Death Of War Metal Imminent!

For years, Nuclear War Now!’s forum has been the haven for life dropout D&D neckbeards searching for some form of friendship and community. But according to website tracking metrics, the site has seen a massive decline in it’s traffic over the past 6 months.  While viewership of metal sites can rise and fall unpredictably on metal sites, the above statistic should frighten anyone who cares about keeping their site relevant.  Sites with active forums should be doing much better than your the average blog-style metal site, so the numbers above show an unforgivable descent into irrelevancy.

But given that the site is predominantly frequented by war metal fans that have no regard for actual music, the crash in interest also proves something far bigger:  war metal, as a sub genre, is in its last days.

This is a welcomed revelation as war metal was the nu metal of black/death metal and was ultimately worthless.  With virtually no innovation, creativity, or direction for over 20 years, war metal became the lowest IQ form of extreme metal.  The fact that Beherit was more interesting, creative, and musically varied than every single band to follow it throughout the decades to follow is an absolute disgrace to every band that’s followed in their footsteps.

While the surface-level viewer might see war metal as “the most underground/kvlt/extreme/unlistenable of all genres,” the truth is that it was only marketed as such and done so very effectively as the bank account and new production facility of Cali soyboy Yosuke Kanishi will clearly indicate.  By offering a product that appears “totally not mainstream haha!” Kanishi was able to efficiently trick kvlt status seeking basement dwellers into mass consumerism using the same marketing tactics as thrift shops.  Essentially this created a record label and forum that was ultimately the thrift shop of metal– reissues (refurbished releases) of random bands from 20 years past that could be marketed as super underground when really they were just empty of creativity and technique.  By assumingly being “not trendy” war metal became one of the trendiest metal genres of our time and the go to for the metal derivatives of the modern hipster.

“Bu… But war metal is evil!” Really, then why does Nuclear War Now! have an Instagram account?

Musically war metal is a hilarious deception because if you alternate the grooves of their atonal power chord riffs, you’ll get nu metal riffs.  Most bands even match the nu metal guitar tuning of A!  But war metal fans have no idea they’re listening to nu metal with different drums and vocals because they only care abut the aesthetics.  In all reality most of Black Witchery’s riffs were originally on Korn’s Life is Peachy which subconsciously tickles the nostalgia of their fans without them realizing how or why.

In an age where Von is taking big money for rock star tours, where Blasphemy albums are marketed as vintage thrift shop essentials, and where black metal shows feature 90% war metal bands, any prestige or credibility war metal and it’s original bands once had is gone.  War metal fans are the modern equivalent to the JNCO jeans wearing clowns of the 90s.  They are the permavirgin autistis of metal that grew from infants that would have been left in the woods to be eaten by wolves in the Pagan times.

Celebrate the death of war metal, repent if you ever liked this garbage, and enjoy some classic war metal riffs below:

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57 thoughts on “Death Of War Metal Imminent!”

  1. canadaspaceman says:

    “This is a welcomed revelation as war metal was the nu metal of black/death metal and was ultimately worthless. With virtually no innovation, creativity, or direction for over 20 years, war metal became the lowest IQ form of extreme metal.”

    I never thought that exactly, but had a nagging feeling. I would have said it was trendy like slam death metal, but the nu-metal comparison seems more appropriate.

    Even though I like some bands tagged as war metal, I agree it’s a mostly a genre of clones and wannabe’s.
    It happens everywhere.
    Clones of the most popular bands that almost kill a genre – everybody wanted to be Metallica, or Slayer, Suffocation, Carcass, Death, Napalm Death, etc.
    but do we also need Beherit and Blasphemy clones ? ….

  2. Rainer Weikusat says:

    Some time in the mid-1990s, some excited girl with thick glasses told me about a band named Korn. I considered this unimpressive and uninteresting at that time and never spent any time finding out exactly what this was. When looking at the above, I notice the the similarities the author is referring to but this reminds me of Rage Against The Machine and the John Spencer Blues Explosion,
    [This form of distortion is called ‘fuzz’, by the way, and it’s way older than “nu metal”.]

    as Korn is clearly bastard hard rock (down-tuned, very fuzz-loaded hard rock riffs combined with hip hop styled rhythm and vocals).

    Being partially forced to eat my own words, I do see a qualtive difference to something like

    here despite the superficial similarities. I still think this is too vocal-heavy but after a week of listening to this, I have discovered more nuanced qualities making this an enjoyable listen (Venom is a huge background influence here, at least it seems so). The ‘guitar solos’ are also noteworthy in the sense that they really aren’t guitar solos but carry the tracks forward in a different way instead.

