Metal-Archives’ Marxist Mania

Article contributed to Death Metal Underground by Richard Sullivan.

Western civilization is currently gripped in a culture war unlike any that preceded this one. You may ask what makes it so different than the others, considering the West witnessed a similar one of its kind back in the late 1950s with the emergence of the New Left. Arguably, there’s never been a real difference in the left’s rhetoric. For as long as anyone cares to remember, white, heterosexual, “cisgender” men, who maintain the “capitalistic, racialized, cisnormative patriarchy” have always been at the center of their ideological attacks. The only thing that has changed has been their ability to have said rhetoric heard beyond the confines of university lecture halls. It was rare to encounter an enlightened™ human™ bombarding you with vitriol and threats of violence – because you failed to recognize the intersectionality between race™, gender™, and sexuality™ – outside a gender studies class. Of course, these things still occur, but with greater frequency, and to the point where a flash mob of overweight, hipster beta males twerking in tutus in a school’s atrium is viewed as them just “expressing themselves”, but, more boldly, as an act of defiance against conventional norms of masculinity.

But what truly distinguishes this culture war from its predecessors lies in its manifestation of a toxic identity politics that has produced a variety of “hot button issues” that have become ubiquitous in every which way we consume our daily news. The left’s pushing of these “human rights violations” as exigent matters that need to be discussed openly and frequently, but in a manner consistent with how they feel the discourse should proceed (a point I will flesh out more later), has left the rest of us with little breathing room, despite there having emerged a so-called anti-SJW movement, which is comprised largely of disgruntled, porn-addicted, anime-fetishizing, basement-dwellers who do little more than engage in a massive circle jerk in the YouTube comments section of every Paul Joseph Watson video.

Over the course of the last three years, when all this nonsense erupted as a result of the killing of Mike Brown by police officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri, and then later in the year when the whole Gamergate thing started receiving media attention, and how this was all being dragged forward even more so by the media into the present, it became apparent to me that leftist identity politics is here to stay for the time being. It has too much moneymaking potential for it to just “go away”; the spectacle that feeds into every aspect of contemporary American culture is built on controversy, after all.

Those calling themselves moderates (that is, bourgeois centrists, who wish to remain neutral in this conflict, but tacitly agree with the Establishment’s general narrative of progress, making them only marginally less disagreeable than full-on SJWs), will only ever express their incredulity at SJWs and their bullshit on social media, but are never willing to put their necks on the line and call them out directly, lest they see the moneymaking potential in being an anti-SJW pariah (Milo Yiannopolous, Gavin McInnes, etc.). Despite the conservative veneer of their rhetoric, they are essentially liberals who believe in all the same basic tenets as their leftist adversaries (e.g. racial diversity is good), but intertwined with classical liberal economics as their primary focus.

As a result, we are subjected to this ongoing media circus of fake news (practically every major news outlet) versus “real news” (Alex Jones, Rebel Media, and other centrist or “alt-lite” controlled opposition crap masquerading as anti-establishment conservatism), with no real solutions being put forth by either side, except for tenuous compromise (“Violence is never the answer. Just keep your head down, ignore the problems, and keep buying stuff.”), most likely as a way of keeping the confusion going for the benefit of those in power.

I tried being one of those individuals, who, since first noticing SJWism becoming huge in 2014, decided to ignore it for a while in order to focus on other things, such as my love of metal (which is ultimately why I’m writing this article) and my ever-continuing quest to find quality bands and albums. But what happens when what you try to ignore begins to interfere with what you’re passionate about? It’s quite simple: it can no longer be ignored. What I’m referring to here, specifically, is a website that has served as both an invaluable source of information, but also, for those of us who have spent considerable time posting or lurking on its forums, a source of great tension and intolerance. I am, of course, referring to Encyclopedia Metallum: The Metal Archives.

