Our Mission

Since no one else seems to be able to do much of anything in this world, it falls on us to make sense of it all here at Death Metal Underground. Very few can actually think — a process both analytical and creative, realistic and abstract — and so almost everything published is gibberish.

Our mission here involves a genre of metal, death metal, in the form continuous with its origins from 1983-1993, and the related philosophy of this genre which seems to be equal parts natural selection, anarchistic autonomy, and the idea of natural order.

The former means that we believe no one should protect idiots from themselves. This prohibits not just obvious subsidies like socialism, but indirect ones like exoteric religions such as Christianity which preach tolerance so that idiots can be “educated” and “disciplined” into doing “the right thing” without understanding it.

All of these bureaucratic notions mean the same thing: instead of having good people, plan for using greedy morons who are “talking monkeys with car keys” as Kam Lee would say, so that someone in power can manipulate the whole structure, or system, with the right symbols. Bureaucracy is mass manipulation and control, and it requires idiots, which in turn requires abolishing natural selection by “liberalizing” or relaxing rules, goals, standards, and the consequences for falling short of them.

Almost everyone notices the anarchistic autonomy of metal. We are “rugged individualists,” in the sense of wanting to go our own way, and not being particularly disturbed by what others do, so long as we do not have to subsidize their error (see “natural selection” above). We are live and let live, with the implication that we are also live and let die.

Finally, we like natural order. Although metalheads mostly reject the sense of bureaucratic moral gods who exist universally among humans, as in the Judeo-Christian religions, we have a sense that there is a rhythm and purpose to life itself, seen best in nature and not in the artificial social constructs of human order like equality, humanist morality, and herd opinion.

We distrust trends, for example. Almost all of human history following the fall of the Kings consists of trends, or some idea that seems to explain our world in an appealing way at the time, so the Crowd falls for Beanie Babies, “woke” politics, hipsterism, tattoos, grunge, arugula, post-metal, and other silliness. The natural order is eternal and unchanging in form, although constantly changing in texture, much like metal riffs develop songs in roughly the same moods and to the same places through many different pathways.

Metalheads, although they do not generally read Nietzsche, follow a Nietzschean path: we have a morality of competence not of equality, which means that we believe in rewarding those who show aptitude and demoting (or getting rid of) those who do not. Similar to the Satanic ideal, this morality rejects those who are simply nice, polite and innocuous, and praises those who are capable, even if they seem vicious and break some eggs to make an omelette.

We also inherit the search for the transcendent, or that which makes sense of the natural order by revealing how it is the best — most beautiful, good, and real — outcome possible, in the Platonic mode of looking for causes of the effect we know as material reality beyond the visible. We sense that there is more to this life than the immediate, even if we are skeptics of religion.

We also tend toward the naturalistic, or valuing the process of nature. We want to be more feral atavistic beast than civilized domesticated Man, and we find inspiration in natural models like tempests, fire, floods, war, predation, and the cold nihilism of winter. We are literalists in that we take reality as the ultimate arbiter of all things, but transcendentalists in that we think this has a purpose other than literality itself.

Chasing the Platonic model again, we believe in a morality of “good to the good, and bad to the bad,” which is different from both “might is right” and “love your neighbor.” We love the good people — competent, honest, productive, creative, insightful, wise, constructive — and wish death to the weak, stupid, inept, mentally lazy, and parasitic.

As metalheads, we grew up in a bureaucratic society and saw its downfall. When you set up a “meritocracy,” you create competition for obedience, or conformity and domestication, through peer pressure. This means that the system bores the intelligent and promotes the idiotic, mainly because they are docile and obey instructions, making their teachers feel powerful.

Meritocracy resembles a trend in that humans set up a fake goal, everyone else obeys, and they all feel a sense of false unity because they are all doing the same thing. It is a type of centralized authority, since whoever sets the trend makes everyone else obey that idea, whether it is collecting Beanie Babies or being a good Communist.

In this way, we can see that consumerism and Communism have a common root, just like individualism and collectivism do: people, ignoring natural order, choose instead a human order based on conformity, and they manipulate each other so that as individuals they can become more powerful. All of these things are two sides to the same coin, which is that you are either focused on reality or on humans, and if you focus on humans, you end up with something like bureaucracy, consumerism, socialism, and trends.

