What happens when something succeeds? It fixates on that success because now it has something to lose. Forget all those stupid alt-right tropes about “hard times make hard men weak, weak times make weak men hard” because they are like most things Right-wing merely a prelude to the type of sodomy that Jesus does not mind. Metal reached its peak in the 1990s with underground death metal and black metal, but now the little people have come in to munch the carcass while loudly demanding attention.
47 CommentsCasa de Garcia – Connecticut Churchill (2022)
On this site, we need to come down harder on bunglers. Bunglers either tend to be anarchistic-narcissistic or obedient-conformist, which means that you can be one in either major political party, even if the biggest bunglers come from the Utopians who, among other things, ruined Cuban cigars.
25 CommentsTags: churchill, cigars, connecticut, cuba, tobacco
Cervecería Centro Americana, S.A. – Famosa
Your local hipster beer aficionado will hate this one because it is a gentle American Adjunct Beer that fits somewhere between 1980s Coors and present day Modelo Especial. Expect a thin and sweet but not too sweet brew that washes down like Corona, perfect for hot days, with minimal alcohol.
10 CommentsTags: american adjunct beer, beer, famosa
Scandinavian Black Metal After 1995
We all know that black metal essentially pulled an Amber Heard back in 1994, and that death metal had died the previous year, having said all that they wanted to say and now resting while the world took the next thirty years to assimilate the meaning. However, some standouts bucked the trend.
4 CommentsTags: ancient wisdom, diabolical masquerade, helheim, in battle, odium
Sadistic Metal Reviews: Night Stalker Edition
Metalheads should never forget how once upon a time metal was music for outsiders:
106 CommentsTags: nkvd, richard ramirez, smr
Concilivm – A Monument in Darkness (2022)
Mixing together the sounds of Incantation, Demigod, and melodic Swedish bands like early Unanimated, Concilivm create a thundering atmosphere of descent with a strong forward energy and songs where the riffs relate to each other and a theme, developing slowly in rolling conflicts.
44 CommentsTags: concilivm, death metal
Citizen X (1995)
In theory, Citizen X focuses on the discovery, prosecution, and capture of “necro-sadist” Andrei Chikatilo, a serial killer who claimed 52 victims whose raped, stabbed, beaten, and chewed-on corpses were found strewn through the woods and fields often years after they were killed.
8 CommentsTags: andrei chikatilo, movie
Virgil’s Handcrafted Root Beer
Across the West, knowledge that our food is plastic has spread like an underground fire, invisible except for the smoke puffing up in grocery stores as indie label beers, cheeses, wines, and junk foods have populated the aisles. This prompted a great astroturf cash-in.
3 CommentsTags: root beer, soft drinks, virgil's handcrafted root beer
Sadistic Metal Reviews: WW3 or Woke Edition
сука блять! When I first started working on the philosophy of parallelism, I saw a way around the modern fixation on singular cause-effect. It is more complex than polycausality, more like pattern causality, because many things have to be in place for a touchstone event to formalize what has already been in motion.
46 CommentsTags: buttchrist, eucharist, Exodus, smr
Trenchant Releases “Yellow Cross Orison” From Upcoming Commandoccult
After Emperor peaked with In The Nightside Eclipse, its side project Zyklon-B got more attention. Like Niden Div 187 and Impaled Nazarene, it offered the punk side of black metal over the heavy metal, soundtrack, ambient, medieval, industrial, and progressive influences, blasting out short songs aimed at disruption and encouraging violence.
7 CommentsTags: godz of war, trenchant, War Metal