I started using the site around the mid 2000s and was posting in its forums a year later. Back then, believe it or not, the section of the forum where non-metal discussions were had (The Tavern) actually contained a diversity of political opinion that spanned across the spectrum, although the people who posted there at the time seemed to possess predominately centrist views with the odd Republican here and there, and proper leftists were actually quite uncommon. However, that all changed around the turn of the decade. There was a great shift in the forum’s politics that happened to coincide with all the trendy protest movements that were occurring at the time, beginning with the G20 protests in Toronto, Canada where we saw a bunch of unhygienic and low-IQ “anarchists” complaining about their human rights being violated. A thread on the topic was produced and rife with eye-rolling discussion about the more troublesome protesters being unjustly held in makeshift cells and being fed processed cheese sandwiches.

Over the next few years, the attention-starved millennials and aged hippies promulgating Occupy Wall Street and Invisible Children experienced their fifteen minutes and then fucked off. In 2014, officer Darren Wilson killed “gentle giant” Mike Brown in self-defense as the latter attempted to reach for Wilson’s gun, prompting the officer to fatally shoot him. This was also around the same time Gamergate was receiving more attention, which, incidentally, is where the term “SJW” was coined, precisely to describe the intrusion of left-wing politics into gaming by moronic zealots.

These events were pivotal in the transformation of Metal Archives’ political slant. It signaled the end of what open dialogue there was between left and right and engendered a vicious bipartisanship, where those who did not entirely agree with the progressive values of its staff and sycophantic regulars were automatically painted as bigoted and irrational and subsequently banned. This has been occurring quite a lot in the past few years and reached its boiling point in their thread dedicated to “discussing” the previous year’s U.S. presidential election. Practically everyone who openly declared their support for Donald Trump was banned. Those who were not banned immediately were constantly harassed with inflammatory remarks. Like vultures instinctively circling an animal they anticipate to be dead soon, the social justice warriors of Metal Archives’ forum resorted to personal attacks on those who did not give into the initial harassment. The idea was to provoke them into retaliating in order to justify a permaban under the nebulous reasoning of “stupidity” and “bigotry”. The attacks were initiated by one of the site’s creators and notorious “bitch-cunt” Morrigan.

Morrigan, as I’m sure many will agree regardless of political affiliation, is a thoroughly unlikeable person. She often hides her personal insecurities behind her “strong woman” posturing which to any sane person translates to her being nothing more than a “bitch-cunt”. If she were to read this, she might even pretend the title flatters her, since feminists often try to “take back” such negative ascriptions and re-appropriate them to mean something empowering, but in reality just riles them up inside. Additionally, she makes no secret of her biases and often relies on every SJW pseudointellectual’s favorite site, RationalWiki, to justify them. The irony, of course, is that none of what she puts forth can be held to any authentic standard of rationalism, since politically-motivated arguments are often irrational in nature. They are also moral in nature, which in turn means they are emotional as morals are often determined by how we feel about things rather than what we can objectively determine to be functionally right and wrong.

This is a common irony that tends to fly over the heads of leftists most of the time. They like to believe they have some monopoly on logic and always paint their conservative enemies as poorly educated rednecks whose opinions, no matter how varied, are never worth hearing because they are on the “wrong side of history”. They contradict their own values of “diversity” and “tolerance” and insist on everyone conforming to some ideological mold, as opposed to conservatives, who understand that because humans are diverse and that there’s really no such thing as “humanity” (an Enlightenment-coined concept, for the uninitiated), that different peoples with fundamentally different (and often clashing) values cannot co-exist peacefully in the same society.

Ideology, as powerful a tool it is, can never entirely replace human biology and centuries-old values systems as determinants for shaping human thought and behavior. Whenever confronted with these points, they unravel into childish tantrums that render meaningful dialogue with them impossible. Instead of trying to explain how these things can be overcome (which they can’t, because leftists rarely have plausible solutions to anything), they remind you that it’s not their job to educate you and insist that you go read some incomprehensible foundational text by a postmodern theorist no one (including them) gives a shit about before you are deemed worthy to engage them. If that tactic doesn’t work and they’re still drawn into a debate they don’t want to have, they’ll just nitpick irrelevant things like your choice of words and say that you’re attempting to manipulate the discussion by using “coded language that privileges proponents of the power structure” or some other retarded horseshit in that vein.