Writing in another life, I referred to this as Crowdism, or the domination of social pressures over goals in reality through the desire of individuals to manipulate one another, a type of passive-aggressive herding behavior:

Any infection on the level of our assumptions has pervaded our society at its lowest level, that of its values and worldview. We could blame language, or x=y thinking, or sin waves of emotion, or any of the other detours that have absorbed our best liberal thinkers looking for a symbological fix to our problem, but really, these are just the devil’s messengers. What’s wrong isn’t us; it’s what we think we believe, and even if we say we want to fix it, our minds have become mesmerized by a certain outlook on the world and are unwilling to leave it.

Under social pressure, people will take drugs, torture one another, steal, lie, cheat and delude themselves. If they internalize that social pressure, they will do these things without the presence of others because they are aware of the eventuality of having to interact with those others. In this sense, the mob mentality can extend to those who are alone, because in their minds the rest of the mob is always there.

Much like ancient tribes who believed that eating the organs of an enemy would transfer his power to the eater, Crowdists believe that destroying others raises the Crowdist’s own stature. Their primary weapon is equality. By insisting on one level for all people, they have an excuse to curtail the higher abilities of those who rise above the crowd. Further, they have the ultimate weapon, in that since equality sounds good on an emotional level, it is perceived as a good, and thus anyone who resists its advance (“progress”) is automatically a bad guy who has transgressed, and thus against him or her retaliation can be launched.

If metal rejects anything, it is the notion of morally-positive conformity itself, or that conformity for the sake of itself is good. Like all other trends, this shows us a group of people aiming their actions toward enforcing unity on the group, not achieving a goal, and therefore they are motivated by compromise like a committee, trying to include everyone and avoid offending anyone, which arrives at the worst possible outcome.

This forms the basis of The Metal Philosophy, which starts with the idea that life is worth living for its own sake, and extends to the idea that most people run away from real life into the false, artificial, empty, and consumerist because this enables them to avoid the risk inherent to attempting to adapt to their world. When they retreat from adaptation, they have only the human-created world of socialization, and to stay important within this, they create distractions as replacements for any possible goal, so we get trends and bureaucracies and other forms of socially-driven centralization.

The Metal Philosophy says that the real world is out there beyond other human beings, and that it consists in making our heads right with both nature and our own natures. Instead of chasing golden idols like ideologies, religions, money, power, and popularity, we look within to find out what we are, and by doing that, get ourselves out of the way so that we can perceive reality, and having done that, find a way to adapt to it and even more, to maximize our experience in terms of existential intensity.

Most of humanity wants “happiness,” which it defines mostly as an absence of negatives (pain, sickness, fear, poverty) coupled with an ability to indulge desires, almost all of which are consumerism in another form, like promiscuity or obsession with wealth. We consume in order to dominate, secretly hoping to destroy everything but ourselves, so that we can continue in our solipsistic delusion that we are gods and the world is a transient, unimportant experience.

Metalheads instead desire intensity. This is not a static state like happiness, but the condition of existing in an ongoing adventure of discovery, danger, learning, conquest, and self-discipline. We want to become great by losing our “talking monkeys with car keys” attributes and instead rising to the level of spirit, becoming one with our feral beast within.

Unlike just about everything since The Enlightenment,™ The Metal Philosophy bypasses humanism because it sees approval of all things without sorting into good and bad — equality — as another form of enforced conformity and a trend in itself. Metal wants to get to the root of life, which requires looking past the social fixations and control structures that we live among.

How does a metal site uphold this? We chronicle the history of heavy metal, derive its ideas, and remain goal-focused. The goal is to produce quality metal, since doing that alone communicates the metal philosophy without having to put it into words. That means that instead of following trends and popularity, we focus on what we can determine is the good music out there and promote it.

Our first cut is a gentle one. It separates the music with purpose to express something from the majority, which is designed to imitate the genre and make a saleable or popular form of what is found there. Music has to express something other than solipsism, but like most humans, most aspiring metal bands clone their influences, throw in some quirks, and write songs based on having enough riffs to fit together.

The next cut separates the good from the classics. We attempt to find those bands and albums which exemplify the best of metal, and hold them up for the future, so people know not what to emulate, but what to use to inspire their thinking so that they can find their own path toward creating great metal.

What we do here will never be popular, but it has been and will be influential, because people know at a gut level that we are right. Our “natural selection” reviews reward the good so that the bad dies out, and our analyses bring out the thinking behind great metal, even if to many it remains as inscrutable as higher mathematics.

If you appreciate what we do, weigh in on these comment threads with how you think things are going and where you want them to go.

