Biosphere started out with songs that roughly followed a looping pattern, adding different sounds in layers, but with Angel’s Flight, aims to use themes more thoroughly, building each song around a melody and multiple counterparts in both sound texture and other phrases.
1 CommentIn Search of a New Model For the Music Industry
When underground music came about, it addressed a simple problem: rising costs had forced market concentration in the music industry. This produced six big companies that owned all the content, paid all the people who promoted and played it on radio, and therefore shaped the listening audience.
6 CommentsTags: money, music industry
Macanudo Inspirado White
One of these came down the pipe, and proved worthy of analysis. Macanudo, which is like the Heineken of cigars, makes a quality product but designs it for right at the middle of the audience, which means that their cigars lack the flair of the indie and artisan brands but rise above the average.
4 CommentsSkepticism – Companion (2021)
Funeral doom came from Skepticism, Winter, and Thergothon as bands took a death metal approach to the ultra-maudlin doom metal of Candlemass and Saint Vitus, giving it a new grandeur that mirrored what the brainier death metal bands were doing, and slowing it down as a form of even greater extremity.
4 CommentsTags: Doom Metal, funeral doom, skepticism
Pestilence Streaming Exitivm
The band that brought you Consvming Impvlse has now become a progressive deathcore band for its ninth album, Exitivm, which you can hear in full streaming from giant corporate megadouche entity YouTube:
9 CommentsTags: deathcore, pestilence
Varathron – Genesis of the Unaltered Evil (2012)
Hear a tale of the long chronicle of releases of Varathron demos and rarities.
2 CommentsTags: Black Metal, varathron
Necronomicon – Necronomicon (1986)
Certain releases provide useful waypoints, or nodes on the mesh through which history navigated a path, and Necronomicon with its self-titled shows us where 1986 had left the underground edge of metal: adopting technique from the new proto-underground, but still keeping a foot in bouncy speed metal land and unwilling to go fully to the tremolo style of Slayer or the epic song structures of Hellhammer.
No CommentsTags: Necronomicon, Speed Metal
Our Mission
Since no one else seems to be able to do much of anything in this world, it falls on us to make sense of it all here at Death Metal Underground. Very few can actually think — a process both analytical and creative, realistic and abstract — and so almost everything published is gibberish.
52 CommentsTags: death metal underground, Heavy Metal, sodomy, the metal philosophy
North From Here: The Story of Sentenced by Matti Rieki
Sentenced burst into existence like a moment of drunken exuberance but then vanished just as quickly, appearing with Shadows of the Past in 1991 to ride the Demigod and Darkthrone style of dark mid-paced death metal to its conclusions, then peaked with the magnificent North From Here two years later, but by the next album, became some kind of gothic hard rock that drove away death metal fans in droves.
7 CommentsTags: death metal, sentenced
Vio-Lence Release Details For Upcoming EP Let The World Burn
Pummeling speed metal band Vio-Lence return, with Overkill guitarist Bobby Gustafson on the team, with a new variation on their death metal tinged Bay Area assault metal, planning a new EP named Let The World Burn for release during early 2022 on Metal Blade Records.
2 CommentsTags: Metal Blade, Speed Metal, vio-lence