Social justice warriors avoid debate, because they know their ideology is built on highly speculative (that is, unfounded) understandings of how humans operate in spite of everything science (something else they reject if it doesn’t agree with their ideology) teaches us otherwise. If they happen to find themselves on the receiving end of criticism, they just use those they claim to be defending as human shields to deflect said criticism, so they may continue their moral posturing and uphold their status as “empathetic individuals”. It’s precisely this intellectual exclusivity that gives them pride: they are more enlightened than others, therefore it’s their job to speak for everyone. There is no difference between them and religious fundamentalists in this matter.

This pathology has unfortunately become standardized on Metal-Archives forum and anyone refusing to tow the ideological line is punished with acidic sanctimony and ostracism. It’s actually grown so bad that even those with centrist views that lean to the left are given no forgiveness either and experience frequent admonishment by the hardline leftists. I could go into detail about all the things wrong with the site, its staff, and especially its forum, but those are issues for other articles I will follow up this one with in a series of anti-Metal Archives writings I will be submitting sporadically to Death Metal Underground.

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50 thoughts on “Metal-Archives’ Marxist Mania”

  1. trystero says:

    Morrigan is a huge cunt with big issues, she actually seems to control herself relatively on metal-archives but on places like NeoGAF (which seems to be the ultimate “source” of her ideological bent) you can see her in full bloom. A truly horrible person who is directly responsible for those forums being shit above and beyond people just praising bad music etc.

    I wonder if any MA users have ever spoken out about her. I have barely ever been involved with that community and this person is so toxic and self-righteous that despite that I am well aware.

    1. Deport All Hipsters says:

      Holy shit she’s on NeoFAG? Then all hope is lost, no one sane is still participating there.

  2. poser basher says:

    Wah wah. Your pansy cries have nothing to do with heavy metal. Where’s your fat cunt of a mother to change your diapers, crybaby BITCH. Shove this stupid article up your ass.

    1. Anonymous Bosch says:

      The asshurt is strong with this one. Perhaps some Deafheaven will soothe your frigid trans parts.

      1. poser basher says:

        Deafheaven SUCKS you idiot! I bet that’s what you listen to when no one sees you

        1. you're gay says:

          i bet your mom is really nice

          1. poser basher says:

            I know yours is a whore

        2. Anonymous Bosch says:

          Don’t you have an anti-Trump rally to cater?

          1. poser basher says:

            Trump shits on you fuckhead

  3. Seth says:

    What they don’t want to understand (well, one of the many) is that humanity is still part of nature, and it functions cause and effect foundation (which requires realistic analysis to predict. and in nature there are predators and prey, as in every other ecosystem. If someone chooses to adhere to a particular culture due to their race, political ideology, aesthetic, that doesn’t promote self education, realism, and finding worthwhile goals and the means to achieve them, of course you’re going to find yourself on the fringes of society. Hip-hop as an promotes dealing drugs, wanting to be adored by hordes of scantily clad women, shooting people etc., if that’s your value base and you end up living in the ghetto (or never leave), that’s simple cause and effect. Similar to cultural marxists, who believe that kicking every hornets’ nest in sight will somehow magically get their demands met, as opposed to creating a framework of negative space through which an antipodal movement would arise and squash them. Through a lack of realism and sheer wantonness they’re pushing themselves further into the mindset of being prey. However by maintaining the belief that all of their woes are solely the fault of impingement by an outside force, and the resulting reinforcement by confirmation bias, they can still feel like their rebels fighting for justice against an evil totalitarian regime (meaning successful people, many of which are self-made through actual hard (and smart) work, as well as cleaving to marginally more realistic cultures. At this point, unless they plan to orchestrate a pogrom to eradicate centrists and conservatives, they’re better off starting a commune in Nunavut where there’s no one to proverbially oppress them. Hell, I’ll even open a kickstarter for them.

