#Metalgate: Kim Kelly Endorses White Genocide

Crustfund social justice warrior, hypocrite, alleged groupie, liar, and Vice columnist Kim Kelly openly supported white genocide on Twitter late last month. She gave her “total support” to Drexel university associate professor George Ciccariello-Maher who publicly wished for a white genocide as a gift last Christmas on Twitter and slammed his critics as “white supremacists”. He followed up his initial lust for ethnic cleansing of his own race with another tweet stating:



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Montreal Police Condone Antifa Attack


No arrests, no tickets handed out. The protesters were aggressive toward the organizers (of the concert) but not towards police … When we told them to disperse they did so.

Said Montreal police constable Benoît Boisselle about the Communist antifascist terrorists who attacked the the police protecting the Messe des Morts festival where Graveland was scheduled to play. The Antifa thugs were clearly supported not only by the communist Industrial Workers of the World union but by the local Montreal city government too. Three of the perpetrators identities are known: recidivist junkie and anti-Semite Katie Nelson, Éric Sédition (a card-carrying member of the IWW), and Alexandre Bouleric (member of the Canadian federal parliament from a district in Montreal). All walk free to terrorize again.



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SJWs Whine about Trump’s Triumph


The social justice warrior punk scene parasites attempting to infiltrate metal and censor it according to their visions of social realism in their ideal future multicultural socialist workers paradise like Venezuela have been whining over the defeat of Hillary Clinton by Donald Trump in the Americen presidential elections this week. The American populace decisively shot down the leftist attempts to create a new world order and now the unemployable are rioting in the streets demanding that Trump be impeached as Hillary won the popular vote. Want to know what prominent crusts attempting to infiltrate heavy metal think about Trump’s triumph? Let’s find out!



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#Metalgate: MetalSucks Commenters Expose Kim Kelly


Vince Neilstein and Axl Rosenberg of metalcore and nu-metal web site MetalSucks are counting down who they deluded themselves into believing are “The twenty five most important people in metal”. So far only two of their picks have had anything to do with heavy metal at all: Fenriz, who as true communists they chose for his working class background and refusal to leave his job in the Norwegian postal service rather than his music accomplishments in Darkthrone and Rob Halford of Judas Priest for being gay so MetalSucks can push the liberal social narrative to twelve year olds and urban hipsters with the critical thinking skills of twelve year old girls.

The most controversial choice of the two MetalSucks commissars-in-chief was crustfund false journalist Kim Kelly for being a female scenester and selective social justice warrior Neilstein and Rosenberg personally know. The communists appreciated her exposing “vitriol, hate and misogyny” and “nazi black metal bands” mostly in line with their political and social agendas for the leftist new world order that has hopefully just been vanquished democratically.



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SJW journalist backpedals on “signal boosting”


SJW journalist Kim Kelly, who was just yesterday talking about “signal boosting” outrage over alleged actions by Deiphago guitarist Sidalpa, is now backpedaling and claiming she was only “commenting on a couple friends’ Facebook posts” even though we all know that “signal boosting” is an SJW dog whistle for joining into an attack mob via that armchairest of armchair activist zones, the internet.

Like many SJWs, Kelly hides behind her role as a journalist and its overlap with her personal life as a way to claim that her actions were innocent, when she was participating in group calls for violence, boycott and public defamation of Deiphago and anyone who defended their right to a fair examination of facts. Kelly, fitting right into the SJW mindset, knows that her strength consists of summoning many perennially unhappy internet people to attack and use guilt to cow and browbeat others into submission.

Needless to say, normally SJWs can get away with it, but they have pushed too far. Many on the internet are making a similar observation to the following:

The point is that before we go destroy someone’s life, we should make sure they in fact did what they are accused of and that there are no mitigating circumstances. According to SJWs, demanding actual facts and legal process is fascism, racism, sexism and other Very Bad things.

SJWs swarmed at first to attack Deiphago, and then got the predictable vague apology, but the band later removed it after realizing that the SJW monster had become defanged. First it became common knowledge that Kelly and other SJWs have faked news stories to advance their ideological agenda, and that at least some SJWs were previously trying to be toughguy internet Nazis before realizing there was an audience out there who is afraid to not eagerly support any article, band, or person who wields guilt as a weapon.

The pushback has been gratifying. Metalheads are tired of the invasion of SJWs, who bring both their doctrinaire politics and their bad indie-rock derived metal-flavored (but not metal) bands, and are starting resistance by doing what should have always been done: making fun of SJWs for the self-perpetuating victims them are, and openly mocking their presumed legitimacy and their dishonest and manipulative attack. One user posted the following which seems to summarize the situation:



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Panic in SJW-land over being made accountable for their behavior


Kim Kelly, the SJW journalist caught faking stories for metal magazines, expressed outrage that DeathMetal.org would do basic research about her and publish an article forcing her to be accountable for her past statements and activity. You can see the full Twitter drama here including white knighting by internet tough guys. Notice how research becomes “stalking” when someone else does it, but it’s “research” when Kelly does it.

Kelly, who has no criticism for her fellow Vice NSBM-wannabe-turned-SJW-journalist Neil Jameson, has made a career of using lack of compliance with SJW issues to tear down careers of musicians. That is, of course, after she broke herself into the business as PR flack for notorious provacateurs Anal Cunt. MetalGate — inspired by GamerGate — was the first coherent resistance to the SJW invasion of heavy metal.

It is typical for SJWs to be hypocritical. For them, ideology is social and also how they hope to attract an audience which will feel guilty for not listening to them, therefore will feel a compulsion to buy SJW propaganda, like Chinese under Communism buying the Red Book or even a Czech grocer putting a sign in his window. This is about audience, and replacing the metal audience with a new group, which is why SJWs get upset when called out on that. They are not here to bring accountability. They are here, like any other lobbyist or corporate group, to sell products. And they really, really do not want you to look behind that curtain.


