Guest article by Eugene Stryker
The PC witch-hunt of the Leftist Indie/Mallcore Mafia continues ever on in its plaguing of the Metal scene throughout the 2010’s. No longer content to pillory some of the most vicious and well-respected acts in the Black Metal genre, the latest victim of character assassination and social media hysteria is none other than former Agalloch leader John Haughm.
70 CommentsTags: aesop dekker, Agalloch, anti-semitism, antifa, Betrayal, Black Metal, bruno ganz, don anderson, drama, facebook, hipster black metal, hipsters, hitler, hypocrisy, jason walton, john haughm, judenbook, metalgate, MetalSucks, pillorian, political correctness, portland, post-rock, privacy violation, social media, stephen parker, threats of violence, trevor matthews, uada, virtue signalling