  4. Seth says:

    What they don’t want to understand (well, one of the many) is that humanity is still part of nature, and it functions cause and effect foundation (which requires realistic analysis to predict. and in nature there are predators and prey, as in every other ecosystem. If someone chooses to adhere to a particular culture due to their race, political ideology, aesthetic, that doesn’t promote self education, realism, and finding worthwhile goals and the means to achieve them, of course you’re going to find yourself on the fringes of society. Hip-hop as an promotes dealing drugs, wanting to be adored by hordes of scantily clad women, shooting people etc., if that’s your value base and you end up living in the ghetto (or never leave), that’s simple cause and effect. Similar to cultural marxists, who believe that kicking every hornets’ nest in sight will somehow magically get their demands met, as opposed to creating a framework of negative space through which an antipodal movement would arise and squash them. Through a lack of realism and sheer wantonness they’re pushing themselves further into the mindset of being prey. However by maintaining the belief that all of their woes are solely the fault of impingement by an outside force, and the resulting reinforcement by confirmation bias, they can still feel like their rebels fighting for justice against an evil totalitarian regime (meaning successful people, many of which are self-made through actual hard (and smart) work, as well as cleaving to marginally more realistic cultures. At this point, unless they plan to orchestrate a pogrom to eradicate centrists and conservatives, they’re better off starting a commune in Nunavut where there’s no one to proverbially oppress them (they could even call it my own private Siberia). Besides, I hear the summers in Kijiji are splendid.

    1. Lance Viggiwhatever says:

      > Hip-hop as an promotes dealing drugs, wanting to be adored by hordes of scantily clad women, shooting people etc

      Real Conan hours who up

  5. aol instant messenger says:

    the ONLY savage grace of M-A is ultraboris’s “there’s an awesome riff and then there’s an awesomer riff and then there’s a THRASH BONER RIFF” reviews

    1. Noktorn says:

      meh, ultraboris is pretty okay I guess

      1. Attention Defecate Disorder says:

        Noktorn was a great reviewer. What happened to that guy?

        1. Fratnir says:

          I like how he picks random mediocre albums no one cares about to praise as the ultimate perfection of metal art.

          1. trumpolino4ever says:

            you mean exactly like every other review on this site? Maraat being the perfect example with that Condor garbage that not even their friends like…

            1. You have not understood the DMU/DLA standards and just judge music by its aesthetics. Condor with accent mark from Colombia are a good band; they just need to edit themselves and integrate everything in more cohesive way than in the prog rocker style of Sangrial.

              Condor from Norway are shit.

  6. Anonymous Bosch says:

    Ah, Morrigan, everyone’s favorite moonbat. I’ve known her (impersonally) for around 15 years and she’s always been pretty liberal, but at some point she clearly went off the deep end. Perhaps being located in that ass vacuum known as Canada is the reason? You’ll note a lot of extremist feminists are from the Great Privileged North™.

    Listen to trystero and check out her fanatical and delusional rants over at that chucklefuck hive known as NeoGAF. Goebbels wishes he could have brainwashed people so thoroughly.

    1. Snow-filled ass vacuum? She rectally deposited too much cocaine like Rod Stewart and Stevie Nicks?

    2. HH says:

      > Perhaps being located in that ass vacuum known as Canada is the reason?

      no, just being a white woman is the reason. While otherwise highly intelligent individual’s, like this site’s founder, mistakenly extol the benefits of racial homogeneity amongst individuals with authentic European ancestry (Irish need not apply), more discerning individuals recognize white women for what they are – an enormous Leftist voting block that is systematically destroying Western culture with their strict adherence to cultural Marxism. In 2017, white women are white men’s exclusive competitor for jobs, resources, and political influence and will do anything, including paving the way for massive 3rd world immigration, to wrest power from their former mates and now political arch rivals white males.

      1. Lance Viggiwhatever says:

        You can’t hate white women just because you never got good at a yo-yo to pick up girls at the video arcade

      2. Noktorn says:

        white girls are alright, i mean if you’re into that sort of thing

  7. I never recovered from Angra's split says:

    Where does the money comes from and where does it go, that’s the sole range of questions that might produce “marxist” statements, all the other uses of the word about transgender etc is usually just attention-seeking BS from upper-middle class morons. Could you please try to use words with some accuracy ?

    1. Richard Sullivan says:

      That was the primary inquiry made by Classical Marxism, yes. If you consider how it changed overtime to include criticisms of society and human existence as a whole (a la critical theory), then no, the label of “Marxist” is still quite applicable in the context of this article.