    NB: I bought this because I saw the band live and liked the show. As usual, speculations about “other people’s hidden inner life” reveal a lot about the person who speculates and nothing about anything else. And this is not particularly “underground”, except maybe for people from accross the great pond who rarely manage to pull their heads out of their cherised political infighting to notice anything else.

    1. Richard Roma says:

      Shut it Rainer, we all know no girl has ever talked to you.

      1. Rainer Weikusat says:

        If even talked (and made some music) with a real drummer in the past. Imagine that!

        1. Rainer Weikusat says:

          BTW, just like the “German” stereotype, the “autist” stereotype is a grotesque distortion of reality which doesn’t exist anywhere outside of your (rather limited) imagination: Just because you like to boast about “the most important thing in your private life” (or what should rather be your private life and what had been private prior to the great decivilization in the latter half of the last century) doesn’t mean that I care about it as much as you do.

          That was a half-sentence reporting the only conscious exposure to Korn I ever had (someone named Monica once mentioned it) and it occurred in reply to the ‘amusing’ hypothesis of a ‘hidden, inner relation’ between ‘nu metal’ and what this site likes to decry as ‘war metal’. Which – in this variant – usually calls it self black/ death metal, a term invented (IIRC) by Euronymous some years before anyone could become as remarkably familiar with shitty (pseudo-)rock bands like Korn as the author of the article seems to be.

          By that time, I was on a long tangent through a rather different place of the galaxy,

          and pretty annoyed by all the grunge lookalikes around me.

          This means there’s at least one counterexample, hence, the “nu metal nostalgia” theory is disproven.

          Note to autoresponder: Whatever you believe to have gathered about “me” from this is very likely wrong and also tangential. The important bit is the counterexample (and also the consecutive fifths, although I could be wrong about the interval)

          1. 2nd girl to ever have talked to you says:

            If all that is true, is it only an astounding coincidence that your posting style (which is presumably at least partially indicative of your experience and habits when it comes to social interactivity) fits the stereotype of autism like a glove? A love glove, even?

            Serious question, that, btw.

            1. Autism Patrol says:

              Plz no bully!

            2. Rainer Weikusat says:

              I won’t dispute this although it wasn’t ever properly assessed (and likely never will — trusting people if it can be avoided is always a mistake). But this doesn’t mean any of the other ‘attributes’ people like to associate with this would fit me (or anyone else, for that matter). But this gets me into areas I really don’t want to talk about, not even on the internet.

              Actually, I’d prefer discussing so-called “war metal” here.

          2. Fake Brett Stevens says:

            “BTW, just like the “German” stereotype, the “autist” stereotype is a grotesque distortion of reality which doesn’t exist anywhere outside of your (rather limited) imagination”

            And yet, look at the rest of your reply.

            Glenn Gould wouldn’t score higher on the autism meter!

            1. Rainer Weikusat says:

              This means something you almost certainly don’t know, eg, it took me ca 12 years to come up with a sensible answer to the “Eat in or take away?” question commonly asked at takeaways as the proposed set of alternatives is wrong either way and that’s “I want to eat it but I don’t want to sit down in here”. For most of these years, this just left me more or less speechless and fumbling with sentences like “Can I please just buy the burger”? Once, this went up to so much talking that I ended up snapping “I want a goddamn burger and not a discussion!” and leaving without one.

              It doesn’t mean a lot of other things you commonly associate with this.

              1. gayner faguswat says:

                unbeliveable, schweiner gaykuswat

              2. Jerry Hauppa says:

                You should have eaten it while standing right in front of the register without breaking eye contact with the cashier.

                1. Rainer Weikusat says:

                  This had required getting it first.

          3. Rainer of greasy poop spatter says:

            Cheers to you for this ridiculous fucking post.

            The DMU trolls saying you’re autistic is like Rob Halford calling you a homo.

            Congratulations, potato head.

  3. No Life 'Till Death says:

    “They are the permavirgin autistis of metal that grew from infants that would have been left in the woods to be eaten by wolves in the Pagan times.”

    Deus Vult!?

    Also does it come with limited edition pink vinyl?

  4. S.C. says:

    I appreciate nwn for some of the reissues he does like for order from chaos, reencarnacion etc… But he certainly mostly pushes shit.