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52 thoughts on “Our Mission”

  1. molestor says:

    These style of reviews are great and it’s admirable that you manage to find the few promising bands and give them a write up. I suppose you’ll go more in-depth when something really special comes along. Hope to see some reviews of recent releases by the more well known names around here (Beherit, Havohej/Profanatica, Cianide).

    1. Mostly, I’m just checking to see how much readership remains. The fact is that we had a hipster infestation, and they’ve now run off to chat channels rather than be here because certain sacred cows were sacrificed upon my return. They probably drove away everyone, at which point, regarding future content: why?

      1. Too old, too cold says:


        I was originally into metal in my early teens (circa 89-91) but during my metal “rebirth” circa 2001, this site, more than any other, was responsible for giving me a master’s course in all the brilliant music I’d either overlooked or willfully ignored during my first go-round. Now 20 years later, this site continues to reap rewards because of – by and large – its unflinching discernment. That its judgment has oft come at the expense of a few bruised (keyboard) egos makes it even more vital than it was two decades ago.

        And I’m likely not in the minority here, but I’d sign for more re-appraisals of “classic” content. I’m fine with jettisoning whatever blackened industrial goregrind techno death album BangerTV declares to be album of the century only to forget it about 2 weeks later.

      2. Boobs are haram says:

        Only you had the balls to sacrifice the Mefitis sacred cow! Respect!

      3. Thewaters says:

        Why? Because your insights into music and metal are penetrating and there are probably a significant amount of people who look forward to reading your reviews of new releases.

      4. BlackPhillip says:

        The hipsters all had their start here anyways. They’re only rebelling as any adolescent would.

      5. T Malm says:

        ANUS has generally had the most discerning taste on the web in terms of metal and some great writers throughout the years (is Johan still around?) and the comments are frequently insightful and entertaining (did the sheer gravity of Rainer Weikusat’s autism eventually cause him to collapse like a star? the world may never know). It would be a damn tragedy for people who actually give a shit about metal if you guys were to go silent.

      6. Doug says:

        Some promising death metal reviewed here as of late, but maybe a slight name change could broaden the scope even further than it already has to include more “metal in spirit” ventures while still rightfully pissing off and alienating the knuckleheadery? I remember when Breitbart referenced this site so it’s not like it’s altogether obscure, not that that’s a bad thing in this world. I say keep going and be a (lovable) dissenting annoyance as long as possible until Google finally finds a way to unperson us all.

        Thanks for all that you do.

    2. Thanks to all for commenting here. I am taking all responses into consideration. In the meantime, new stuff keeps coming out, so I am posting what I can.

  2. analsin says:

    Educated and inspiring in-depth reviews.
    Thank you for your important work here.

  3. Influx says:

    Been visiting this site for years and hope it continues.

  4. Cutoff sweatpants says:

    More classical and more exposure of lesser known but strong releases from the early days

    1. thomasw says:

      i agree. also continue to discuss the finer aspects of pipes, pipe tobacco and tying flies and knots and the theory of forms. Ok, perhaps not all that, but anything which concerns the manly man and his manly thoughts and ways should be continued…

  5. Belano says:

    Brett, there are really very, very few sites that do reliable metal (and music in general) reviews, that is, that seek to highlight those albums that are really worth listening to among so much that is published. That’s why I always come back here.

    For my part, I would like to see two types of publications: 1) Detailed comments on those recent albums that are worth listening to, even if they are very, very few. Without this page, I would never have listened to Infamous, for example.
    2) Reviews of those albums that are considered mediocre or bad but who are being praised on other pages.

    I think both types of reviews help to show where the musical quality of metal today is going.

    Finally, a panorama of the best that metal has given in the last 10 years would be interesting, as was done at the time with the 1999-2009 article. And here I imagine not only comments on the records, but perhaps also a reflection on what the panorama looks like in terms of styles or open musical paths.

    Perhaps the readership is little but here it is still.

    1. T Malm says:

      I second this comment in its entirety.

      The best of the year articles are also good for those of us that may have missed something, even if they’re only a few of albums.

    2. Drogus says:

      Echoing this comment too. DMU has been key to my musical growth over the last decade. Articles such as those mentioned above are those I appreciate most and seem to bring in the largest readership.

  6. maelstrrom says:

    I agree with the philosophy in this article. The reviews under Paxton seem mass produced but if it serves a purpose then so be it.

    Will there be any more installments in the ‘nocturnal music’ series?