      1. Lance Viggiwhatever says:

        Muh Frankfurt School!

      2. Rainer Weikusat says:

        Q: How does on distinguish a so-called right-wing guy from a so-called left-wing guy?
        A: One prefers shouting “Marxist!” in lieu of arguments, the other “Nazi!”.

      3. I never recovered from Angra's split says:

        Yes you have countless groups calling themselves marxists while only borrowing an ocasionnal phrase from Marx and developing something that’s completely different, even opposite. That doesn’t mean Marxism changed, just that the wrong crowd took over, metalheads could easily relate here with all those blackgaze etc pop bands borrowing Burzum bits…

        1. Richard Sullivan says:

          That’s a false equivalency. What seperates Burzum from Deafheaven is not technique, since hipster bands use a lot of black metal riffing in their music, but rather spirit, making the two examples nothing alike in that regard. Classical Marxism and Frankfurt School Marxism both have inherent within is the spirit of proletariat revolution, the only difference being the methods they promote for achieving it. Marx advocated violent class uprising, while the Frankfurt School advocated a more individual form of revolution that was meant to take place psychologically, as they believed the ideology of the ruling class existed within the minds of the oppressed on a more subconscious level. Even Marx himself touched on things like culture, religion, and other institutions being hurdles to liberation. Gramsci and the Frankfurt School just fleshed out those aspects more in their philosophies.

          1. They do not use black metal riffing. Tremolo picking does not mean they are using long form, phrasal black metal riffing as laid out by Blackthorn and Euronymous. The “Hipster Black Mreal” YouTube channel has many videos showing that hipster metalcore guitar parts come directly from 90s screamo. The only hipsters generally even capable of staying in key are the total Darkthrone black ‘n’ roll clones; the others are hopeless wastes of oxygen.

          2. Rainer Weikusat says:

            Reformatory socialism wasn’t invented in the 20th century. What precisely »marxism« is supposed to be is somewhat unclear, however, if one starts by discarding fundamental propositions of Marx like the proletarian revolution necessary to overcome the inherently exploitative capitalist system, the term is surely misused. Even socialism doesn’t fit anymore if the ultimate goal is not a fundamental change in the way ‘the economy’ is organized. And this would need to be some real ultimate goal, not just something used in Sunday speeches targetted at people to whom it sounds good while working on keeping the status quo intact as much as possible, as the SPD did in the aftermath of WWI.

            In particular, despite its value as short-hand form for “It’s the enemy” (for mostly historical reasons), it doesn’t fit well to the bourgeois chitchat centered around assigning value to people’s so-called »sex lives« because that’s the only ‘ultimate goal’ they’re willing to put a (typically very modest) amount of energy into. Mammals following their natural instincts doesn’t turn these into a philosophy.

            1. Marxism is just Leftism. Its latest form is the cultural wave form, and that really picked up during the twentieth century. But really, it is all just egalitarianism, which means take from the strong and give to the weak, in order to invert Darwin so that each individual feels safe, especially the losers since there are more of those.

              1. Rainer Weikusat says:

                A basic tenet of marxism is that a whole class of the population is junk which needs to be discarded. That’s not egalitarian. Further, it’s based on the assumption that the strong (the workers who create things) will ultimatively overcome the weak (the ‘lucky’ leeches siphoning off the fruits of other people’s work because some accident of fate enabled them to do so) because that’s the natural order of things.

                The people you’re thinking of like to preach about »equality« because that’s a more harmless Sunday speech topic used to uplift the spirits of those who have reason to be unhappy with the status quo which must surely change fundamentally just not right now. Try looking at this in the other direction: That’s the ‘privileged’ (mostly) white(!) elite telling all the others We’re just like you. So, please, no proletarian revolution as this would be attacking your own kin. Give us more time and we’ll sort it..

                I’ve been add the receiving end of this »equality« for a good 20 years and I know them better.

                NB: This is not argument in favour of any -ism based on the idiotic notion that some kind of overarching “system” which will “just work” can be constructed by relying human foolish^Wintelligence.