  5. Marc Defranco says:

    Even if you dislike NWN the forum still provides far better info on upcoming reissues and possible interesting releases than this site, especially lately

  6. HELL V.666 says:

    I like some bands of war metal, very few actually, but I like them, but I must applaud DORKsey!!!

    you are really acid!!


  7. NWN War Metal Tranny Rapist says:

    A war metal article with no mention of trannies…

    1. T. Desecration says:


    1. T. Desecration says:

      For some reason I was expecting that link to be Tool

  8. All parents keep an eye on your children/teens this weekend, and in May.
    Blood sacrifices are not a myth.
    gawdamn satan’s kids still get away with this shit.

  9. Agresor Disidente says:

    I don´t notice ultil today, that Joel Alaniz frontman of the mighty Mortuary of Mexico died since January of this year. We hope this site remember his work instead of this shit of war metal that is totally irrelevant.

    1. S.C. says:

      +1 excellent band that should have its proper respects paid

  10. Ted Wijeski says:

    I like cum

  11. cornrose says:

    So the only requirement to be )))war metal((( is???

    Blast beatin-tastic drummer that has about 25 minutes stamina. Everyone else just strum as fast as possible and stay below the 5th fret. Guurrrrrhhhhhhhhhhghhuh?

    1. NWN War Metal Tranny Rapist says:

      That and raping transsexuals!

    2. dead butt dreaming says:

      Lobotomized brutal death metal played at thrash tempo with spoopy witchcraft and muh fashism shoehorned irrespectively into the songs

      All of it

      Yes, even blasphemy is retarded

      Though there’s nothing wrong with being inherently retarded

      The forced retardation of revenge and ilk is the true sin

  12. neutronhammer says:

    I expect labels like terrratur and eventually IBP to go next, this whole chalice-snakes-daggers, triangle BM s on its last legs too.

    1. Brock Dorsey says:

      And not a moment too soon

    2. Rectums Disdained says:

      Hahaha neutronhammer, I don’t know what you’re talking about but it sounds hilarious. Please expand on where i can see this aesthetic — chalice, snakes, dagger, TRIANGLE BM?! LOL

      1. Rectums Disdained says:

        I looked up TERRATUR, and the first thing I read, I don’t even know what the fuck I’m reading or the nature of this website:

        “Byscenen & Terratur Possessions presents: TAAKE WHOREDOM RIFE OBLITERATION 31. august, Trondheim; NORWAY Cc 320,- + expences 1”

        This is a concert? This site sells CDs from other labels?
        THE F


    3. Rainer Weikusat says:

      People die. Ideas don’t, they just fade from fashion as soon as they’re now longer fashionable, ie, “new and excitingly different”. That’s usually an improvement because hordes of people do little but trample everything into the ground and drop loads of litter.

      2nd phenomon (originally observered by Nietzsche): Decadents who believe they feel death approaching[*] tend to go into mindless destruction mode, intent on taking the universe which won’t grant them eternity with them — what I cannot have, nobody else may enjoy![**]

      [*] Fear of death is inherently decadent. The stories about paradise aren’t believed anymore, not the least because nobody wants to behave such that he’d deserve it, but with Christianity swept away, there’s no ‘divine’ spark left which would animate the decaying, now soulless body, to raise above itself. He’s a mere parasite of a culture he couldn’t have created (this being different elsewhere, Nietzsche’s prime example being ancient Greece).

      [**] Envy is inherently decadent, too.

      1. Exfoliation says:

        That there 2nd phenomenon is actually how every female behaves when they don’t get their way, you would have known that if you ever went outside and felt a nice looking titty before. The chances of all this is being in line for this to happen are nil. See, I know German! Also this site never talks about pussy or nice titties, in the ol “I’m too invested in important matters for such base debauchery” lies the stentch that can’t cover up the chronic pussylessness of most dudes into metal. It’s like the moonfaced spree shooters aftermath rage face sad photo, they can’t hide the unquenched thirst for poon, look what you made me do! How about dm
        Org rates their favorite types of pussy or titties. Be fucking men for once, faggots.

        1. Rainer Weikusat says:

          That there 2nd phenomenon is actually how every female behaves when they don’t get their way, you would have known that if you ever went outside and felt a nice looking titty before. The chances of all this is being in line for this to happen are nil. See, I know German!

          I have some good news for you: While you know nothing, you’re at least not called Jon Snow.