  7. Spaniard says:

    It’s moments like this that confirm my belief in synchronicity. I was thinking about DMU yesterday and then you post this poignant article. My absence from DMU hasn’t been due to hipsters or other annoyances; the fact is I’m going through a transitional phase in my life that has required my energies be focused elsewhere. This is still the premiere website on the interwebz for metal as far as I’m concerned and articles like this reinforce my opinion.

    We bear the misfortune of having to live in a downward cycle of our species history. For those of us in tune with the creation, it’s a particularly difficult onus to endure. Knowing the futility of your efforts can drive the more sensitive among us to self-destructive behaviors. What smarts even worse is that in a sane world (i.e. a world where nature takes its course) these casualties of Crowdism would more than likely have reached their true potential and lead lives with real meaning.

    Whatever ideological differences I’ve had with you have never taken away from my respect for you as a thinker and writer. You improve my quality of life and make me reassess my own positions to see whether they hold up. In short, don’t shut down DMU Brett; you’ve created something unique that flies in the face of the sycophantic conformity that passes for metal journalism. I would like to see more mentions of Spinoza’s Ethics as well as Schopenhauer; but minor quibbles aside, keep up the excellent output.

    PS “We love the good people — competent, honest, productive, creative, insightful, wise, constructive — and wish death to the weak, stupid, inept, mentally lazy, and parasitic.” should be on a button or t-shirt.

  8. Nico says:

    Always here looking for articles, Nice writting-style and Focus,Brett, still reading anus.com, your work and words are powerful inspiration, i miss SMR,funny times, rosales was good too, maybe more philosophic and historic articles would be interesting, anyway, You know what to do

    Cheers from Chile!

  9. Stinkpuss says:

    “death metal, in the form continuous with its origins from 1983-1993”
    Were there any death metal bands back in 83?

  10. Basileus says:

    The current direction is good. I hope to see more comparisons of what separates a “good” release from a “classic” in the future.

  11. frozenlake says:

    I read the site regularly. This article was particularly clear and insightful. It is good at some point to state intentions rather than simply “shit on everything under the sun”, which is what many metalheads out there believe DMU is all about. Of course, you can dismiss them as “hipsters” but it is far from always true. Maybe DMU has become complacent in its elitist positioning and -if I may- it is time to rethink the editorial strategy. Just as an example, the sadistic reviews are amusing for a while but the gimmick gets old. We all know that most metal is bad. But we don’t agree on shared quality criteria. So in the end subjectivity reigns supreme. Nevertheless, I do believe that our post-modern “everything is relative and everything goes” culture has reached a dead end. It is indeed time to reassert fundamental truths and stick to strong aesthetic and philosophical beliefs. Your article was great in that respect. I like the “intensity” which goes with “energy”. There are other qualifiers such as “ecstasy”, the fact of coming out of yourself, and facing something bigger than yourself (whereas pop is mostly about catering to sentimental inner psychological needs). Metal is definitely the only genre that offers an exciting perspective on life. When it’s good (to be defined and clarified). The rest is entertainment and “fun”. I’m not against fun being part of the “excitement” but, but “fun” on its own is rubbish. I hate it when people say a record is great because it’s fun. Again, it depends what you put behind the word “fun”.
    So yeah, keep up the great work and maybe focus more on the quality metal. For the time being, the site is perceived as very bitter. We need positive energy. So spend more time highlighting the good, while still trashing the bad for educational purposes. It is very instructive to explain why something is bad, and it is also important to explain why stuff is good. It’s an educational process. It is hard. Thanks for doing it. But you need to do it even better, and in a less complacent way. The easiest bit is to think ‘”I’m right, the others are wrong and hipsters”. Yeah, it does feel good. But it is childish. You lost Nick who was a great guy. So time to re-energize DMU. We are counting on you.

  12. Al-Shaytan-Al-Akbar says:

    I’m around 35 and I’ve periodically visited the site for several years. It’s valuable for me mainly because of new band & new album recommendations.
    Because of this site, I’ve learned what new decent metal albums come out (SDG, Desecresy, Satan, Mefitis, Sammath, Polemicist, Zloslut…).

    I would agree to pay a yearly small amount to this site, like maybe $30.
    At the same time, hardly will there be enough people ready to pay for you to make some money on this activity.
    This site can’t be profitable, just like (real) science can’t.

    I believe that, as a writer and an active person, sometimes you can’t help but write something, so this site will be updated from time to time anyway, even if you decide to stop active work on it.

    Also, since the content is valuable (even if it’s rarely published), you should increase your social media presence to get to new audiences. (“Tradition” is when you “hand something over to someone”.) Hopefully you’ll find several people of the same ability but younger, who will continue this work into the next 30 years.