          3. Classical Marxism and Frankfurt School Marxism both have inherent within is the spirit of proletariat revolution, the only difference being the methods they promote for achieving it. Marx advocated violent class uprising, while the Frankfurt School advocated a more individual form of revolution that was meant to take place psychologically, as they believed the ideology of the ruling class existed within the minds of the oppressed on a more subconscious level. Even Marx himself touched on things like culture, religion, and other institutions being hurdles to liberation. Gramsci and the Frankfurt School just fleshed out those aspects more in their philosophies.

            Interesting summary. I see these as entirely contiguous with the ideals of the French Revolution, before it The Enlightenment, and before that, the peasant revolts inspired by the Mongol invasions.

            1. I never recovered from Angra's split says:

              That’s a link I see too, and me likes it.

    2. aol instant messenger says:

      you don’t know what marxism means, got it.

      1. Rainer Weikusat says:

        He’s certainly correct insofar as »marxism« groups people into classes solely based on their function in an industrialized economy and advocates changing the way this economy is organized as “solution to any problem”. Especially, it doesn’t argue in favour of “equality”: The (factory) workers are the good guys, the others are the bad guys, and nobody can escape from his class (good and bad don’t really fit into here).

  8. Rainer Weikusat says:

    That’s not really a 14 parapgraph text of general statements about “god and the world and everything” followed by “I could write about the topic I meant to be writing about, but …”, is it?

    1. Richard Sullivan says:

      It is. How sweet of you to have noticed.

  9. Sensitive man says:

    Beware of black frames

  10. Charles Massie says:

    The alt-right is super gay though, that is mu legitimate concern, kinda hard to agree with a bunch of faggots

    1. you're gay says:

      intentional or a typo?

      the world may never know

  11. GGALLIN1776 says:

    Kill everyone. The only answer.

  12. Exfoliation says:

    I watched a black gal.lick a,.it occupied my thoughts through the article.

  13. horrible dick and ball torture says:

    The forums at Metal Archives have always been terrible; for a time I used to browse the rest of the site but I’ve switched over to Discogs (where they take all their useful information from). It has all the information you want and you don’t have to torture yourself w reviews by usernames like “IcedEarth666” and “BeerThrashingMadness” wondering why Burzum doesn’t have more THRASH BONER RIFFS

  14. 0kill says:

    Hey, remember Nightgaunt? Remember how he would btfo mall metal fags who would shriek “elitist” at the faintest hint of objective musical standards being applied to metal? Remember how he actually cared about heavy metal beyond the “it’s just music, man” mantra the current forum staff holds? I remember once he even locked a thread ranting about how sodomy is an inalienable human right by suggesting that kind of discussion would be better fit for a Wolves in the Throne Room MySpace instead. He seemed to be to be /ourguy. When I first started posting there in 2007 you could actually say things like nigger and fag without being banned, not because people there were “right wing” at all, but because metal hadn’t been completely infiltrated by cultural Marxism and other neo-Christian values at the time.

    Anyways, Nightgaunt is long gone, Morrigan has gotten way worse over the years (I think she didn’t used to post as much as she does now), and posting there is impossible because of the culture she created. All the mods she has there are stooges who march lockstep with her morality policing, and it’s a fairly accurate microcosm of the scene in general. It’s just sad to me how fucking Christian the metal community has become. Yeah, I’m sure the kids these days still yell “Fuck Jesus” or whatever because Christians aren’t Christian enough to the weak and downtrodden (and how it shocks mummy so!), but the morals of the metal community today are realistically no different than the Democratic National Convention, or your local youth group. Pathetic!

    1. Richard Sullivan says:

      100% agreed. I believe Nightgaunt left because he couldn’t take anymore of the stupidity he frequently encountered on the board and semi-left. I believe he still performs mod-related duties on band pages, but no longer has a presence on the board. Not all the mods are bad, though. Deregin is perhaps the closest thing there is to the voice of reason; he actually tries to give everyone a fair hearing. Of course, his powers are subordinate to that of Morrigan’s, so, ultimately, she always has the final say.

  15. Gardens of Grief Gnome says:


    1. Discogs > Metal-Archives, Wikipedia, MSM

  16. Fratnir says:

    A real war is coming soon.

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