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SJW journalists “signal boosted” Deiphago accusations into news story


SJW journalist Kim Kelly was agitating on Twitter last night about the alleged assault by Sidalpa of Deiphago long before the story broke. Her goal, in her own words: to “signal boost” a Facebook accusation into a real news story, much like blatant use of accusations as fact in the Duke Lacrosse and Columbia rape scandals, in which the accused were ultimately vindicated after having their lives destroyed.


In addition, Kelly attacked me and tried to again rally her forces of white knights and neurotics into attacking me for daring to thwart her “signal boosting.” As usual, Kim Kelly and other SJWs are faking the news and making up stories to fit their agenda.

In the meantime, Deiphago issued a statement on the event:


It is unclear from this statement what happened. Deiphago admit some sort of confrontation, but it remains unknown where Natalia’s injuries came from and what her behavior was at the time, and what others were doing in the room. The sources that seem they would know are being tight-lipped, so the saga goes on.

In the meantime, we still lack a police report, which suggests that Natalia/Curt either did not feel their case was strong, or chose to avoid public examination of their actions for another reason. I remain the lone voice calling for law and order, facts and analysis, and some kind of logical resolution to this situation, instead of whipping up a hive mind and going on a jihad for revenge of the lynch mob as Kim Kelly and other SJWs want you to do.


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Deiphago accused of violent assault


Aggressive war metal band Deiphago are rumored to be violent in other ways, too: Curt Johnson’s (Iron Force, Mutant Supremacy) girlfriend Natalia alleges that Sidalpa of Deiphago punched her in the face when she went backstage to get a beer from the beers left there for the bands.

Johnson relates:

I wasn’t present at the time but I guess Natalia was backstage and went for a beer from one of the bins and sidalpa from deiphago punched her in the face and knocked her out. I was watching inquisition and came out right before they finished and saw her face, apparently they left right after the shit happened.

Some observers have noted that Natalia was not approved to go backstage, and the beers there may have been for the bands only and not girlfriends. The full story has yet to emerge, and apparently there is no police report.

The problem with situations like this — as we saw with the Duke Lacrosse case, the Columbia rape case, and other false accusations — is that jumping to conclusions and forming a lynch mob to destroy someone based solely on one person’s accusation is a terrible idea that will lead to misery. There is a reason we have police, courts and law and use those to objectively (as much as possible) determine guilt and innocence, instead of taking one person’s word as fact and using it to ruin the life of another.


As you can see, the usual forces are ready to jump to conclusions and are getting excited for a righteous justification for destroying someone else. The revenge-instinct of the herd is strong in them. Sadly, others who should know better are making the same mistake (I was unfriended by this person shortly after the exchange you see here):


This statement shows the mentality of the mob:

they are going to the police to try to press charges. if you’re the type who is going to defend a guy who punched a gal in the face for grabbing a beer, then fled the club…you need to unfriend me now

The technique used above is to attempt to say that demanding a fair trial before kicking off the lynch mob and defending the accused are the same thing, when in fact nothing in his defense was said. All that was said was: we should figure out the actual facts before firing up the lynch mob.

No proof has been established yet other than (1) a photo of a woman who could have received those injuries in any number of ways and (2) a story from Mr. Johnson. Those are not by themselves proof, and the lack of a police report is puzzling, since at least around here, the cops are pretty excited to investigate assaults. Pattison wants you to believe that anyone who demands a fair trial is in fact defending this guy against unproven accusations. By all means bring him to trial, if you have the evidence, but do not accuse me of “defending” him when what I am asking for is actual facts and not gossip, rumors and hearsay.

While apparently this kind of anti-factual commentary is the normal on the internet, it is also the norm among people who burn witches, lynch black people, stone heretics and bully non-conformists. It is the logic of the herd and the angry, defensive, spiteful and resentful animal inside of every human being. It is the low point of our species, not its moral height as these over-excited and angry people want you to believe.



We’ll post more as the story develops, including the crucial questions: (1) are the facts true as reported by Natalia and those who claim to be witnesses? (2) are the injuries from the assault, or from impact with the floor or another object, and were they self-inflicted? (3) was a police report filed, since people with a strong case tend to file police reports, while people with weak cases tend to go to the internet for revenge as a means of hitting back at the other guy, not establishing justice?


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#metalgate was right: SJW journalist Kim Kelly caught faking stories


We know they coordinate stories to present the same trends/fads, and that they are fast and loose with details, but now #metalgate-involved journalist Kim Kelly has been caught faking a story. Or rather, from a couple years ago, as Metal Illuminati observed:

Do they really expect us to believe that two Seeds of Iblis members immigrated to post-war Iraq to start the band? Especially since Anahita has stated on record that they’re actively trying to score a record deal. (I doubt many A&R’s hang out in Baghdad — where Anahita claims Iblis have played concerts)

Ms. Kelly, how did you not notice that???

At the end of the day, there’s little reason to doubt that Anahita, Janaza, or Seeds of Iblis are anti-Islamic metal musicians. However, their Acrassicauda 2.0 backstory of currently living in Iraq and covertly dodging “religious authorities” as Kim Kelly’s (supposed) reporting describes just doesn’t add up. And since that was their main claim to blogosphere fame, it doesn’t seem unreasonable to promptly give them the Milli Vanilli treatment.

When we see the media darlings being introduced as “important” with nothing of note in their histories, and all of the chattering classes of supposed “metal journalism” gathering in a cult-like clique to support them, our warning signal should go off: this isn’t journalism, it’s advertising, both for the fake journalist SJW herd and their pet ideologies. While the stories being fake is not surprising, it’s good to see such solid evidence gathered against them.


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