        2. forced to twerk says:

          The writers here are obviously virgins but as a metal fan who knows more than them anyway I will provide objective grades for all categories thusly

          Pussy: tight innies, that’s about it tbh

          Boobs: small preferably because they look much better as she ages, unless of course you are a degenerate who rejects the godliness of single-partner long-term relationships in which case still only a handful is all you need

          1. Charles Stuart says:

            “Boobs: small preferably because they look much better as she ages, unless of course you are a degenerate who rejects the godliness of single-partner long-term relationships in which case still only a handful is all you need”

            Not always true, smaller titties often get that ‘fried egg on a stick’ appearance as they age. Big titties will still be big, no matter how old they get.

            “Pussy: tight innies, that’s about it tbh”

            Whats wrong with a little labia minoris? Silky, slick, and pink and make for some good eatin.

          2. I like big tit porn says:

            The only guys who like small boobs are lazy and don’t want to spend extra time on them.

        3. Abominable Goatpenis says:

          Only war metal and trannies is real. The rest is false and gay.

      2. gayner faguswat says:

        ‘people die’
        stick to your words cryner

        1. Rainer Weikusat says:

          Here’s a cute Perl one-line which reverts a string of character pairs:

          perl -le ‘print reverse split/..\K/,$ARGV[0]’

          Applying this to you text yields

          eryncrs rdwor ou ytok icst’ ie dleoppe `pm1 :1 1at8 01 22,l riAp: yssat wausag ferynga

          Doesn’t this look much more interesting?

          1. gayner faguswat says:

            can’t say gayner, didn’t bother to decifer your autistic post

          2. Rainer of greasy poop spatter says:

            Rain dookie from the sky!

  13. flow says:

    Joined their forum some time ago, only to discover they’re terrified of women, and Myrkur is taboo (not that I like her, but that’s irrelevant). As soon as they discovered I was female, my ban was imminent (without reason given). Their fight against me consisted in mocking me for editing my posts (to correct typing errors or add content). “War on editing” they should be called.
    They had other interesting thoughts, like “Showing infatuation with male musicians is all wrong for women in metal”.

    1. Have you joined an NWN survivors abuse group? Oh wait, you are already here!
      Fuck those fags, fuck them in the ass with a rusty knife. Bunch of nimrods.

  14. Duck says:

    You all should listen for the war metal influence in Sammath’s Goddess Arrogance.

    1. Not Stanley says:

      I definitely enjoyed that album, Kæck is not so bad either. I suppose I’ll chalk these up exceptions to my general attitude toward war metal.

    2. Rainer Weikusat says:

      Kruitwagen has described Sammath as black metal/ war metal himself.

      But as used around here, the term is somewhat ill-defined. As far as I could gather, it really only means “something with blast beats I don’t like” (which really doesn’t sound like metalcore, although people have been using norsecore instead to express their unqualified disdain).

  15. Not Stanley says:

    Even as something of a newcomer to metal, I am surprised war metal even counted as its own subgenre. It’s just blackened death metal with a specific lyrical subject matter, right?

    In any case, I am ok with it being gone. Heresiarch sounded like uninspired noodling no matter how many second chances I gave it.

    1. Rainer Weikusat says:

      Heresiarch is not a particularly good example.

      Here are some other examples of bands calling itself war metal or which ought to be called war metal according to the somewhat diffuse criteria used around here:

  16. Fuckin' br00tal bruh! says:

    Riffless noisegrind within a black/death context.

    But nothing beats wigger slam/beatdown in terms of retardation. An assorted collection of chug ‘n burp with wigger faggotry thrown in.

  17. Reduced Without Any Effort says:

    You really shouldn’t be bringing up web views, Dopey, considering how similar DMU’s graph is. Notice though that the views (which by the way are significantly less than NWN’s) start dropping after you took over as editor. I wonder why……..

    1. Brock Dorsey says:

      Actually, the Brock Dorsey era has been the most read in the last 10 years of DMU. Literally double the viewrship of the same time frame last year. So thank you for bringing that up!

      In regards to NWN, it’s fucking embarassing that a metal site with an active forum and frequently updated online thrift store is getting almost the same viewership of this site. Sad!

      1. Reduced Without Any Effort says:

        Pics or it didn’t happen

        1. Abominable Goatpenis says:

          Yes, show us your tits, Brock

      2. Is the Brock Dorsey-era similar to where kevin nash’s magic marker graph on TNA proved he brought in the most money in the 1990s in WCW and WWF ?
        (how do I import a big cheezy smiley icon into these comments?)

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