  13. A dick says:

    I’ll always be a reader of DMU.

  14. Nick Nuke says:

    I want you know, dear friends, that through extreme music we (in Russian Federation) can understand heart and soul of so called Western Civilizations, their fears and mistakes. Best regards to creators of this resource and living polemicists. And i have an important question (for my path of studying metal) – what is the source of tremolo technics in black and death metal? Is it possible that surf-rock in US influenced on early death/speed bands, after that – on Peter Tagtgren and so on? Thanks for the answers!

  15. Actual gynecologist says:

    Maybe this sounds defeatist, but I’d like an even bigger focus on pre 2000 metal. Most of the new stuff reviewed positively here is better than average modern metal, but usually it still pales in comparison to earlier metal. And seeing how much great obscure 90s stuff I’ve found on here (“Who the hell are Tha-norr?”), I’m sure you have plenty of more to promote.

  16. Harked Back says:

    The fire will forever rage

  17. the left is the truth says:

    This is the gayest fucking article ever (not least cos of the sodomy tag) How the hell did metal go from strictly left wing (War Pigs) too a bunch of cucks who need to be starved and gassed whining about the Jews?

    1. “I was really into flower power in the sixties. I went to the love-ins at Woburn Abbey in sixty-seven and sixty-eight, with kaftan, beads, and flowers in my hair. But by the time we wrote the Paranoid album reality had set in. A lot of my lyrics were my disappointment that the love era was just a pipe dream. The love-ins and protests were all in vain.”

      As pointed out by Geezer, members of Black Sabbath had been swept up by this along with other hippies in the late ’60s in Britain. Disillusionment and resentment towards those in power began setting in. For the Sabbath boys, they were tired of looking for answers from other places, and they decided to create their own solution. They became the rejects of the hippie movement, the embodiment of that movement’s shadow.

      Henry Rollins, a modern renaissance artist of sorts, so brilliantly quipped: “You drove up to a party on a cold winter night when it’s too cold to stand outside. There are the four lonely guys standing outside on the front porch, drinking cold beer. Because either they can’t get into the party, or they don’t want to be inside the party. Those are your Black Sabbath fans – the lonely stoners – the ones who congregate and party in the woods – not at the dance.”


      1. Banal, anal, banana, obama says:

        Who cares what Rollins has to say?

      2. the left is the truth says:

        They were still staunchly anti-right wing. Also fix your fucking website. I can’t click on an article without getting a big unclosable google ad.

        1. I don’t think it’s ever that simple. Metalheads are realists; that places them outside the Left wing, but also outside of the mainstream Right. Much of what Black Sabbath wrote could have been viewed as more Right-leaning than Left.

          1. the left is the truth says:

            Bullshit, Sabbath was pure left.

            1. I don’t agree. I think they were more nuanced and their general outlook is more conservative, not to mention (over time) their tendency toward more religious exploration. The idea of heaviness itself, reality intruding with consequences of the intangible, is pretty conservative, or at least touches the realist half of the conservative equation (realism + qualitative). Then there’s the fact that this band produced a song called “The Mob Rules” and loved scaring people with apocalyptic visions. There’s a lot of confusion as there is in any rock ‘n roll, and the mountains of cocaine and other drugs involved just blurred the vision.

        2. Gerald says:


  18. TreeHugger says:

    This site and your work here brett has been a tremendous resource for me. Been reading since dark legion archive days. I have been introduced to many great albums through this site. If I had to give any input regarding content it would be to focus more on what is good and less on what is bad. It is the only metal site I read regularly though I don’t comment until now. Whatever your final decision just wanted to let you know I have always appreciated your work.

  19. Imposition says:

    Keep it up!

    Where else can one go for good old-fashioned Sodomy?

  20. Entropy says:

    There is no escape!

  21. Svmmoned says:

    Great symbol. ANUS tree is already as classic as symbols and sigils used by bands and this new amalgamation would look vicious on a patch. The article itself contain some amazingly refined points and reflections. It tries to see metal for what it is in its most agreable definition, mirroring how Slayer is a band on which all sub-genres should be able to agree on to represent metal as a whole.

    DMU shines through both standarized corporate content and a variety of blogs which usually entirely miss what it is that’s so important about metal, what really constitutes its uniqueness and decides about its quality. And DMU endure in it. Too bad that a lot of content from earlier incarnations was lost or isn’t exposed better on current site.

    But “Metalheads, although they do not generally read Nietzsche” part? If only they have read anything at all in their lives, most certainly at some point it was Nietzsche.

