if some notion of predestination to a leading role among other nations is present, it is meant as a priority to make self-sacrifice for others. With judaism you got only resentment and excuse for subjugation and harm. Just like in marxist socialism.

      3. sarcastro says:

        >except for The Rich™ who have somehow stolen everything and enslaved everyone (despite not needing them).

        So how did The Rich™ gain that wealth and status without an underclass?

  9. Defecator says:

    You’re not going to rebuild anything Brett, you’re living in your own tiny internet-ghetto world much like the twitter based SJW’s out there, except they actually have a much, much larger following, and influence. Everything you tried to achieve has failed, and keeps failing miserably. You and your “crew” are going to die soon of Terminal Autism, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and AIDS rape and then go to hell, and nobody will care.

    I used to be somewhat right-wing in an almost naïve way, but after reading some material around here, I want to thank you for making me very Left-Sympathetic. I realized I don’t really even care about the so called “west” anyway. I hope these words encourage you to keep raging on, and keep us entertained. It’s pretty funny watching deluded keyboard warriors think they know everything.

    1. Darth Derpaderp says:

      you know what’s FUNNY is making everything about left right bullshit while claiming the high ground

    2. Everything you tried to achieve has failed, and keeps failing miserably.

      Keep repeating it, maybe it’ll be true. In reality, what you are saying is: you are unpopular therefore you are bad.

      I realized I don’t really even care about the so called “west” anyway.

      Now you have simply revealed your true colors. You never cared.

  10. nn says:

    You need to remember not all Christians are sheeps. Some of us can track you and give you what you want.

    1. TheLord says:

      Then you’re not a christian you just like my Big Brown Cock. I am he who is THE CHRIST THE SON OF GOD!

    2. not a total idiot says:


    3. I agree. One reason I am a perennialist is that there are good people out there in various traditions, including Christian, Hindu, Muslim, even Buddhists. Heck there are even Irish people who understand the situation. It always shocks the WNs when I mention that I know good Negroes, Asians, Hispanics, Jews, etc., but the point is not that we can judge by category, but that the bell curve applies. The cognitive and moral 1% need to oppress the rest, or they will be oppressed by them, and that is how societies die. Death to the undermen… death in the ovens… death in the woodchippers… or we simply disenfranchise them and Make Proles Serfs Again.

      1. Oh on you just didn't (again) says:

        I too have nigger friends, made them myself, on the potty.

    4. Heavy Metal Or No Metal At All says:

      ‘One should not be childish and object by naming Raphael or some homeopathic Christian of the nineteenth century: Raphael said Yes, Raphael did Yes; consequently, Raphael was no Christian.’

      -Freddy Dubble-Yoo N

  11. Flying Kites says:

    Christ has big nipples in that picture.

  12. sarcastro says:

    I take Mr. Stevens for what he is — an intellectual.

    Of which, all share similar traits: a taste for violence, an appetite for power, an inability to manage their personal life and, above all, a tendency to exploit those around them.

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