    1. The putrid stench of life; the fragrant aroma of death says:

      Nietzsche is kinda gay from my experience. Maybe there’s something lost in translation, maybe.

  22. Metal Mystic says:

    As I read this and listen to Beherit’s excellent “Celebrate The Dead”, I am reminded of how eternally grateful I am of the writings contained here. Had I not discovered them a decade ago I may still be listening to melo-death/tech-def pseudo-music and pining my next soy latte. All of the effort and wisdom dispensed on this site is much appreciated. It is one of the very few places on the internet with a deep understanding of what the true spirit of the metal genre is, and why it is something worth remembering and cherishing. God (whose child I vomit on) Bless.

  23. csacwp says:

    I’m a longtime reader of DMU and would not have gone down the same musical path had it not been for this website. Keep it going!

  24. C. Haynes says:

    Still here after two decades. Never leaving the ANUS.

    1. Defecation says:

      Time for Ex-Lax™.

  25. N Word Scissor Hands says:

    Excellent Article! I’ve been reading since the ANUS days. This site proved pivotal in me learning how to seperate the wheat from the chaff. Encountering ANUS was very much like being ritualistically sodomized. The pain of seeing so many of my sacred cows being slaughtered was almost too much at first and my sphincter instinctively quivered, but with time the pain turned to pleasure, followed by ecstasy. At this point I can’t help but release deeply satisfying sadistic ulululations as my rectum is renovated.

  26. MacCauley Crawford says:

    Death, be not proud, though some have called thee
    Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so;
    For those whom thou think’st thou dost overthrow
    Die not, poor Death, nor yet canst thou kill me.
    From rest and sleep, which but thy pictures be,
    Much pleasure; then from thee much more must flow,
    And soonest our best men with thee do go,
    Rest of their bones, and soul’s delivery.
    Thou art slave to fate, chance, kings, and desperate men,
    And dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell,
    And poppy or charms can make us sleep as well
    And better than thy stroke; why swell’st thou then?
    One short sleep past, we wake eternally
    And death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die.

    1. Implied Nazareth says:

      Poetry and melodrama ruins everything.

  27. New says:

    I found this site by accident. I googled “punk is a PSYOP”. I don’t remember why. That phrase was contained in one of the Spaniard’s comments. I stayed for awhile and became fascinated. I have never listened to metal, and I forgot it existed. Recommend for me please a few American metal bands. I’ll listen to a bit of Metallica, and Iced Earth. What albums should I listen to? Perhaps recommend 1 or 2 other bands/albums, but no flood of recommendations please.

    1. First three Metallica albums are great, and the first Iced Earth album.

      For other American material? The first four Slayer come to mind, and the first two DRIs, first three Cryptic Slaughters, first couple Sacred Reichs, and so forth.

      1. New says:

        Thank you! I’ll give them a listen. Could I get your opinion on two non-metal bands: The Clash & Jimmy Eat World.

        Also, are you the same Brett Stevens that wrote the book Nihilism? If so I’ll look to buying it at some point. I doubt I’ll listen to very much metal in the end, I’ve really only become a bit interested because your articles here are so good. I read about 20 + the comments; they are quite good indeed. You see the enstupidation caused by Enlightment & Equality ideas for instance. (I might as well capitalize both; people treat them as if these things were gods.)

        1. I am the guilty party behind Nihilism: A Philosophy Based in Nothingness and Eternity.

          Sadly, I know nothing about either of those two bands. The Clash is some kind of punk rock? Like a catchier, more Def Leppard version of the Ramones, if memory serves.

          Thank you for reading my articles. I see equality as the concept which has befuddled humans since the dawn of time since it is a social value, even if not a realistic one. It’s driving everyone insane, and I escape through metal and classical music, pipe smoking, great books, and long walks in the woods where if I encounter someone and accidentally kill them, I can probably hide the remains before another soul comes upon me.

  28. Life Affirming Existentialist says:

    The music that is upheld on this site is the best. I appreciate when classical, electronic, folk, and dungeon synth is posted on here in addition to Metal! I’d love to read more philosophy articles from this site too and will try to contribute more comments/ask questions if I have something of value to add.
    Without this site I’d probably only occasionally be listening to superior music such as Immortal’s Pure Holocaust. I support and agree with the quality over quantity approach as best I can. Back to listening to György Ligeti, Franz Berwald, Autechre, Amebix, Kever, Blood, Niden Div 187, Master, Väsen, & Hawkwind,

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